TAA//Obelisk origins

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 14:07, 7 August 2024

You decide to lead a covert expedition to uncover the obelisk's origins. The next morning, you and Dr. Drakov gather a small team of trusted scientists and engineers. The plan is to venture deep into the unexplored regions of Eos Prime, where ancient ruins hinted at in earlier surveys might hold the secrets you seek.

As you prepare for the journey, the team meticulously checks their equipment. The air is thick with anticipation and the scent of ozone from the power cells. You double-check the maps, which show the location of a mysterious underground chamber that might hold clues to the obelisk's creators.

The journey is arduous, the terrain treacherous. The deeper you venture into the planet's crust, the more you sense the presence of something ancient and powerful. The narrow tunnels are filled with the sounds of dripping water and the distant rumble of tectonic shifts. Your team's lights cast eerie shadows on the walls, revealing strange symbols and intricate carvings that seem to pulse with a faint, otherworldly glow.

After several days, you reach the entrance to a vast underground chamber. The air is thick with dust and the faint scent of minerals. As you step inside, your breath catches in your throat. The chamber is dominated by a colossal statue, half-buried in rubble. It depicts a figure holding an obelisk similar to the one in your facility, its eyes seeming to follow your every move.

Dr. Drakov approaches the statue, her flashlight illuminating an inscription at its base. Her fingers trace the alien script carved into its surface. "I've seen these characters before," she mutters, eyes narrowing as she focuses. She tilts her head, mouthing the words silently before speaking aloud. "Ziran... I think that's how it's pronounced."

The name rolls off her tongue, haltingly at first, then with more confidence. "This language... it’s Erythian. I studied it years ago. Difficult to decipher, but I recognize some of these symbols."

You study the inscription, running your fingers over the ancient carvings. "This figure, Ziran, might have been the one who brought the obelisk to this world," you speculate. "Look at the symbols—they match the patterns on the artifact. This place is a key to understanding its purpose."

As you explore further, you find more clues. Murals depicting celestial events and figures descending from the skies, bearing gifts of knowledge and power. The deeper you go, the stronger the sense of an ancient, guiding hand becomes. Each discovery hints at a grand design, a test or challenge left by Ziran for those who would dare to unlock the obelisk's secrets.

Just as the team prepares to return to the facility, a distant rumble reverberates through the cavern. The ground shakes, and loose rocks tumble from the walls. You exchange worried glances with Dr. Drakov, who is still fixated on the inscription.

Suddenly, a chilling screech echoes through the chamber. Your flashlight beams swing wildly, illuminating figures emerging from the shadows. The creatures are nightmarish—tall and sinewy, their skin a slick, dark green that glistens in the dim light. Their eyes are large, black, and soulless, reflecting the light like dark mirrors. Long, sharp claws protrude from their hands, and their movements are unnervingly fluid, almost serpentine.

The air fills with the stench of decay and a faint, metallic tang as the creatures close in, their guttural growls reverberating off the cavern walls. You hear the hiss of their breath and the sickening crunch of their clawed feet on the rocky ground.

Panic surges through the team as the first creature lunges, its claws slashing through the air. You duck, narrowly avoiding the deadly swipe. Dr. Drakov stumbles back, clutching her flashlight like a weapon.

"We have to get out of here!" someone shouts, their voice tinged with fear.

The creatures press closer, their growls growing louder, more menacing. You know you must act quickly to save your team.

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