PN/You can be naked until your clothes are done drying

From Create Your Own Story

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"Claire, your mother and I were discussing, and decided that until your clothes are done drying, you stay as you are. But once they're done you really should get dressed, it's uncomfortable for us to see you naked." your father informs you. You celebrate inwardly, but need to find a way to push things further without it seeming intentional. This could be fun.

"Okay, thanks for understanding!" you say casually, still seemingly unconcerned with your own nudity. You finish breakfast before everyone else, and stand up to take your plate to the dishwasher, giving your whole family a clear view of your pussy and ass.

You think of ways to prolong your nudity, but in a way that seems "accidental" so that your family doesn't question it. An idea suddenly pops in your head. First, you have to put your clothes in the dryer (where you claimed they were in the first place), then turn the the setting to a "fast and intense" dry. This setting is fine for a short amount of time, but if you turn it on for a couple hours it'll probably tear up your clothes.

Smiling mischievously, you move on your plan. Since your family is still eating (slow eaters, I guess), they fail to notice you moving all of your clothes into the dryer. Realizing that this means you will be completely without clothes until you get new ones, you hesitate for a second. Should you really do this?

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