Pi Pi Pi/Try to suck his cock

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You slip off the edge of the bed and onto your knees in front of him.

"Now that's more like it" he says as he sets his hand on your head the other still wrapped around the base of his cock. "Now open wide sexy"

Your not sure what to do so you just go with it, opening your mouth only to have your head pushed against his hard cock. You gag and try to move away as his thick member presses against the back of your throat. You've never had someone be this rough with you before, you try to pull your head back but he keeps a firm grip on the back of your head.

"Mmm, so warm," he mumbles to himself. "Now just relax and enjoy it, I know I will," he says before he starts to move his hips back and forth, shoving his cock in and out of your mouth. Your eyes close, its a strange feeling to have a thick cock thrusted in and out of your mouth like this, you can't yet decide if you like it or not but there isn't much to do about it at this point so you just go with it.

Without warning you hear the door open behind the boy. "Oh hoh, looks like someone started the party early," an obvious friend of his walks into the room, and pats him on the shoulder. He stops thrusting but he keeps your head still with the whole of his cock buried in your throat.

"What can I say, I just couldn't wait." you let out a muffled cough, as you're finding it hard to breath with what you guess is eight inches of cock in your throat. "And could you blame me? I mean, look at her."

The second starts to undo his pants, letting his cock slip out. "Oh, I don't blame you one bit. Mind if I try out that mouth of hers?"

"Na man, be my guest," he says, letting go of your head as his cock slips from your lips. You have only a split moment of relief before the second boy shoves his equally large member down your throat.

"Oh now, that's nice, but now you've left my friend here hanging." As the second guy starts to thrust in and out of your mouth you find the urge to reach out and wrap your hands around the first. His cock is wet from your saliva, and slick to the touch as your fingers slide up and down its shaft.

The first boy grunts, "Oh, I'm not ganna last long," as he jerks, his cock pulses in your hand as he starts to cum on the side of your face still being thrusted into by his friend. His cum runs down the side of your face.

"Well, I'll defiantly be back later," he says as he wanders out of the room, leaving the door open and his pants in the middle of the floor. You have little time to wander what's going on outside this room as there is still a cock thrusting in and out of your mouth. He pulls out.

"By the end of the night you're ganna be covered with that stuff you know." You sorta nod your head, already guessing at your future. "You're starting to like it aren't you?"

What do you do?

Pi Pi Pi No, TITS Clothing

Naked, with cum on the side of your face.

Rules None
Fucks 0
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