Corporate/There's still time to read Jade's email

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Subject: Project Updates!
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016, 09:22:14 -0500

Hi, Mr. Hycoo!

I just wanted to thank you again for giving me the opportunity to work with you.  I’m so totally ready to prove
that I’m worth the position you’ve given me – as well as any others you want me in, if I’m not getting ahead of 
myself, haha.

For starters, I've set that special project up for you now. I'm ready for you as soon as you want me available
and have room in your schedule.  Since I'm a college intern here, mine's still pretty tight, but I can always 
open myself up for you.  Just say the word. :)  

I’ve set up the things you’ll need in your office (just check your desk!) whenever you’ve got the time to let me
have some of your input, and I've attached a link for the streaming service below.  Please don't hesitate to
contact me more if you there's anything else you want me to do for you!

I'll keep working hard at it until you order me otherwise. ;)


Attached: 1 file(s), (clickmeplease.lnk, size: 1 kb)

Jade's dangerously smooth for someone who's basically still wet behind the ears in a professional sense; she's a barely-nineteen college student entering her sophomore year, but she's melded into the corporate culture here surprisingly well. She was easily your and Maliya's top pick to fill your corporation's summer internship program. Aside from impressing with her deferential charm belying a cultured confidence, she dressed the part too.

On the day of her interview, she wasn't shy at all about advertising all of her assets. Jade had shown up with a hemline that exposed surprisingly lush thighs for her compact frame, calves wrapped tightly in stockings that made it clear that her legs were runner's legs that probably looked damn good in solo shorts. She knew it too, judging by how she slid them against one another with smiling lips covered in licorice-colored lipstick and coquettish brown eyes punctuated by bouncing black curls. With a penetratingly inviting gaze like hers, you were half convinced she could see through the hardwood desk separating your bulging erection from her line of sight, and was taking great pleasure in teasing it up against the fabric of your trousers. The fact that she managed to do all that while gracefully and even enthusiastically responding to your interview questions, all the while somehow maintaining an air of devilishly plausible deniability, was honestly enough for you to hire her then and there.

But Jade proved herself to be an overachiever at heart.

At the conclusion of the interview, she nonchalantly

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