User talk:DirtyMeStoryTime

From Create Your Own Story

kk I have no time to specialize a talk but im not turning into a number. BTW thx for ur age. so u wont get suprised to see someone writing in the discussion page with no name. It was me. always. ps. if u want my name. i think u know it already. ma real name



I am glad you told me what I did wrong, I honestly was just typing and not looking over. I do not do that anymore.

Don't worry, you were not intimidating, it was technically a rough copy, but I think it's fixed now and I wrote something better just now.

I am not nervous anymore, so I think I will do well now.

I agree with Platypus, Breaking it up into little sections is better. I have no idea why I did not do that, maybe it's because I was a little nervous so I messed up alot. I guess I do not have to write my name you know who it is. Okay, one more page if it sucks he should just delete it, what's the big deal. Like I said I am not the best writer more of a reader, but I know good writing when I see it.

I guess I will stop writing stuff, I mean I don't really think I am cut out for it. So goodbye! From GirlOnGirlFan!

I did not check yet, but did you fix it? From GirlOnGirlFan!

Yes, I would like you to edit it too, I bet there is lots of mistakes its the first copy. Like the debug model in programming a game. From GirlOnGirlFan!

I thought the female playing point was for males like me who like girl on girl action, so I wrote in my perspective as a male seeing girl on girl action. Anyways, he is not replying to me whether I should write more or not, probably not, but who knows. I think I edited out my mistakes, but who no's because I am a speed typer. From GirlOnGirlFan!

Okay, I will change things before it gets deleted. From GirlOnGirlFan!

Do you like my writing out of curiosity? when I contributed to Platypus's work? I wonder if he will like it, I heard he is picky. Sorry this is in a weird place I do not know how to move it appropriately. From GirlOnGirlFan!

H0rniWr1t3r's Talk

Sorry its just I get easily hurt cause my low self esteem and someone deleted my pages of bad writing made me want to kill myself. I know I do not look after what I write which is a bad habit probably why. I defiantly can relate to your cousin I done things like that for as long as I can remember, everyone always says I use to be a violent child. I remember my dad beating me up and me beating up the kids at school back then I got expelled . Things got better in high school because I got on medication its a miracle that I graduated. User:H0rniWr1t3r

I did not mean to say you said oh just try harder, everyone says that and when I explain to them its not that simple I struggled with borderline personality disorder ever since I was 14 and explain what I go through and they still do not understand what I go through. Tomorrow is my first day of counseling I wonder what its like. User:H0rniWr1t3r

I did not write these directed towards you I ment to direct them to platypus. So I posted on my page because I did not want to mess anything up. I feel like you don't really understand me do you have hallucinations that scare the shit out of you every single day, people talking in your head that are not there, having no control of your emotions cause of bpd and people saying you do just cause they do, being told I am worthless everyday by your parents as a child and other stuff, fearing abandonment, not understanding people cause I have asd, worrying about everything, always telling yourself your useless everyday, having no control of facial expressions some times, sudden ups and downs sometimes I feel so happy and other times I feel depressed and everything everyone says hurts me, and more. I really did not mean to guilt trip anyone I was just telling the reality of things I was going to say that but I assume you would know. User:H0rniWr1t3r

sigh it was useless trying to get people to empathize with me when all they say its try harder when they are not in by shoes. User:H0rniWr1t3r

I am not trying to guilt trip no one, He honestly made me want to kill myself I though at least writing was something I am good at but no I am not!. So if you think I am trying to guilt trip then fuck you! And I am no child I'm 21. You do not know what its like to have borderline personality disorder meaning you have strong emotions with literally no control over then, fear abandonment etc learn more by researching. I feel bad by what you said oh just try harder to control you emotions will research bpd and you will see why I am like this. I do not have just bpd but severe bpd. I am pissed of by what you said about guilt tripping when its not true ugh so paranoid. User:H0rniWr1t3r

Fredhot16 Talk

Yo. It's been a long time since we talked. About two years, right? And it was over some stupid mistake. Makes me realize how much the site's grown. Probably. At the very least, in the Adult story section. Eh, what you going do? So, about your "The Exhibitionist" story: I'm not really that interested in it. I have no problem with it but there seems to be a absolute deluge of sex centered stories in the Adult story section. I'm not saying that's bad, I'm saying that more stories that are not based on sex need to be in the Adult story section. Seriously, I'd love to read a good story in the Adult story that has sexual content but is not entirely based around boning and screwing. I'm not saying that I'm assuming that the story will be entirely centered around the little death, I'm just saying that I don't think I would be right for the story. I am going to make a few suggestions but they won't be sexual. 99.99% of the time. So it looks like your subliminal tactic worked. Clever girl. --Fredhot16 07:53, 18 March 2016

Hey. Want some help with writing other stories that aren't based around sex? I know a website. It's great. You probably haven't heard of it before. Here's the link: --Fredhot16 07:53, 18 March 2016

Also, here's some food for thought from someone who thinks too much about these things: do the choices you get in CYOSs the in-character choices for the person you're playing as (in that continuity, anyway)? Are they the choices that the character has the certain personality to do? Or does the characters start off as a "tabula rasa", a blank slate, and the choices we choose fill in that character's personality, coloring him or her? Are the choices part of the character's personality or possible personality or are the choices merely the colors to make him or her more...well, rounded? It probably depends more on the writer's intent then anything else but, eh, it was a thought.--Fredhot16 12:19, 01 April 2016

You know, I just came up with an idea for your Short Bursts: a story about a man or woman who is continuously tormented by a mentally, emotionally, and physically sadistic "god" or, at best, a eldritch "thing". The protagonist is put through harrowing trials that seem to be without any chance of success but as he or she goes through the task, he/she finds a little hope that allows them to keep going and, if he/she plays her cards right, can actually triumph...just before the "god" destroys everything and shows it up as an illusion and begins to cruelly taunt him/her on the choices he/she said made before wiping her/his memory and putting her/him through another different trial. However, there IS a way to escape or defeat this "god" and every iteration of the trials show a glimmer of such a way. Like it? --Fredhot16 07:35, 04 April 2016

Also, it's not really like Cabin in the Woods. CITW is a deconstructive parody of the cliche horror movie formula. This idea is more an exercise in despair, a tale of little hope. It might make a passable horror story.--User:Fredhot16 12:25, 04 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

Ah. I understand. By the way, I don't mind you talking too much. I can be a bit talkative too. --User:Fredhot16 7:41, 08 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

Also, the whole "DD cup breasts, and a round and firm ass" thing is understandable. Most of those stories are made not as actual stories with plot, characters, and the like but with the sole intention of wanking off. They all have sexually desirable woman so as to get their rocks off. Problem is, they're just so...empty. The stories are exercises in hedonism, focused on sex. The characters, protagonist included, are barely one-dimensional and the protagonist often strikes me as the type of creep that I wouldn't so much cross the street to avoid but throw bodily into traffic. There are many morally questionable choices that don't feel as though we should consider them morally questionable in these type of stories and that's ignoring the frequency of the choices that have the protagonist actually RAPE someone or getting raped. I get the whole wank-material thing but the rape thing is not something that should found as often as I do in these type of stories. P.S describing a woman's chest size by mentioning their cup size is not really "sexy". It's like describing a apple by say how big it is in inches. My opinion, anyway. --User:Fredhot16 7:41, 08 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

Here's a little question: which type of CYOS protagonist do you like or prefer: a protagonist who is a blank slate but you have plenty of choices to "fill in" him or her by giving him/her personality, hobbies, and clothing styles of your own choice or a already developed protagonist with his/her own personality and interests? --User:Fredhot16 7:41, 08 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

I really do recommend that you take a good, long look at the "So You Want To" section of TV Tropes. I bet it will be a big help for you . Also, read a lot. From good authors like Agatha Christie. Learning from those books might help with your writing. --User:Fredhot16 8:15, 08 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

Ever heard about a story called "Invisible"? By playing as the guy with no name or description, you see him possibly rape students, teachers, a woman at a church, or a attractive neighbor, or at the very least, masturbate into a girl's locker as petty revenge. And, yes, I meant what I said. Those are actual choices. Hell, Those seem to be the ONLY type of choices: rape, rape, or petty perverted pranks. Also, while I agree with you on the "good girl" thing and the fact that the writer done goofed up but... I don't think a "bad" girl would like the rape either. Rape is perhaps one of the most harrowing and devastating experiences a human being can have, a soul-rending perversion of one of the greatest physical experiences in life. It is something that should be written with as much gravity, seriousness, and maturity as you can muster and not used gratuitously or as something that protagonist does on a whim and even acknowledges it as rape! (Not unless the protagonist is supposed to be a reprehensible monster.) Now, my soapbox has just fallen through so now we can talk about where I can find this "Teejay"'s stuff. Want to recommend to me a story from him? His best, if you would kindly. There's also a story called "The Life of a Medieval Princess" that tries to make it clear that these are people with their own personalities. It's not the best job but at least it's a try which is more then I can say for the majority of Adult CYOSs. --User:Fredhot16 17:43, 09 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

The Adult Story section actually did some good for me: the "Dungeons and Dragons" story convinced me that Dungeons and Dragons seemed pretty cool and the "Anime School" story gave me an idea that I want to write about. Working title is "Legacy of the Progenitors". It was, initially, a CYOA (this was back when we were using the CYOA name) called "The Book of Darkness" in the "Mature Story" section but I gave up on both the title and on it being a CYOA. Someone else is using it now though I'm not impressed by the writing. Then again, I'm trying to about as good a writer as, well, Jim Butcher or George R.R. Martin so my standards might be a bit high. Pretty sure that ain't the case, though. --User:Fredhot16 17:43, 09 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

Oh, and one little thing: ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOBUTT! --User:Fredhot16 17:43, 09 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

AAAANNNNDDD you're right. I misread what you said and thought you were talking about somebody making the protagonist a sex slave and not the protagonist making her rapist the sex slave. Actually reminds me of a choice where a paladin in "Dungeons and Dragons" can make a 14 year-old boy her own sex slave. The boy was part of the bandit group that tired to take her money and the group would have raped her if she lost. A PALADIN. The default Lawful Good class. Not even a Greyguard, a paladin who's more morally ambiguous then a normal paladin. Just a 18 year old who just left the order and no, I don't think there is an explanation for leaving. AAAAANNNNDDD I've just realized that this is turning into a tirade against Adult Story CYOSs then an actual conversation. Sorry for that. I wouldn't have such a grudge against Adult Story CYOSs if there weren't so many of them or if they weren't so focused on sex or if they were better written! I think that's the biggest problem with them: they're just not good. O.K, rant over.--User:Fredhot16 07:53, 11 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

And now to end on a mutually lighter note: thank you for making the template and putting it on my user page. The Hypnobutt will live on forever! ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOBUTT! I can't tell if it's the butt or the smoothness of the gif that I like so much but it is, indeed, one of my favorite gifs next to Bollywood movie gifs. You should look that up. They're utterly hilarious in their disconnect from reality. --User:Fredhot16 09:14, 11 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

Hey, are you busy? Me and Teejay are doing a collaboration on "Anime School" in the Adult Stories section. I was wondering if you would want to join the collaboration, too. If you do, I recommend starting on the sections that has no work on them whatsoever like some of the "female students" and "male students" sections or the field trip sections that some of them have and also look on Teejay's user talk section.--User:Fredhot16 13:06, 21 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

So, is Context or Short Bursts going to get any more work on it? --User:Fredhot16 18:20, 22 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

Testing, testing. One, two, three. Can you hear me? I'm going to repeat a earlier message so sorry for the repetition. Here it is: "Hey, are you busy? Me and Teejay are doing a collaboration on "Anime School" in the Adult Stories section. I was wondering if you would want to join the collaboration, too. If you do, I recommend starting on the sections that has no work on them whatsoever like some of the "female students" and "male students" sections or the field trip sections that some of them have and also look on Teejay's user talk section."--User:Fredhot16 09:15, 27 April 2016 (Louisiana Time)

Completionist Talk V2

I hope you don't mind my editing of The Abandoned Adult Story. Just trying to help in the brainstorm, since this was seemingly (ironically?) becoming Abandoned as well. --Completionist 00:51, 5 January 2016 (UTC)

Thank you for reminding me.

Heh, I absolutely forgot Smutty Sex Romp required a certain template on each page. Thanks for the reminder.

Akibahara 01:50, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

Trueroman's talk

Thanks for the advice. When I write I tend to jot everything down then go back and correct my spelling. Usually this isn't a problem when I right on Word then transfer it over to wherever I am posting it online. Since this website is linked based and I'm kind of just throwing ideas as I go along, I plan on going back to correct spelling and grammar when I get a decent amount written through a couple of path choices.

I am still learning the site, I tried the tutorial and while it explains it well when it comes to computer terms I find it easier to experiment. I was clicking the Ab button on the tool bar to put the brackets, but I will start adding the * beforehand. Please share any other tips if you like :)

Yeah I was fiddling with how you did that. I figured it out though, thanks.

So if I have a path that ends the story do I need to still put a link? I have seen others that didn't so wasn't sure. Also, I came to a point where I didn't need a page anymore, how to do I completely remove it?

Trueroman 9:53 AM 20th March 2014

Wassersaeufer's talk

Thanks for notifying me on the fact that the original creator of "Hot and Horny" has not been active for so long, but I knew that already. I just wanted to give him a fair chance of answering anyway, even if I don't think anything will ever come of it. I'll just wait about a month or so (I'm in no hurry) and then I'll create the spin-off-anyway. Thanks for noticing and answering though. -- Wassersaeufer 13:45, 23rd April 2014 (UTC)

Finally I made time and took a look at Dirty Me, the story I mean. And damn, your writing is great, I really enjoy reading it. I'm normally into more perverse stuff, at least in stories, but I enjoy your style too much. Only thing which bothers me is, that your posts are so damn long. Not that it is a bad thing, it makes a great story, but I would just enjoy a few more options to choose how to proceed. Anyway, other than that, great writing, looking forward to more. - Wassersaeufer 15:55 19th March 2014 (UTC)

Wow, thanks for the compliment on me complimenting someone else, even though you weren't the one I complimented... well, now this sentence sounds really wrong *lol*. Anyway, thanks for noticing and keep up the good work. Though I have not yet read Dirty Me, I will soon change that. - Wassersaeufer 14:27 18th March 2014 (UTC)

MFCmaster123's talk

From MFCmaster123 Thanks for your help with my Bold font problem. Writ this day 17 March, 2014

link log page

Making a link log page or a story notes page for your story is acceptable. --Platypus 15:48, 21 February 2014 (UTC)

ArthurKung's talk

I think your story "Dirty Me" is very interesting as of yet. I don't think I've ever read a CYOA involving elements of tragedy written from a realistic ("Not the fun fantasy stuff" as you wrote yourself) point of view, but yours looks very promising. I hope to see more of it, and wish you the best of luck with your writing! --ArthurKung 21:53, 24 February 2014 (UTC)

Not all of it will be tragedy. I write erotica, as well as other things, and have some of my short works for sale. It will have alot of sex and sexuality in it. Sadly, many elements come from my own life, and I was not...the most well adjusted or confident person growing up. It will just be more realistic than much of the stuff on here. You try to walk around town naked in stories on here, you just get to have lots of sex. You try to walk around town naked in real life, you will end up in a jail cell, and probably with a record for the rest of your life. I want to keep it plausible, believable. I will sketch out background stories, these will not really branch, just "Dream about x, remember y" type of thing, that will actually have elements from my real life, either in part, or whole. I will probably include me being raped, not once, but twice, but not sure if I want the character to go through it, or remember it. I will probably have how I was molested, and how that lead to the character/me that you see here. I have been beaten, and will probably include issues around that also. At the heart, my story will be a growing up story with many of my specialty writing, erotica. I already have included how I/the character, ended up on probation, and my/the characters, first time having sex. There will be more of that. Some pleasant, some horrifying. I just hope people can connect to my stories, written here, my blog, for sale on Amazon, etc. --Dirty Me 03:56, 25 February 2014 (UTC)

Teejay's talk

You're doing fine with the organizing, and you can move +Infinity to the I's if you want. -- Teejay

To be honest, I haven't yet looked into your story. So I have no basis for an opinion. I will, however, look into it soon. I note that ArthurKung likes it, and he's usually a pretty good judge. -- Teejay

I haven't read any of the story yet, but read your informational page. First off, I'm very sorry about the bad things that have actually happened to you, and I hope your life turns out better in the future. Second, I'm happy you've had some fun and good experiences as well, and I hope you have more of them. -- Teejay

OK, I've read what you have so far (I read very fast.) I'm quite impressed. You're an excellent writer. -- Teejay

Thanks for the heads-up. Like I said, I'm just sorry that all those negative things happened to you. I know you don't want sympathy, but I will say that I hope from now on your life is filled with goodness, light, and a loving partner who cares about you. And that you have lots of loving, tender, consensual, enjoyable sexual experiences. -- Teejay

I have seen some of the elements from your blog appear. I haven't done much additional commenting on it, but what is there to say that I haven't said already? I wish I could erase some of the really horrible stuff that happened to you, and I hope your husband is always warm and loving and kind and ensures you enjoy sweet, tender sex. (Women/girls being abused always has been a trigger of powerful emotions in me: anger at the abuser, and deep sorrow and an urge to comfort the woman who has been abused.) -- Teejay

Nothing you haven't already heard. You're a very skilled writer and I'm enjoying your developing story. -- Teejay

Been there... just try to relax. Maybe read a different story for a few minutes to take your conscious mind off it, then when you feel inspired, return to the story... -- Teejay

No, I actually was offline for a couple of days. It wasn't your imagination. I'll poke around your story and check out the new links. -- Teejay

I like Prank War. It's a cute little story and reminds me of being back in middle school. -- Teejay

I think you're doing a great job so far. I like the fact you take your time and post well-written stories. -- Teejay

You'd get warnings and stuff first if anyone was thinking of banning you... which they're not. Don't sweat it. You're a good writer and great about following the rules. -- Teejay

This website's been known to have the occasional issue. -- Teejay

Just spotted a comment you made. Congratulations on your baby boy. -- Teejay

I have two young 'uns myself, they're now 10 and 5 years old. It's amazing how quickly they steal your heart. The instant they're born and the doc puts them in your arms and they smile, it's over... you're wrapped around their finger. Best of luck to you and your husband and I hope your son grows up to be happy and successful. -- Teejay

What exactly do you want me to say? You didn't ask a question. You made an observation. It's probably true. But it didn't seem like you were expecting a response. :) -- Teejay

No problem. :) I'm always ready to listen and offer emotional support. -- Teejay

Still thinking about your new story. It's different from what I usually write. I'll try to come up with something soon. -- Teejay

I'm the same way. I don't come up with original ideas, but I expand on ones others have. -- Teejay

That was my character being "mild", kind of dipping a toe into the exhibitionist waters, being certain that at least on the first time barring something crazy you won't get arrested or raped or killed. -- Teejay

And once you had me tied to the bed, what would you do? :) -- Teejay

You do know me well. :) -- Teejay

The new, fully grown female character I just introduced has B-cup breasts. See, some of us actually do listen when you talk. :) -- Teejay

I snuck another option into The Exhibitionist yesterday. :) -- Teejay

Reading your latest rant is making me want to reach through the screen, find the jackass who destroyed the female narrator and made her into nothing but a cum receptacle, and cast Avada Kedavra on them. -- Teejay

Not the ones I write. Those feature strong, dominant women who have sex where, when and how they want. :) -- Teejay

Reading your real-life experiences made me (a) want to take a shower to wash off the horrible feeling of my skin crawling (even though I already knew most of it... it doesn't make it any easier to process), and (b) wrap my arms around you and comfort you.

Hopefully, the bad stuff in your past does not resurface, and you have a long, happy marriage and a successful life. -- Teejay

I agree that sex shouldn't be hidden, and that the human body is a wonderful thing.

I have no problem with you putting up your real-life experiences. If you're OK with sharing, that's awesome. -- Teejay

Mini-rant: it does sometimes seem that Platypus and I are the only sane men on this website. (Thanks for letting me vent.) -- Teejay

Come on over any time you need to be groped. I'll grope you anywhere you'd like. :) -- Teejay

If I had you in the stocks, I can think of quite a few things I'd want to do to, for you. ;) Let's just say I can do other things with my tongue than produce sounds. And that would just be the start of things. -- Teejay

Well, in that case... there would definitely be lovemaking involved. And when I was done, I'd make you finish me with your mouth. (I'm sure there'd be other things, too...) -- Teejay

I get into similar moods myself on occasion.

I'm always gentle. I'd gladly put you in stocks and use your pussy and mouth. -- Teejay

Braless, of course. How are you supposed to show off your cleavage properly if you're wearing a bra? :) -- Teejay

Thanks for the flower :) You're sweet. -- Teejay

hidden text

Don't mind me, just noticed by the changelog that it looked like you were looking for a way to essentially hide text that is only viewable through the edit window, correct? --TheElderOnes 09:22, 7 March 2014 (UTC)

I'm not sure what you want your hidden text template to do, but I can see where it's going wrong. You're referencing hidden text within the code for the hidden text template, which is what's generating the loop error.

If you want invisible text, the easy way is to change the font color to white.

<font color=white> invisible </font color=white>

produces: invisible

You can see the text by painting over it with your cursosr. --Platypus 12:39, 7 March 2014 (UTC)

Got it. You're trying to build a collapsible, nested table. I'm not sure how to build such a thing here. The wiki markup language available is somewhat limited. I'll play around some and see if I can't come up with something. --Platypus 13:31, 7 March 2014 (UTC)

Ah, I see what you're going for. Like Platypus guessed, it sounds like a nested table with collapsible elements. Almost kinda "flowchart-y" in nature. I found the syntax for a nested table at an external wiki (Aberwiki, at their MediaWiki User's Guide: Using Tables page), but as far as collapsibility goes, there's a javascript extension/gadget that exists (Manual:Collapsible elements on the actual main Mediawiki site), but isn't implemented in CYOA's Common.js section. Like Platypus said, the markup around here is really barebones around here. I think it can be done, but it might require some playing with before it works. Sorry for the vagueness as to where the two syntax pieces I found are, it's impossible to post two external links in the same post without doing one, waiting 20 minutes, then doing the other. Tedious, but it does prevent spambots from flooding us as badly as they did before... --TheElderOnes 14:10, 7 March 2014 (UTC)

Javascript matters should probably be brought up with Platypus, since he'd be the only one able to add your code into CYOA's Common.js page. o: --TheElderOnes 16:53, 8 March 2014 (UTC)

Actually, Javascript matters would have to go to RobKohr. He doesn't have the daily presence here that I have, but he's the site administrator/owner. I'm the sysop, which is a rank I own at RobKohr's discretion. He makes the decisions about site functionality and features.--Platypus 19:58, 8 March 2014 (UTC)


It was nice of you to try cleaning up Blazetempest's poor writing, but given the overwhelming number of poor postings that show up in my stories, I feel I have to be firm with these writers. If they can't read the warning that specifies that poor writing will be deleted, then they really shouldn't be posting. --Platypus 19:58, 8 March 2014 (UTC)


If you spot someone leaving off the categories before I do, by all means, feel free to use the warning templates to remind them. It is a relief to not have to do everything that needs doing around here. --Platypus 09:20, 12 March 2014 (UTC)


Thanks for the heads up. 'Funny' vandals usually only post once then disappear, but I'll give him a warning and if he makes another 'joke' edit, I'll block him. --Platypus 14:36, 13 March 2014 (UTC)

Nah, it's okay

I respect your concern for the site, and i guess i was being slightly bitchy about it. People like you are the ones people respect in real life.

Reply to your comment

Just here to say, that I read a bit of your story and I like it. Also, if this isn't too much to ask, I thought maybe you could help me with my writing skills, since I have close to zero experience about writing about sex and stuff. But if you don't want to, I understand. I'll try and read as much as I can on the rest of your story next time, and try to give you a full review. --Chaomaster 22:00 15 March 2014

Number of views

It's true that the site used to automatically display the number of views on every page you pulled up. It's just one of those things that stopped functioning. It would be nice to have that back, since every user is always curious if their work is being read. Site-functionality issues have to go to RobKohr, not me. He's the only one who could restore that automatic function.

I'll experiment with variations on {{NUMBEROFVIEWS}} and see if I can't come up something. --Platypus 11:35, 18 March 2014 (UTC)

I've been kicking around the idea of adding to the warn1 template to include those links, so I think we'll keep it with your amendment. --Platypus 02:26, 19 March 2014 (UTC)

I'm sure there are ways that the look of the site could be improved. The site is improved from some of the older formats that it had. I promise to be openminded about any suggestions you might have. Anything that would involve changing the underlying wiki code or wiki functionality would have to go through RobKohr, of course. --Platypus 11:40, 19 March 2014 (UTC)

Platypus' other talk

Are you doing fine? No, you're doing better than that. It's okay for some of your pages to be works in progress. You've contributed a lot, not just to your own story (which is very well written, btw), but to the site as whole by assisting with some of the overdue cleanup. Don't worry so much and keep on keeping on as you've been doing. --Platypus 12:48, 3 March 2014 (UTC)

I'd noticed that Gunior has taken over Smutty Sex Romp 2, and despite his blurb about using proper grammar and spelling, his writing leaves much to be desired. You know something? I'm going to let him run with it. There's something about SSR that attracts an awful lot of truly awful writers. Maybe it's the fact that I only allow the well-written pages to remain undeleted. But maybe if I allow a poorly written knockoff to remain as is, unpoliced by me, the poor writers will flock there and leave the original SSR to be written by those of us who have an actual concept of grammar. As long as SSR2's page are categorized, let them use poor grammar, worse spelling, and dead-end pages with missing options. --Platypus 15:40, 22 March 2014 (UTC)

I really do appreciate all you've done to help clean up the site. The backlog builds up so quickly around here! It seems like only yesterday when we had all the stories on the site on the Main Page... and it was all good because we only had five stories! --Platypus 17:30, 24 March 2014 (UTC)

You're too new to know this, but this site was originally Choose Your Own Adventure, not Create Your Own Adventure. The name had to be changed for legal purposes. The thing is, when the site moved to the new name, the files were also moved to the new name. The links in the pages weren't. It wouldn't have hurt the story any to cut the file link out, but all that needed doing was updating the word 'choose' in the link to 'create' and the link was fixed.

Look at those dates in the history. I last wrote in that story back in 2007! --Platypus 16:34, 27 March 2014 (UTC)

Just so you know... If someone's posted an uncategorized page, you can click on 'what links here' over to the left and find out what the previous page in story is. Hopefully, it will be a page with a category on it. It usually will be, unless the user is a newbie who's just posted page after page without reading the site rules first.

And sometimes you'll see that several pages, from different stories, link to the new page. That can get messy to sort out.--Platypus 14:22, 28 March 2014 (UTC)

I have very low hopes for poor Family guy. Ugh! --Platypus 02:12, 8 April 2014 (UTC)

Congratulations on getting through the Adult section. That was quite a task you took on. At least the other sections aren't nearly as overwhelmed with clutter as the Adult section. --Platypus 12:42, 8 April 2014 (UTC)

I don't mind doing a bit (or a lot) of deleting. The site really does need to have these unstarted stories swept out every few years. --Platypus 15:49, 12 April 2014 (UTC)

The Hitchhiker's template works because it's the same image on every page. If the image was a variable, then the page addressing the template would have to have the image link on it, invoking the edit limitations that you're trying to avoid. Great pic though.--Platypus 12:52, 14 April 2014 (UTC)

Single-use templates would allow you to edit the page where you're displaying the image without having to fight the edit limitations. I wouldn't consider that spammy, since you have valid, story-oriented reasons for doing it. I wouldn't worry about displaying anything too adult, either. There's nothing that you can't find on display on the net these days, and if someone ignores the Adult warning and goes blind because of a pic you displayed, they have only themselves to blame.

I've occasionally caught someone trying to edit pages describing sex with preteens to add years to the underage characters' ages, but these self-declared censors don't stick around long. --Platypus 13:06, 14 April 2014 (UTC)

I do wish there was some way to remove restictions from established users. Unfortunately, before the site had these restrictions, we were being bombarded with spam pages full of dangerous links and real pages were being vandalized to add spam links. And as irritating as it is to keep reloading because of the 'load limit reached' thing, before the site was restricted, the bot traffic was so heavy that pages took as many as five minutes to load. Yes, every page would load that slowly, because there were simply so many bots crawling the site. It was an awful time. --Platypus 12:17, 16 April 2014 (UTC)

I was thinking of retaining the one and only page that BigTR categorized correctly (as opposed to the pages where he put the word Category in bold type instead of putting it inside the double brackets), but it's probably not worth it. Even if he did manage to get the category right on other pages, he was very transparently trying to rip off Smutty Sex Romp, and doing it poorly. --Platypus 11:37, 17 April 2014 (UTC)

I agree that that is a very nice pic. And unfortunately, you're right to avoid posting pics of yourself on the web. --Platypus 11:57, 18 April 2014 (UTC)

Glad to know I was missed. I've just been getting over a really nasty cold. Nasty enough that I've hardy been out of bed for days.--Platypus 16:03, 22 April 2014 (UTC)

On the one hand, I like looking at pictures as much as the next guy. On the other hand, as a writer, I see no reason why words alone can't carry a story. Describing clothing in detail can be difficult though and can really bog down a story, so if you feel those details are important, a picture might simply be the best shortcut.

Yeah, not exactly a definitive answer. --Platypus 13:25, 24 April 2014 (UTC)

Glad to be back. I was laid up in the hospital with pneumonia for over a week. Not fun. But I'm much better now. --Platypus 18:43, 13 May 2014 (UTC)

Congratulations! Glad to hear that you're still around. And having a baby boy... That's really creating your own adventure! --Platypus 11:23, 5 June 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for the heads up. The site's attracting way too many bad posters lately. --Platypus 11:39, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

Welcome back! --Platypus 10:15, 9 March 2016 (UTC)

There has been some change to the site rules since you were last here. Underage sex is no longer permissible. You can read about the whole thing over here: https: // --Platypus 23:33, 9 March 2016 (UTC)

Thanks to the new rules prohibiting underage sex, any existing page with the P-word in the title is blocked. It cannot be displayed. It cannot be deleted. Any index page that would include a page with a forbidden title is blocked. I've tried asking RobKohr to at least give sysops access to forbidden pages so I can edit or delete them. I've gotten no response. --Platypus 02:19, 10 March 2016 (UTC)

Yes, I'd considered the destructive potential too, as well as the damage it's already done. I've altered many underage characters in Smutty Sex Romp and Rampage to barely legal status, but it's difficult when many index pages are perma-blocked. --Platypus 02:29, 10 March 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for the heads up. Scarlett moved the All Adult Stories page to the first page for her story, then wrote over the moved page. The only way to restore it was to roll back the page, then move it back where it belonged. --Platypus 13:42, 11 March 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for the head up. Thanks for maintaining some order while I've been hospitalized.--Platypus 15:25, 26 March 2016 (UTC)

I developed a hole in my colon. It's just one of these things that can happen to someone. But fixing the issue required major surgery and I've still got a lot of healing ahead of me. --Platypus 18:11, 26 March 2016 (UTC)

Maybe you did overwhelm him. I don't know. Maybe he was looking to make me the incarnation of his demons and I wasn't cooperating. The poor guy clearly was not well, and as I advised him, there's really only so much you or I could do for him. I only hope he's getting the help he needs. --Platypus 18:55, 1 April 2016 (UTC)

Oh, that one. No, I don't think you were too intimidating. Smutty Sex Romp might not be the place for that one's writing either... --Platypus 18:44, 2 April 2016 (UTC)

Your 'buttons' for the Main Page look fine to me. Maybe they'll be more eye catching this way. --Platypus 18:43, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for the heads up!--Platypus 09:36, 13 April 2016 (UTC)

Actually, what Hellspawn's doing with Pokesex is taking a poorly planned story written by multiple poor writers and he's trying to hammer it into a decent shape. The deleting is mostly because of pages that never had any point in existing at all. --Platypus 11:28, 15 April 2016 (UTC)

If the idea for an Exhibitionist scenario strikes me, I'll be sure to let you know. But inspiration comes when it comes, not before then. I'm sure an idea will occur to me sooner or later. (Find an abandoned construction site and re-create Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball video? No... At an actual construction site, not a soundstage, that would just mean getting construction grit in all the wrong places...) --Platypus 11:39, 25 April 2016 (UTC)

Don't worry; I take the grammar in SSR seriously, but the plot, such as it is, is utterly unrealistic and is very much worthy of mockery. In SSR, men and women are always ready for sex, and rape at worst provokes annoyance and never induces trauma. It's pure fantasy, which may be part of why it's so popular. --Platypus 13:11, 27 April 2016 (UTC)

No need to revert the family friendly section. I think your template looks just fine. --Platypus 11:33, 4 May 2016 (UTC)

The rants are somewhat amusing. I think it’s good that you’re writing them. There should be something around here that’s a bit more reality based, to serve as a counterpoint to the frequently laughable strictly fantasy depictions of sex. I should point out that there really are some guys who are over-endowed, and they usually have to wear a device that looks like a rubber doughnut over their cocks to prevent them from penetrating their partners to the point of hurting them. It’s rather like how, when you need to insert a screw that’s too long for the hole you’re inserting it into, you need a rubber washer.

I should probably also point out that a man and a woman can measure the same penis with the same ruler and get different measurements.

SSR does acknowledge that there are limits (at least it does on the pages I’ve written). There’s a magical condom section with Ask for the elephant size where the female on the receiving end wants nothing to do with the thing. And an unfortunate set of choices where one painful writer had to write the giant dick exploding the woman’s lower body. Read it and cringe.

Your IRL (mis)adventures may be more bio than story, but you IRL experiences are the foundation for your stories, and as such, I think it is appropriate for you to post it here, for those who want to ‘peek beneath the hood’, as it were, and get a sense of where your stories are coming from. --Platypus 15:54, 6 May 2016 (UTC)

I feel your pain. Blame GalaxyMage for leading girls to horses in the worst ways possible in every story he touches. At least you didn't get to the part with the leeches. (Inside as well as outside). --Platypus 12:10, 17 May 2016 (UTC)

Thanks you for the flower. I am suitably impressed. --Platypus 11:13, 24 May 2016 (UTC)

Regarding your comments

+Hi thank you for your recent criticisms regarding my IE story, I am using word to paste and check grammar however being English, the setting I use is English/UK not English/US these settings although they use the same language, spelling and grammar can vary wildly.

+As regarding racial stereotypes, I find stories are always written to suit a specific audience, therefore people expect to read about well-endowed men having sexual relations with often naive women, whereas relationships of a more mature loving type would be best placed in the mature story category.

+As for the shallow characters, it is sadly part of the limited story arc, as a simple choice in the story can discard a character arc this limits the depth of most characters, as there seems little point in go to in-depth on a character who may lost two story segments, if I was writing a novel I could round them out and make them more three dimensional people who you could grow to love and care about.

+Don't mind the criticisms at all as it is the first time I've done any real writing in twenty years and I'm always looking for ways to improve my technique.


Sympathy from the Devil (i.e Men).

I find men to be a complicated bunch. Take mine for example when we're alone He is the sweetest, kindest man I've ever known, but when he's with his friends he's as crude and crass as the rest of them. Admittedly he is twenty years older than I am and from a different generation and culture, so I don't try to change, well not too much anyway, but when my oldest son makes similar remarks I come down on him like a ton of bricks.

As for gaining sympathy or empathy from the male populace, it may work on some but again it’s about the target audience, all my stories will only have characters engaging in sex if they are above the age of consent (16 UK), and rape and death will be too a minimum and only as a result of bad choices or very bad luck, I won't avoid the subject because unfortunately it does happen.

Regarding your suicide attempts I can only sympathize with you, and can only imagine how low and depressed you must have been to even think of it as a way out.


Thanks for the grammar edits! - Bojangler

I'm not really sure how to post messages to others and I hope I'm doing it right. So thanks a lot for telling me how to get a line gap. I was searching for it myself. - countingStars

Defnota's Messages

I appreciate you letting me know how to delete pages, but also for letting me know this wiki is still alive. I was writing for myself, as I have no idea how to tell how much traffic a wiki gets, but it's nice to know there are other people here. -Defnota 24th of March, 2014

That's really nice of you, it's not too fun thinking you're in an empty community. Kind of isolating, even if just while you're on here. -Defnota 24th of March, 2014

        My message to Platypus was based on the assumption that he or she hosts the wiki, thus I could send them code to implement if they needed it.
The message was also based on the assumption MediaWiki allows one to write their own code. As for cleaning the wiki, I would need to know what I'm cleaning, but of that I have no idea. -Defnota 25th of March, 2014

        Thank you for your knowledge of who hosts the wiki, turns out has a features request.
I put in a request for admin's to be able to change the code, which might not do too much depending on how tech savvy the admins are, but it would at least give the option. -Defnota 25th of March, 2014

        Also, how would I go about helping the clean-up and organization of the site? -Defnota 25th of March, 2014

        Oh, crap, sorry about that, there was no intention to ignore. For some reason the message indicator didn't show up for any of those messages.
Nonetheless, should probably get some sleep, so I won't be on for a bit. -Defnota 25th of March, 2014

        Thank you, I thought I'd give the main page a go, but as you probably already know: HTML is lots of trial and error.
If you want practice doing HTML just make a practice page and copy one of the site's pages, then goof around with it. -Defnota 25th of March, 2014

        By the by, what do you think I should use for colours? The page is look rather bland at the moment. -Defnota 25th of March, 2014

        Do think it would be okay if on the page How to create a page, I changed the story format from "|[[ Your story]]|| 0 || public or private"
to "[[Your Story]] || {{PAGESINCAT:Your Story}} Pages || Public or Private"? It's a little harder to write, but it is way more organized and means you don't have to update your page count.
Defnota 05:12, 26 March 2014 (UTC)

        Fair enough, but speaking of magic words, do you think that if one were to run the __TOC__ magic word through
one of the alternate parsers ( into HTML, and then dissect it, that they could use it as a collapsible element?
-Defnota 05:30, 26 March 2014 (UTC)

        Oh, as an alternative, if one could link to an external stylesheet, or get the HTML <style> tags working to make an internal stylesheet,
people could start using css3 instead of javascript to make collapsible elements. That would also mean we could use vector images and we could animate page elements.
-Defnota 06:09, 26 March 2014 (UTC)

        Thanks, took a-lot of effort, but was definitely worth it.
-Defnota 01:55, 27 March 2014 (UTC)

        Re-writing it, didn't plan it out at all, and there wasn't much for writing on any of the pages.
-Defnota 05:28, 2 April 2014 (UTC)

- Page Layout -

        The problem is that either your image or your template has a massive whitespace margin. This margin can't be changed with HTML.

  • If the margin is in the image, you should use Photoshop to edit it out.
  • If the margin is in the template, there isn't much I can do for you.

-Defnota 05:47, 16 April 2014 (UTC)

- Page Layout Two-

        To do it without knowing very much HTML you could use positioning (,
but positioning tends to create a billion little problems. I emailed you a modified version of your image without the margins,
I heavily recommend using that instead, and I could probably help you get the page set up then.
-Defnota 23:40, 16 April 2014 (UTC)

- Angst of Mass Destruction -

        I'm somewhat alright, between writer's block frustrations and being angsty and dramatic I tend to do silly things sometimes.
Such things as just deleting everything, everywhere, that's why I never end up writing much.
-Defnota 22:52, 23 April 2014 (UTC)

Minnie May Hopkin's talk

Thanks for dealing with the sub category. I didn't find out yet how to do it myself. - MMH

Thank You For Your Message

Hey! Thanks for welcoming me to this site. I've begun a fantasy adventure called Faire Isle Adventure. Hopefully I will be able to make it a good long story length despite my busy life. Good luck with your writing and have a good day! --Stargirlsnr5 11:54, 29 March 2014

WriterGhost talk

Thanks for your thoughts regarding "Adventure at the TG Thriftshop." The "Name" area has changed on paths already, with Craig becoming Kortney (Blonde Bikini Model) and Triss (Redheaded Clerk).

Completionist Talk

As you probably already noticed, I'm new to the site so I haven't read much of the stories yet, but I'm looking forward to reading some of your stories, too.

Male perspective? Sounds pretty challenging. Let me try to come up with a brainstorm first and see where I get to. If it's passable for me to build upon, then it will be done. But if not, then I'll continue my brainstorming for that. For the meantime, thanks for the invite. --Completionist 22:24, 14 April 2014 (UTC)

Thank you for organizing some of the links and making the subcategories. I've been meaning to do that but had trouble figuring out what and where to input it since the tutorial's directions were a little vague to me. Now it all makes sense and I'll try to remember doing that for the later stories as well.--Completionist 15:41, 15 April 2014 (UTC)

Hi, thanks for adding those categories in for me. I was originally planning on adding them later once I get around the branching of each story, but I guess doing those categories while editing helps too.--Completionist 02:22, 17 April 2014 (UTC)

I hope I'm doing well, then! lol. Feel free to add stuff and fix all those red-links, too! I trust your English (haha). It's never a one-person story! --Completionist 02:38, 17 April 2014 (UTC)

Well, personal or not, there is a line people simply cannot cross. That's why they added another category for those types that want to cross the line. I see how you did create that elaboration to detail on that page; to be honest I would not even have the will to think of the scenario and make a story on it. In the story's sense, I haven't read much on it, but I would assume a fantasy story would not lead to that kind of choice or outcome at all. I also hope that page would at least be re-edited for consistency...and better taste--Completionist 05:10, 20 April 2014 (UTC)

Oh, don't misunderstand. The last comment was more of a compliment than criticism. I see the elaboration there and the detail's strong and visual enough to catch someone's attention to fix it. I see the satirical aspect, I'm just shocked that you can find the courage to actually recreate the scenario in your head. If it was me, I'd just get nightmares from it lol--Completionist 18:21, 20 April 2014 (UTC)

A bit coincidental, but I was suggesting a similar change to the Main Page to Platypus, too. I just didn't know we could revamp it ourselves haha.--Completionist 04:58, 21 April 2014 (UTC)

One more note, if possible. A quick suggestion about the stuff on the main page: Introduction first, followed by Tutorial as a separate section (to avoid people from overlooking it), then the To-Do list. Also, just an honest thought: I don't think we should add that P.S. about the adult section since it might tempt/encourage the little kids to scroll down to find them. Again, just an opinion. :)--Completionist 05:30, 21 April 2014 (UTC)

Ah, good point. I'll just wait on his reply for that, then. As for the welcoming thing, I guess I shall assume the mantle for now. Just for fun. Who knows, maybe someone would actually reply to me and stay for a bit haha. Hoping to create a mini-community somehow. (Maybe add one of those chats on my page if I figure out how to embed it).--Completionist 05:47, 21 April 2014 (UTC)

Right. It is too random and inconsistent. That said, those pages came from the original author / whoever last edited it (my edit was only to categorize the page; I'm still writing out the story for that branch fix). If you go to the main story's discussion page, I have those specific links under the "Clean-Up" section. I'm glad you're proofreading the story, though. Thanks for that. It's nice to see someone's reading the story. :)--Completionist 16:39, 22 April 2014 (UTC)

As I previously said, I've been trying to find a way to rewrite that particular branching in the story that you've been talking about. And guess what? It's almost done! Feel free to critique and compare to the previous page done by the original author. TRTC/Cafe--Completionist 05:23, 23 April 2014 (UTC)

Also, I see that Abandoned Adult Story page haha. To be honest, I was going to move from family-friendly and head my way down once I finish this one completely. I even had an idea of linking all of them together in a big timeline! Mind if I try helping out? That section is a monster to do by yourself.--Completionist 05:35, 23 April 2014 (UTC)

That sounds like a start of a big project. You might even need to recruit more people with dirty minds! I haven't read them, either, but I would suggest either separating them by scenarios, mostly. As far as gender goes, I would assume some kind of shape-shifting device for a quick change (i.e. potions, remote, machine, or trouble-making fairy right beside you). But like you said, we'll never know until we actually read what these stories are about.--Completionist 06:11, 23 April 2014 (UTC)

So I made a chat just to somehow make things more community-ish. I can't post outside links without angering the bots so if you want to try it out, feel free to visit my page. Well, that's it for now. Gotta tell the other users about it. Hopefully it works out ^_^ --Completionist 20:13, 26 April 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for the fix. And thanks for telling me about how they read it. Anyway, just another quick reply. Hope we can get people into the chat, too... if ever needed.--Completionist 05:35, 27 April 2014 (UTC)


Just saying a quick hi to show that I'm still alive (kinda)! Well, anyway, to another topic: how goes the Adult Abandoned Story? Feel free to reply either by usual post or that chat I setup (I would probably reply faster with this option). Just saying hi again!--Completionist 04:46, 7 May 2014 (UTC)


Hi Dirtyme,

Yes I do realize what a cervix is capable/incapable of doing, but it is a fantasy story. I hope most people who have read my story know this, or else their SO might be in for a painful surprise! Thanks for the response. Happy writing!


haha, Literally just noticed that and fixed the link before reading the message -JerryCraft

Sorry about that...

First off I'm sorry for my actions. Let me just clarify... I didn't delete any of your content (I don't hate any of it, in contrast to your assumption), I simply broke off that particular page into two pages... since that particular idea I had required a choice in the middle of the actions detailed on that particular page. It was intrusion on my part and I am sorry, but since you flagged it as Public I thought you wouldn't mind. My sincerest apologies... --R`1412 1852 hrs, Tue 29 Apr 2014 (UTC)

It's fine... its fine really... I was ignorant. This was my first time trying to contribute to a story. I thought it was fine as long as I kept all the materials in there via branching. I shall find alternative methods to include the idea I had but until then I started creating new branches. :) I have learnt my lesson and won't repeat. --R`1412 1234 hrs, Wed 30 Apr 2014 (UTC)


Been a while since i've been on this site so I used the wrong \, thx for the tips :-) --Zoroastra


About trees.

That's a table with border="0" (you can't see all the cells) and cellspacing="0" (lines between cells solid).
The "connecting lines" is a cell's borders which I made visible. --WCold 07 May 2014

Narutostory reply

Thanks for the heads up! I'll be completely revamping the entire "Invading the Cult" story over the next month or two so I plan on having a bit fall out of index for a bit but I'll fix it all at the end if I can. Checking for spelling, consistency, making it all sound better, adding stats/quests/abilities at the bottom. Anyways, thanks for the heads up, I'll have to remember to go back and fix that when I'm done.

Help - Defnota

        Hey, you know that one time we emailed each other? Do you still have my email address? I locked myself out of my email and need to confirm that I'm spelling it correctly,
and you're the only person I've ever emailed.
- Defnota 21:21, 2 July 2014 (UTC)

        Thank you, you beautiful person! I thought someone had hijacked my email, but it turns out that my email address has a spelling error in it and I was spelling "definitely" properly these last few times.
I am ever so grateful, thank you again for your help.
-Defnota 09:43, 4 July 2014 (UTC)

Elerneron talk

Thanks for you encouragement on Primal Influence. It is very appreciated. I was wondering if there is a way to change my way I do categories from the current - system to the / system without causing to much trouble, or is it going to create redundant pages no matter what I do? --Elerneron

Thanks for reminder

Thanks for helping me get started and for all the reminders. As you can see from all the previously missing links that I'm still learning my way around the site. I may have inadvertently committed some infraction that I am working on avoiding in the future. Please bear with me, I think I'm starting to get the hang of things around this site.

--User: Ubunto

Hey DirtyMe! Got a Quick Request

Hey so I've had a ghost story The Ghost of the Mansion sitting around for a while, luckily recently chapters have been added, but with so few people writing it isn't expanding fast. I was wondering if you could help by perhaps adding a few chapters yourself if you are interested. I believe the story is relatively unique and has good potential. If you don't want to, I won't mind.

--User: Uman

Thanks dirtyme

Lol thank for telling me how to do this. Im a writer well try on and i always wanted to make my own story on here and finally started lol but hope if i got questions i dont annoy you lol

--user: Darky

Thank you for your feedback on my story so far. I'm aware of the last sentence. I'm also thinking of another way to put in line. Hope you will give me more feedback for the rest of the story. Maybe also for the parts that have been? *blush* ;)

I understand what you mean. But I'm thankful for your grammatical changes. English is not my native language so sometimes I miss some expressions and words. Hope you will take a look sometimes and improve the grammar I'm happy ☺

For your story I'd like to see you exposed in a live tv program. You have to do assignments, a failure makes you loose an article of clothing. So you are getting bare naked for millions of viewers. Do you think you can something with this. 😈 Love Darky

Edit the page for you. As in the lines before, failure in assignmetns wil make you your clother, 1 item at the time, BUT..... you also have to put the article of clothing in a shredder. So naked is really naked with no possible way of return. Enjoy ;)

The start of this is great. Better then I had imagined. But.... I'd Kill my master for that???? That needs a serious punishment :D ;) Looking forward to the rest of your story. Maybe I will give you some more storylines if you'd like.

You did a great job. Except for the killing. I thought you'd liked to be exposed. So why don't you tell me how I can punish you.

I do understand your point of view. And I hope you (your character) has been really embarresed. As said before I really loved your storyline. Really good how your wrote my 'fantasy' in your words. I going to think of more story lines for you!

I'am oke with you, if you add some additions. So I'am curious about your pov at the storyline. But if I do not like it, I hope you can accept that will turn things back ;) user: Darky

Hi, I read your additions, thought them over and I like them. So you can rewrite whatever you think is needed.

I think your a little confusing sometimes. Do revise, do not want to revise. Wants add some things, doesn't want to add. You are so confusing that I like you a lot :D (compliment for you and not a negative thought) So see whatever you want to do or not, I'm ok with it.

Thanks for helping me out with the page deletion thing --I'm really beginning to regret my Username

Thanks for notifying, I realise that I probably shouldn't blank so many pages but I was blanking other peoples stuff rather than my own (actually that sounds worse). What I mean to say is that I'm trying to reorganise and fix up that story but it meant removing a bunch of poorly written and poorly planned pages (Some didn't have options, some didn't makes sense etc.). I've only started doing that after I got to grips with the format and the editing options and I'm now going to start adding more to the story than I've taken away from it. But seriously thanks for the heads up. 15 April 2016--I still regret my Username

You know what, Platypus laid out what I was trying to do better than I did. Thanks for the input; I'm happy you're trying to help out novice users because that's not something everyone does on the internet. --Hellspawn 18:52 15 April 2016 (GMT)

RE: Untitled section

I'd prefer discussions to be on one location rather than spread on multiple pages, but if you insist, okay then. Sorry about that, I didn't know that. --stranger195 @WikiMarkupWiki (talkcontribsguestbook) 12:59, 15 March 2016 (UTC)

I added a few different clothing options to each one. Is that what you meant?

Your story is pretty good so far. Don't be afraid to try anything out of your comfort zone in it either. It could lead to new ideas for the story.

Short Bursts

Hi, I just had a look at your story (not sure what else to call it) Short Bursts, it seems like an interesting concept to me. I didn't see it in the adult index though, is it public or private? Wannabe rockstar 03:14, 25 March 2016 (UTC)

That basically answered it, and yeah, I noticed that the stories right now are "you are terrified and then you're dead" :') but they're still interesting to read! It just seems like a cool idea to choose what elements or whatever you want the story to have, and then read the story itself. So is the idea to have stories that have further options, after the "story bursts?" I kind of feel you on that helping you to become a better writer, I haven't actually mapped out a plot for my story yet, I just write pages as I think of interesting/funny ideas. I have a veeeeery vague idea of where a few of the threads are going, but that's all. Anyway, it's a cool idea, kind of outside the box! Wannabe rockstar 03:42, 25 March 2016 (UTC)
Context seems like a neat idea too, are you basically cutting off the narrator at a certain point and choosing to respond to a certain word in the sentence? If you come up with more for it at some point I'd definitely be interested to have a look. And I actually have the opposite problem, my story is in the adult section but I'm pretty hopeless at writing anything erotic -.- depending on how my story goes I might just write out all the adult elements and move it to the mature section (for violence), but we'll see. My original idea was to keep my threads relatively clean and let other people add whatever they want, but I think I made my world a bit too complicated for other editors to jump in. Wannabe rockstar 03:52, 25 March 2016 (UTC)

Broken Links

No worries. I'm grateful you spotted it, actually. I'd forgotten it had a link since there was quite a few red links in that part of the story. That's what I get for editing in the early hours. --Neminis 10:20, 25 March 2016 (UTC)


OK so like are you guys real people...? Or are you robots...? Cause like on all the websites I'm on has the guide as a freaking robot and so I'm always suspicious XD sorry...but anyway I have no idea how to make my own story, cause I have a great idea that doesn't involve sex. ~Amber Summers😐

thanks for the help.. I am pretty ccmputer illiterate.  :(

Ah! gotcha. thanks again.

In response to what you said, I guess it because guys, honestly, just tend to like big boobs. Personally, there's plenty of girls I like in real life with small breasts, but in terms of looking to get horny, personality usually doesn't cut it for most. For me, body usually doesn't matter, especially on this site, where you can't see anything, as long as you can tell the story good enough to make me feel it. If you purely rely on the sex of it, then yeah, body proportions need to be larger, but in all honesty, the story leading up to and after sex is what really gets me turned on. I actually have trouble writing just sex scenes. So, for what you said, it's because people on here want all girls to be "large" in all ways so its easier to avoid actually seducing story and skip to sex. Its easier to make all girls unrealistically big and say all others aren't there yet so it leave the reader the sense that they could still be large one day and be used at some point.

Kyre's Talk

Haha, well, I just started, but I have to be a girl, so I can't really be a fair judge. I'll gladly look, though

Yeah, that might work. I read some of the girls and it sounded good up to what I read.

Hey, would you be interested in collaborating on my newest story, Fallout Shorts? If you've never played a Fallout game, you may not get it, but it pretty much sex in different situations, so I could fill you in. The best part is I made it specifically for one shots, like your bursts. You simply choose a base character, which you could make one, and write one story about them, then you never have to worry about that storyline again. I need someone mainly to help with the girl sex scenes. I can do the buildup and story, thats what I like, but I need a girls perspective on having sex in various, sometimes unusual ways. If not, no problem

  • smiling* You definetly seem like the girl for the job. I'd be happy to write some girl stories for build up, i have plenty of those ideas, but the sex areas are sometimes hard. sometimes i can do it, but not always. so you in?

Any time you have will work. Nice to have a partner for once

Please, go crazy. And like I said, I know a lot of girls into this stuff who've kinda explained their ways, so I can kinda write girl persepctive. And by all means, include whatever fetish you choose

This is good. I'd say submit it, though you may have to make another Fallout 4 MILF-innocent character. I don't know the others would fit. Or it could be a random person, which works too.

Thats cool. Although, like I said, this is more of unjoined stories with no joining parts, just bursts so i don't have to try an figure out memory. And clothing thing is great and on my mind. As for the animal thing, I think only girls because of there scent from their member.

Perhaps 200 years of sexual tension? I think maybe a time skip might be an okay idea too, gives you the chance to get over husband, build whatever settlement, amke connections and such, better starting point.

I like the Pipboy. It's a little big, but it looks great. And I think I'm going to restart Fallout 4, with a different strategy. I just wasn't happy with how this one worked. And sorry it's taken so long. Been busy.

In The Worst Ways

Hope you like the option I added :v. In The Worst Ways

P.S. hope I didn't completely overstep in just adding it directly to the page, cause when I did that I thought that's what I was supposed to do, but now I'm not so sure.

Sorry if it doesn't work out. I saw it on a blog of different sexual dares/challenges and it was the first thing that came to mind when you asked. Maybe I can get more ideas from there if I can ever find the page again :v.

I love it! Thank you for writing it :v Keep up the good work! In The Worst Ways 4:33 am est 5/5/16

What I've read of your rants story is pretty great :v. I tend to agree that those situations are annoying, though I've kinda just gotten used to them, you know? In The Worst Ways 4:13 am est 5/8/16

I read the summaries :v. In The Worst Ways 06:06, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

Personally I always liked the idea of being stuck (intentionally or unintentionally, willingly or unwillingly) halfway through a wall pretty enjoyable. The person on the other side can only see me from the waist down and I can't see them at all. They can use me however they want (from the waist down) and walk away and I'm still stuck there for the next anonymous user. Then if I get out later, literally anyone I pass by on the street could have been one of them. In The Worst Ways 07:39, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

That's pretty amazing. I envy you for being able to do something like that. I would love to do something like that if I could :v. I got into talking about the through the wall thing because I saw you were talking about being locked in stocks. In The Worst Ways 08:15, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

I may take you up on that offer of information on those countries. But I do also want to leave it open for others to write in and I've already got a lot on my mind for it. I would really like to see other people's ideas for shenanigans in a world that suddenly has no police and no laws. Come to think of it, no police means nobody to arrest you for public nudity or sex, right :v? In The Worst Ways 20:28, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

I actually hadn't been thinking about it, but I may implement through-the-wall or some other public use options in Leaving from different perspectives, and possibly in Global Anarchy in some way now that you mention it. I wasn't sure how to implement it but I've got some ideas now, thank you :v. In The Worst Ways 04:28, 20 May 2016 (UTC)

Oh my god thank you, I'm definitely going to look into that and see what I can do, try to learn those things. I didn't know a lot of those things were even possible on here. In The Worst Ways 04:19, 24 May 2016 (UTC)

Well, easy or not, I'm the kind of person that, as long as it's for something stupid and irrelevant I will keep poking at it until it's perfect. Or at the very least, much, much longer than I have any reason to keep trying. In The Worst Ways 05:10, 24 May 2016 (UTC)

I completely forgot about hover text. It's been so long since I've had a mouse to hover with lol. I feel like I'm missing out now, especially considering things like xkcd and Paradox Space use hover text a lot. I'm not sure I'd use notes that often though because I don't want people getting into the habit of looking at the edit pages of every page. Would spoil a few things on a few of the pages I've already set up lol. In The Worst Ways 05:47, 24 May 2016 (UTC)

I hope this isn't terrible of me to say but I was silently hoping the person writing that family guy story was gonna get the boot when I saw the "Go on a Rape race" page didn't have a category. Every page of that is just, dear god why? I thought I could get away from Family Guy by not watching TV. In The Worst Ways 04:45, 25 May 2016 (UTC)

Thank You!!

Thnx for the comment.I'm really thankful,i haven't relly got the hang of it yet XD.My computer hasn't been working with me,(Thanks to my little sister -_-) but I'll manage, hopefully!Thanks again ^~^! User:BlOoD_tHiRsTy

Jordon21 Talk

Thanks for adding that category. Jordon21

SkylaTruffles' Talk

For "negative criticism", you delivered that message quite politely. :P But yeah, thanks for the info. I guess I'm not used to how Talk Pages operate - I hold more of a presence on chatrooms and back-and-forth messaging threads, you see. --Skyla 19:18, 23 May 2016 (UTC)

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