Fantasy Creatures: Lore
From Create Your Own Story
First of all, Fantasy Creatures is a fantasy world that contains mythical being of all sorts. However, some rules have been established, so please bear them in mind before editing or adding pages.
There are, so far, the following species, of which there are some rules regarding. If you add a new species—be it on the main page as a player character, or just as a non-player character anywhere else—feel free to add them to this list.
So far, there are:
- Humans — Like real humans; regarded as fatter than elves, shorter than orcs; are both moral and immoral depending; tend to live within cities amongst mostly their own kind, but also half-elves and handfuls of orcs, perhaps also others they're less aware of
- Elves — Like weaker, slimmer humans, with pointed ears; regarded as a physically lacking race, though they're known to often be quite tall; usually more moral than immoral; tend to live in large nomadic family units known as clans, generally with just their own kind
- Half-elves — Like humans with pointed ears and more elfish genitalia; a hybrid species born from a pairing of a human and an elf; are infertile (because all real-life hybrids are); often discriminated against by both humans who hate elves and elves who hate humans; generally live anywhere that'll have them, typically wherever they were born
- Orcs — Like stronger, taller humans, with green skin, and with tusk-like lower canines; penis length ranges from seven to nine inches typically; tongue length ranges from 11 to 12 centimetres typically, when measured from oropharynx to tip; regarded as a physically intimidating race of brutish people; oftentimes immoral people; live within large extended families called clans
- Ogres — Large and animalistic; barely sapient at all; either green or grey; live within herds of their own kind; aggressive and dangerous; occasionally domesticated
- Fairies — Tiny (~1 foot tall), human-like species, with wings (typically insect wings, occasionally bat wings); regarded as a magically powerful species of tricksters and pranksters; often have good morals, but are prone to mischievous behaviour; live typically within villages small enough to match their size
- Succubi — Human-like species of demons, with forked tongues and thin tails; regarded as a sociopathic race of demons who are unnaturally good at sex; consume the orgasms of men and women in place of food; are hot to the touch; taste generally like cooking meat smells or like burning smells; revere virgins as holy, considering deflowering them to be an almost religiously sacred act; can take souls through deals; can create thralls from consenting mortals; live in hell until summoned to the mortal world
- Angels — Human-like species of beautiful winged women; regarded as a pure and holy species of loyal servants; serve the wills of those who call upon them, so long as the caller's motives are pure; live in heaven until summoned
- Nymphs — A physically identical species to humans, save for that they are unaging and all female; regarded as a naïve but beautiful species of flirtatious loners; abhor wearing clothes, even seeing other wearing clothes, and thus are naked whenever they can be; live in forests and generally amongst nature
- Vampires — Vamprism is technically a disease rather than a species, and it can be contracted by virtually any sapient species; vampires drink blood of human-like species in place of food and water; vampires burn in the sun, have no reflection and can live for until they are killed without aging; vampires are generally considered attractive regardless of what they look like, even being able to seduce people who aren't otherwise attracted to their sex; live wherever they can, only really surfacing at night
- Thralls — Technically not a species, thralls are sapient beings turned into servants of another sapient being through magic; thralls have free will, except wherein their master commands them; thralls typically live with their master, but can live anywhere
- Werewolves — Lycanthropy is more of a disease than a species, and it can be contracted by virtually any sapient species; werewolves can infect others by biting them; they can change into large wolf like creatures that vary in appearance based on the person's species, hair colour, and size; generally hated and feared; can transform at will, but lose themselves once completely transformed, returning to normal after some time; in thier regular form a werewolf looks much like thier original species with the only visible differance being extra hair all across the body in males and generally wolffish appearance in both sexes; even untransformed werewolves have hightend senses and a great hunger for flesh.
Contact me if you think another group should be added to this list.
- The Knight's Order — An order of religious warriors. There are five ranks: The Knight-Commander is the leader of the Order; the five Lord Commanders oversee each of the five Legions; Ranger-Captains lead armies and smaller regiments; Rangers are the trained warriors; finally, Recruits are Knights who've yet to prove themselves. There are also Elders, Knights who've lived too long for their sword arm to still be useful. Player Character Ser Crispus Crespi is either a Ranger-Captain or the Fifth Commander, depending on whether he's won the Battle of Redmayne yet in the timeline. Non-player character Ser James is either Fifth Commander or has been expelled from the Order, depending on whether the Battle of Redmayne has been fought yet in the timeline. Player Character Ida Hecate is a Recruit.
- Bandit Factions — There are a whole bunch, with not much difference between them. There's the Umber Stitches, of which Player Character Kaelin Vos is a member. There's the Crossed Sabres, of which Player Character Randle Jameson is a member. There's the Gut-Slingers, of which Player Character Chief is the chief. There's the Blood-Bringers, of which Player Character Ishma Blood-Bringer is the chief.
- The Velvet Thorns Brothel — A brothel within a city that serves both men and women and has both male and female prostitutes. Is owned by a man with black hair who fathered twins from a whore of his he then married. His children are Lyanna and Hroar, and they're described on this page of the male prositute path. Player Character Damian Frey is a prostitute there. Player Character Aya Kay is a prostitute there.