Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-2: The giant wolfess puts you under her tail

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Sevrita scoops you up. "Man, look at you! Such a dirty little raccoon." She carries you to a nearby pool. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" She dips you into the pool. The water isn't as cold as you expected, and the giant wolf spends a little while just scrubbing you and cleaning you up, doing a surprisingly good job of getting the stuff out of your fur. Once you're clean enough, you finish the job yourself, getting the muck out of your ears, eyes, nose and mouth.
Sevrita scoops you up. "Man, look at you! Such a dirty little raccoon." She carries you to a nearby pool. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" She dips you into the pool. The water isn't as cold as you expected, and the giant wolf spends a little while just scrubbing you and cleaning you up, doing a surprisingly good job of getting the stuff out of your fur. Once you're clean enough, you finish the job yourself, getting the muck out of your ears, eyes, nose and mouth.
When you get out of the water, you can still smell her scent all over you. That's not coming out for a good long while, you think to yourself. But you look back up at the wolf, who picks you up in your hand again. "Well, what should I do with you next, little one?"
When you get out of the water, you can still smell her scent all over you. That's not coming out for a good long while, you think to yourself. But you look back up at the wolf, who picks you up in her hand again. "Well, what should I do with you next, little one?"
* [[Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-2: The giant wolfess uses you as a dildo|She uses you as a dildo.]]
* [[Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-2: The giant wolfess uses you as a dildo|She uses you as a dildo.]]

Revision as of 09:26, 2 March 2022

(Warning: Scat.)

Sevrita licks her lips. "I know just what will make me feel REALLY good." She continues to hold you upright in her hand while she shifts herself around. She gets onto her hands and knees and moves her hand so you can see her from behind. Once there, she hikes up her tail to expose her nether treasures. Her swollen pussy lips seem almost to wink at you, pulsing with arousal, begging to have a nice, thick cock, or something else, inside them. But you also see her tight rosebud just below her tail, quivering slightly in her position. And that seems to be what she's bringing you toward.

You gulp. You've experimented with anal play with Tara - she actually kinda liked it, but said it would take her some getting used to. But you've never seen a tailhole this big. What could Sevrita possibly have in mind here?

She answers your question for you. "You're going to give me a good, thorough licking, little raccoon." This is more of an order than she's given you so far, and you remember just how capable she would be of just simply crushing you in her hand, or her teeth, if you don't cooperate. She holds you up to her ass and makes sure you get a good, long look at it. The pucker is quite a bit bigger than your head, and the scent here is overwhelming - the inherent dirtiness of this part of anyone's body, multiplied so many times by her gargantuan size, mixed with the equally strong musk of her arousal just below. It's... oddly pleasant, and invigorating. And it assaults your pleasure center, distorted so heavily by all those hormones raging ever stronger through your body.

You place your hands on either side of that rosebud, feeling the warm muscle quiver under your touch. Your face is directly in front of the very center of that orifice, twitching a bit as the wolfess holds herself and you in position. "What are you waiting for?" she asks.

You suck in a breath and lean forward, touching your tongue right in the center. The wolf gasps in response, squeezing it shut just a little more. You touch it again and linger, licking slowly upward. The taste is heady, but again, not unpleasant. And the shudder she gives you encourages you to keep going.

You push more boldly with your tongue, licking all around the center of that sphincter, cleaning it and massaging it a little bit at a time. The wolf girl's moans increase and she starts to relax there. You find yourself getting more turned on by this, your initial hesitation dissipating as you decide you actually like this. (Of course, it's hard not to like anything naughty right now - your cock will do anything for another chance to relieve the growing pressure in those balls of yours.)

You decide to escalate things now. You stick your hands into Sevrita's tight muscle, working them slowly and carefully inside. She mmm's and pushes back against you, though given how tiny you are compared to her, that doesn't accomplish much. But then you feel her tailhole relax around you just a bit, letting you slip your hands further inside. It's very warm in there.

The wolf decides to step things up a bit herself. "Here, let me help you," she says as she starts to push on you from behind. Before you know it, your arms have sunk halfway inside, squishing into the soft, squishy mass within, and that tight, ribbed entrance is already starting to envelop your head. Before you can even try to resist, she pushes more, your face and shoulders squishing into the smelly muck, the ring sliding down your back, eventually swallowing your rump and your tail, then slurping your legs and feet inside.

You are now completely covered in her thick, squishy excrement. It permeates your fur and sticks to your face, squishes into your ears and invades your nose. You thankfully don't have to smell it since you can't breathe in here at all, Tara's infinite-breath spell keeping you from suffocating. But you feel it squish and squelch all around your body with each of the wolf's movements.

You hear her speak, only just barely able to make out her muffled words. "Get comfortable in there, little one. It's gonna be a while before I have to let you out."

Despite your immediate disgust with what she just did to you, the sticky mess is stimulating your cock without you even having to move. Your shaft is absolutely rock hard, leaking copious amounts of precum into the muck. You try to stay still, not wanting to give in, but something about this strange, sticky environment just keeps making it tingle, and your tension rises whether you like it or not. Before too long, it gets to be too much to bear, and you grunt as you begin to cum. Your thick ejaculate mixes with the mess surrounding your tip, softening it and causing it to surround your erection even closer and more hotly. This in turn strengthens your climax, forcing you to cum harder and longer, repeating the cycle. You open your mouth to cry out in pleasure, but your voice is immediately choked off by the excrement forcing its way onto your tongue.

Something snaps in your brain, and your disgust turns to a frenzied bliss. The stuff tastes good to you, and you eagerly swallow a mouthful of it, letting more enter right behind it. The stuff squishes down your throat and settles into your already-full stomach, mixing with that hormone-laden milk and making you feel warm inside. This is so gross, you think to yourself, but you can't stop yourself. You start to jerk yourself off in the mess and cum again within seconds, more of your seed filling into the narrow space there.

You hear two voices just outside. You recognize Sevrita's voice, of course, but then you realize you're also hearing Jamal. Sevrita shifts a bit, jostling you in your filthy prison. Then, without warning, Jamal's giant tapered cock thrusts into the passageway, bumping firmly into you and quickly shoving you further inside. You give off a muffled 'mmf' as that shaft pulls back and thrusts harder, the tip jamming up against your feet and squishing you further still. The hot muck gets softer, hotter, and squishier here, that disgusting but oddly arousing squelching getting stronger in your ears. You hear Sevrita moaning and grunting with each thrust, begging her lover to put that cock in deeper. And obligingly, he thrusts even deeper, sending you still further inside the giant's gut.

Several minutes go by, the giant male mating with his girl's ass. You feel the thrusts become harder, jerking and jostling you more with each push, until suddenly it stops. The narrow tip of the wolf's shaft is nestled up between your legs, twitching in the mess, growing just a bit more and getting closer to you. You realize that he's knotted Sevrita, and he's about to...

The pair give off a tortured "Unnh!" together, and that giant dick just below you suddenly erupts in a giant torrent of hot, sticky cum! It jets over you, instantly turning the soft mess into a thick liquid that permeates your fur even more. The pressure builds around you with each shot, splashing over your body again and again. You let some of it seep into your mouth. It tastes different. Even better than what you tasted before! You eagerly swallow a mouthful of the stuff, packing it into your stomach.

You instantly feel even more delirious than you did before. The wolf's cum is also laced with a powerful aphrodisiac that has a similar effect on you as the first one. You swallow more of the combined cum and feces, feeling the effect increase. Your shaft seems to grow longer and thicker, another climax crashing down on you without warning, your thick hot spurts bursting almost painfully from your tip, adding your own seed to the torrents Jamal is hosing you down with.

Jamal definitely proves that he is a wolf. His knotted climax lasts more than an hour, that orgasm only slightly diminishing throughout. You have been subjected to gallons upon gallons of that thick hot spunk, which now surrounds your body like a thick custard. You can't feel anything else - just this hot cream all around you.

It takes the wolves another half-hour to separate. Once they do, however, you hear Sevrita say, "Okay, little guy. Time to come on out!" She shifts around a bit, then you feel yourself starting to move. Slowly at first, those squelching noises resuming in your ears. But then, you suddenly emerge from the wolf's tailhole and fall into a thick pile of shit, the stuff you encountered right at first. As soon as you hit, you are completely showered, coated and buried in the rest of Jamal's cum mixed with her leavings. It takes her a whole two minutes to finish relieving herself, the pile at least ten feet tall, and you're buried way down at the bottom of it.

And you spend another moment getting off in it. You are so far gone that this is somehow incredibly sexy to you. You find yourself wanting to go back inside that space.

But eventually, you decide you really need to get out of there. You claw your way forward, working through the thick mass until your hands break through to open air. You pull yourself out, covered from head to toe in the female's shit and the male's cum. You can't see, and when you breathe, all you can smell is shit.

Sevrita scoops you up. "Man, look at you! Such a dirty little raccoon." She carries you to a nearby pool. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" She dips you into the pool. The water isn't as cold as you expected, and the giant wolf spends a little while just scrubbing you and cleaning you up, doing a surprisingly good job of getting the stuff out of your fur. Once you're clean enough, you finish the job yourself, getting the muck out of your ears, eyes, nose and mouth.

When you get out of the water, you can still smell her scent all over you. That's not coming out for a good long while, you think to yourself. But you look back up at the wolf, who picks you up in her hand again. "Well, what should I do with you next, little one?"

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Raccoon

Furry Status (Tara)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Female
Species Cat
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