Continue possessing Fred's body

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:01, 19 June 2017 by Yihman1 (Talk | contribs)

You look into Fred's memories and discover how he came to be this messed up. It all began when Fred's childhood friend rejected his proposal in order to attend prom with another man. This girl was his best friend, and crush for years. He always did her homework for her, but she just walked all over him. Since then Fred has hated all women with a passion. He has killed 20 women now on the anniversary of his prom rejection cutting off their feet so they can not run as Jessica did. Fred's first murder was his prom date on the one year prom anniversary, a fat girl named Gertrude. His most recent victim was Kaya the 20th... It is the anniversary of prom again. If Fred could find that one girl who messed up his life that time, he might finally find peace.

Her name... Her name was Jessica White. Oh my, you already know her as Jessica Jones. Eventually she was married to Vincent Jones, and had two kids with him. She has a restraining order against from about twenty years ago. Fred would call her day, and night and visit her at odd hours leaving flowers, and love notes trying to win her back. He was too much of a "nice guy" for her liking though...

Things are far beyond repair at the moment with Jessica. You could visit her now, or in the past. High powered Demons have ways of traveling through time. It would require you to build a lot more Demonic Energy to be able to travel back so far in time...

So do you:

You are possessing:
Psychotic Killer
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