Pokémon Life

From Create Your Own Story

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you are boy on his 15th birthday and about to start his pokemon journey, you plan to follow in your fathers foot steps and prove that you can beat him and become the Pokemon master...

You wake up, noticing your jigglypuff alarm clock going off, and the smell of fresh bacon in the kitchen. sprint downstairs to find your mother after getting showered and dressed your mother eating freshly baked bread and bacon. Even the smell of your mums cooking makes you full.

you pick up your invitation to prof.Oaks leaving party, for all those Pallet town beginner trainers. the invitation reads:

 Dear Jack William Ketchum,
     I would love to invite you to a leaving party, for you and the rest of your trainer friends. there you will receive your first pokemon,  
     a pokedex and Pokeballs. You will also receive a few helpers for your journey ahead.
     the party starts at 2:30 pm on the 6th of October. i would be pleased if you could come,
                                from Prof.Samuel Oak

you decide to get your bag packed for when you set out on your journey tomorrow. In your bag you pack all the essentials such as clothes and long lasting food. you also pack potions, antidotes, rope, badge case, lucky fishing lure, bike voucher. you also slip compact sleeping bag in there too. you reach for the top shelf where you keep all your valuables. you pull out a box and prop it on your bed, you open it out and take out your dagger you got from training school.

It is a short fine blade with a shiny tip. it has a sparkiling green emerald in the center of the hilt. It was a gift from your combat teacher on your first year at the training academy. He said "the sparkling emerald represents the love and the fighting spirit within you, and your Pokemon."

Once you had come back from your trip down memory lane, you reach out into your wardrobe and pull out a pair of baggy jeans, a plain t-shirt, a Pokeball print jacket, a pair of leather water proof shoes and a leather satchel that attaches to your belt. you hung all this onto the back of your door ready for tomorrow.

Later that day at the party, you notice the other guests, there are 3 other trainers and their families.

they are all local trainers that you know really well, you had been going to school with them for years.

Over by the door is Amelia Oak, Prof.Oaks 14 yr old Great Grand daughter. she has brown hair and is quite a tomb boy, normally wears jeans and a top. Nothing will stand in her way, because everything knows that she will succeed.

Over by the Stairs is Timid Timmy Sketchit. He follows everyone else s lead and is the smart but never speaks up kinda person. he likes to hang around Amelia and stay in larger groups.

And out chatting to oak in the garden is your life long rival, Benjamin Cooper. He is hard headed and always thinks he is right. (most the time he is) but gets on with everyone. Even though he is your rival, you two get on pretty well.

Once everyone had gathered, you get lead into prof.oaks lab where a stand with 4 sets of equipment.

Prof.oak speaks up and says "right here on the table i have a set of equipment for you. you have 6 Pokeballs, a brand new pokedex, the official Pokemon league rule book and a brand new Pokegear! The Pokedex is fully upgraded with the new national setting, because of all the new Pokemon that have migrated into Kanto from Johto and Hoenn. Your Pokegear also has an upgraded signal and built in map!"

Ben speaks up from the back " what about our Pokemon?" Prof.Oak then points at the door, and then quietly says "i'll help you catch your first Pokemon tomorrow" and with that he opened the door and starts to dance to the music Mr.mime put on.

You enter the lounge to go see your mum, who is talking to Amelia's parents, Gary and May. You sit next to her and talk about what kind of Pokemon you want to catch.

2 hours passed before everyone started to head home. you and your mother were last to leave, but got home the quickest, since you rode home on her Gyarados.

The next day, you wake up and feel like you are going to explode. you wait till your alarm goes off, you sing the first verse, then jump out of bed and imediatly get dressed into the clothes you put on the back of your door. you run downstairs with your bag on you back, Pokegear round your neck and Pokedex in your pocket. you slid you leather pouch onto you belt, it is filled with empty Pokeballs waiting to be filled, and potions you hope you will never have to use.

Your mum shouts goodbye as she walks out the door. She is the Cerulean Gym leader, Misty Ketchum. She is basically the strongest water type Pokemon trainer in all of Kanto. and you hope one day you will surpass her... She wanted to move to cerulean years ago, but found it less stressful living in pallet town and easier to manage the gym. she only goes to the Gym and stays with her family 3 times a week. meaning that the other 4 days, she can manage with training and sorting files for you dad ash.

After having breakfast you collect all your things and walk to your room. you get out your dagger and put it on your belt. once you become a fully fledged trainer, then you will be able to travel and defend for your self.


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