Head to the nearest bar

From Create Your Own Story

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After a couple of minutes of searching you locate a subterranean bar named 'Homesick Blues'.

You saunter down the steps and go inside but it's so dark within, even after you've removed the Aviators, that you have to give your eyes a couple of minutes to adjust.

The place is surprisingly active for a lazy afternoon. Presumably some of these people have stopped in for lunch. Aside from the small knots of activity and conversation there are four people in the bar who catch your wandering eye.

The sandy-haired bartender is young, tall, muscular, handsome and gave you a distinctly appreciative glance when you entered. On the other hand he has very shifty eyes. But perhaps that is to be expected working in this place.

There is a twenty-something redhead sitting by herself at the bar. She is flawlessly dressed and accoutred but since you came in she has been slamming down Greyhounds at a frightening rate.

Toward the back of the bar there is a single pool table which is being hogged by an Amazonian biker in her late thirties. She is at least six feet tall, lithely muscular with her long black hair drawn into a severe ponytail and a fantastic ass in her tight leather pants.

Finally a short black guy in a pinstripe suit is sitting watching the entrance to the bar. The boilermaker he's been served remains untouched. He appears calm and focused but his large hands play restlessly with his silver lighter.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Young, attractive nun
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