User talk:DirtyOldMan

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== Dialogue for fight scene (Tsu-Ni, Ron and Reggie) ==
''Just a little brainstorming on the dialogue to use in the upcoming fight scene between Ron and Reggie, involving Tsu-Ni. As of now, this scene is still pretty far off.''
Most of the studio is busy doing shoots or prepping rooms for shoots, so Ron pretty much has the place to himself, so he thinks. At one point, he walks by the break room and hears unfriendly voices inside.
Reggie: "I am the top earner here! I should be able to do shoots with everyone!"
Tsu-Ni: "Do not presume that I am a trophy to be conquered, Reginald. I have not changed my mind."
Reggie: "Yeah? And you think because you're all sweety-sweety with Bunny Boy over there, I'm gonna just let you go?"
Ron texts Jenny: "SOS trouble in break room get Mom". Then he enters the room now. Reggie has grabbed Tsu-Ni's wrist.
Tsu-Ni: "You do not want to go down this road with me. Release me, or you will regret it."
Ron: "Hey! Get your hands off her!"
Reggie: "Beat it, Bunny Boy!"
Tsu-Ni does something to get Reggie to loosen his grip. He retaliates by slashing some part of her body and shoving her away. She falls against the wall, hitting her head and falling into a heap, stunned but not seriously hurt.
Ron: "How dare you?"
Reggie punches Ron hard in the face. This leaves either a black eye or a severe bruise on his cheek, perhaps a little blood as well. Ron punches Reggie back so hard he crashes into one of the tables, breaking it and making a huge noise. Reggie starts to get back up, claws drawn.
Barbara appears either completely or partially naked in the break room door (was in the middle of a shoot). Jenny and Cheval close behind. She yells, "What the FUCK?" and literally pounces on Reggie, pinning his arms down and snarling until he calms down. Meanwhile, either Jenny or Cheval restrains Ron, while the other tends to Tsu-Ni, who is getting up a little wearily. She gets first aid for the slash and where she hit her head. Both combatants are kept restrained until they calm down. Barbara then says, "Okay, what the HELL just happened in here?"
Both Ron and Reggie start to talk simultaneously, and almost instantly raise hackles at each other again. Barbara yells, "SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!" She gets up, shakes herself off, and says, "I want all three of you in my office in five minutes. Cheval, please escort Reggie."
Later, Ron and Tsu-Ni enter the office first. Barbara directs Ron to sit in one of the two chairs and for Tsu-Ni to sit on the air conditioner below her window. Reggie and Cheval come in next. Barbara points to the other chair for Reggie to sit, and Cheval stands between the two men with his arms folded.
Barbara looks at the two of them, then glances to Tsu-Ni. "Are you okay?"
Tsu-Ni: "I am injured, but it is not serious."
Barbara turns back to the two men. "When I start yelling and waving my arms around, that's just all theatrics. It is when I'm speaking calmly that I am truly angry." She looks each one of you in the eye. "You each have exactly one minute to tell me what the hell happened in there. Reggie, you first."
Reggie: "I was just in there asking Tsu-Ni if she'd do a shoot with me. Ron here comes in and tells me to leave her alone, then he shoved me into the table. Simple as that."
Ron: "Bullshit I did." The two start to growl at each other again.
Barbara hisses at Ron, then turns to Reggie. "Continue."
Reggie: "That's all I've got to say."
Barbara nods. "Very well, then. Ron, your turn."
Ron: "I was walking by the break room and heard Reggie and Tsu-Ni arguing. I texted Jenny to call for help, then I went in to see what was going on. Reggie was holding Tsu-Ni's arm and told me to 'beat it', threw her against the wall, and punched me." Points to bruise. "I punched him back. That's when he fell on the table and you came in. That's all."
Reggie growls, and Barbara hisses at him. "Tsu-Ni? What happened?"
Tsu-Ni: "Ron is being truthful. Reginald claimed that because he is the studio's top earner, he should be able to perform with everyone in the studio. I refused. He took my wrist by force and insulted Ron. That is when he arrived." She glances at Ron. "I attempted to free myself. Reginald attacked me," points to bandage, "and I do not recall anything further until I regained consciousness."
Barbara: "Thank you, Tsu-Ni." Turns to Reggie. "Reginald, as you know, I have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment in this place. This is the first time I have been forced to invoke that policy. You have ten minutes to get your pretentious ASS out of this studio. You're fired!"
Reggie gets up and swipes a bunch of papers off the desk. "I didn't want this fucking job anyway." Storms out.
Barbara sends Cheval after Reggie to make sure he leaves.
Barbara, to Ron: "Now Ron, I'm sure you know that I don't tolerate violence in this workplace." Tsu-Ni looks concerned. "But in this case, Reggie deserved it. I trust Tsu-Ni to be honest, and that means I believe you."
Barbara: "Now, you two are hurt. Go home, get some fresh air, and focus on healing. I don't want to see you in this studio until you're physically and emotionally better. Take all the time you need. Got it?"
Ron and Tsu-Ni agree. As they leave, Barbara gets on studio-wide PA. "Attention all staff. This is Barbara. I am calling an emergency meeting. Stop what you're doing, abort your shoots, and come to the break room immediately. Thank you."

Revision as of 15:36, 15 March 2022

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