MEU A Make a Hot tub

From Create Your Own Story

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You easily press a few buttons on the showers control panel, and before you know it the tub is filled up and there are jets and bubbles and everything. A perfect hot tub. You look to Natasha.

"Where were we?" She asks as she scoots closer on the bench to your nude form. You feel her lay her hand on your thigh as you talk and laugh. You eventually. (Lets not get caught up in backstory, youre probably just here for the sex)

You lean in closer to Nat, and you gently lay a hand on her cheek. You pull her face closer to yours, and you look lustfully into her eyes. She grins and your lips crash together. Her hands are on your back, running up and down across you wet body. Your hands are on her neck. Your lips crash together and you make out passionately. You hear her moan into your lips. Your hands run from her neck to her back, and you slowly squeeze and massage her wet back. Your hands continue their journey until they're just above her perfect butt. Your tongue presses into her lips until she slightly opens her mouth for you. Your tongues come to meet each other and battle for dominance. Her mouth tastes adorable. As your tongues dance, her hands have come around to the front of you. They massage your abdomen and slowly slide upwards until they are just below your breasts. She makes the finishing move and both hands are on your boobs, gently laying there as you make out.

MEU A Finger Her

MEU A Nat fingers you

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