Pokemon: Pick Chikorita

From Create Your Own Story

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You look at the three see through red on the top, blurry but clear on the bottom, balls in your hand. You realize that the ball with the light green creature is lighter than the others. You have studied Pokemon, relatively, and know that it is a Chikorita. A grass type. So, yeah the ball is light and leafy. The Chikorita is looking up at you with adorable eyes. You hand the other two back to Professor Gary. "I choose Chikorita!" You say officially. "Ok then."

You don't really pay attention after that. You are too busy gocking at the blurry creature inside the smooth ball. You want to send it out, but you must wait. The tall blond boy at the far end picks Totodile. The boy next to you with slick black hair and cold yellowish/brown eyes chooses Cyndaquil.

The Professor gives you each a bag of supplies and A POKEDEX!!!!!!!!! It records all the data of Pokemon you catch. OMG this is amazing. The mini computer is red and about the size of your palm.You want to check it out, but you'll have to wait for that too.

Eventually, he sees you off, and as you walk out of the gate, you see Windy. OH YEAH OMG YOU FORGOT. She had a gift for you. Maybe it was a Pokemon. And she wanted to tell you something. You approach her. "Sorry sis, I was in a rush."

"S'okay Windy replies hastily. Her blond hair is a tangle. It look like she ran all the way here, maybe carrying something heavy....

You glance over at the two boys. They have started a battle, Totodile and Cyndaquil are clashing head on. You want to battle the winner of this so bad...

"Forest! This is important!" Windy leads you under a tree. "Touch the tree, Forest."

Windy had asked for weirder things. You really want to get in on that battle so you just obey.

"What do you feel."

"I feel bark on my fingers"! You reply impatiently.

"I need you to focus. Quit goofing off, this is urgent!" There really is a note of anger in her voice.

"Does the tree give you any kind of energy?"

You take a deep breath. You do love nature...it would be weird if you didn't, hence your name. There is something there...yes, energy.

"I--I feel it." Windy nods.

"Forest, have you ever found it weird? Dad's name is Burny. I'm Windy. Your Forest."

"Mom's Molly."

"Yeah but us three." She waits. "Elements! Burny is fire. Windy is air. Forest is nature!"

"SO, then our parents named us weird things!' Windy shakes her head impatiently. "Do you know the real reason I like to travel in the mountains." She waits. "My fighting is better there. It is very windy. Dad became a fire gym leader. You, do you remember that time when we took you for a hike, and you pushed cousin Jake in the lake. He was fourteen, you were eight. And he was teasing you. You guys started having like a chicken fight. But then you got really mad. There was this arau of power about you . It was creepy. you let out a yell and grabbed him and pushed him in the creek!" You do remember this. "What's your point? you demand impatiently, aware that the battle is probably over.

"You were born under a tree, didn't mom and dad tell you that. Did she even tell you the reason her and dad divorced?" You shake your head. "You know what? This conversation is for another day. The point is. Be careful in the Forest." She pauses, choosing her words carefully. "You posses great Power there, but be careful. I'll call you Forest. But take this." She brings out from her belt a dagger. About a foot long silver blade. Engraved with a gemstone. "That is the rare blue emerald, Windy explains. Good luck." And she runs off. You are so stunned that all you can do is stare at the glinting blade in your hand.

You are walking along the pathway that leads to Cherrygrove city. You feel nervous when the dagger is around. You call it the blue emerald, you have decided.

You take out the Poke Ball, finally ready to introduce yourself to Chikorita. When you push the white button the Ball goes from the size of a grape the size of an apple!

Then a green light seeps out of the Poke Ball, forming a shape. Wherever the light seeps out, part of a yellow furry creature is formed. It take about 10 seconds. Then there is a blinking creature in front of you, looking as nervous as you feel.

"H-hi!" You take a deep breath and force your brain to relax. This Chikorita looks mellow, but you still don't want to upset it.

You could go for the "i am your trainer obey me" approach, but the great ash Ketchum, one of your biggest trainer heroes advice is to be friends with your Pokemon.

So you slowly lower you hand to the trembling creature. You put your hand against it's head. It's skin is smooth and silky, with spots. With fuzz like a peach. It has a giant leaf on the top of it's head and yellowish eyes. Chikorita flinches at first but slowly relaxes a you stroke it's silky fur. "Hi Chikorita. I'm your new Trainer. My name is Forest Star. I hope we'll be able to be friends!" Chikorita looks at you, the nervousness in it's eyes deceased, it's mouth slightly upturned. "I think I'll name you-" you continue before realizing you do not know Chikorita's gender. AWKWARD. Then you realize you can CHECK THE POKEDEX.

You take it out and press the large black button on the front you assume is the power button. Sure enough the screen appears. It takes you a few minutes to figure it out, but eventually you scan Chikorita, which makes it a bit uncomfortable, "sorry," but tells you that it's a baby, it's a female, it's level five, and it knows Tackle and Growl. SWEET.

You spend the next hour walking along route 29, getting to know Chikorita. You keep trying to think of good names. "Leaf or Twig or Speckles or Blossom is too common...." you babble on, not even sure she can understand you.

She gets used to you. She is a shy creature, so she won't let you pick him up, but Chickorita walks obediently alongside you. You make sure not to let her fall behind, as she walks cautiously. You want to maintain a sturdy relationship with your new friend. Not one of fright or commanding. And not one of her not listening to you. You are just about to take a lunch break when you hear a rustling in the bushes. Out comes......a Sentret. It is a baby. Very small. you are about to challenge it to battle when you realize it's running from something. That's when the giant Rat runs out from the undergrowth!

It is the biggest rattata you have ever seen! Most are maybe 8 inches at full grown, but this one is at least a foot and a half!

"Chickorita!" you command. But the little creature hides behind your legs. You don't blame her. She's not even the size of your head!

It's up to you! You:

Rank: Rookie

Money: $100


Chickorita/Gender Female/Health 22/22/Level 5/Atacks Tackle, Growl

Equipment: Cell Phonex1, Pokedex1, Poke Ballx6, Potionsx2

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