A pack of frat-boys, shoving their way through the crowd.

From Create Your Own Story

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*[[You don't have a choice.]]
*[[You don't have a choice.]]
*[[Try to escape.]]
*[[You need to escape this mess.]]
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Revision as of 00:41, 13 December 2019

"Pack" might be the best way to describe them. They're a whole band of rowdy boys, ranging from around this fox's age to probably mid-twenties, but nearly all of them look the same. Toned and tall, wearing one of a variety of jackass attire: letterman jackets, leather, too-tight jeans, and way, way too much cologne. The one at the head of the band is a hyena. Even with that forward-set head-position (basically a hunch?) that many hyenas have, he still stands slightly above you in height. You set your jaw as he approaches you.

"This guy giving you trouble?" He barks at the fox, but he doesn't let his dark eyes tear away from you. He's growling audibly with every word, and stares you down with a vicious glare. The fox-boy paused for a moment, but then he nodded. Seems like the friends he mentioned have come through after all.

You glare right back at the hyena, but he continues to approach you, forcing you to take a step back. His growls reach a new volume. "I was hoping it would be you," he grunts. His muzzle is now half an inch from your own, and he practically spits little drops of saliva at you with each word. "See, my buddy caught a video of you earlier tonight. Slipping bottles out of the bar, right? Let me pull it up."

He pulls a phone out of his jacket's pocket, and then a video. And it is... incriminating. The video shows a bulky lion, quite clearly you, snatching up a few bottles of booze before looking around suspiciously to see if anyone noticed.

You give up on any kind of macho-dominance-battle, and let out a groan. You'd slipped a couple bottles earlier in the night, in hopes of getting something special for your older brother, Richard. But this...this was the worst-case scenario.

The hyena before you cackles cruelly, his laughs permeating and rippling uncomfortably in your ears. "So I have the power. With this video, I could get you fired. Probably land you a nice fat fine with a half-decent cop. A night in jail, if they're feeling generous." He leans in more closely, pressing his narrow muzzle straight into your cheek. You wince, forcing yourself to breathe smoothly, even with his face right up in yours. "You're our bitch now. First things first, you're going to let our buddy go." He waves his hand, and the fox nods nervously before turning and disappearing into the crowd.

Some of the other frat boys have caught on to the conversation and are starting to surround you, egging on the hyena. The douchebag in front of you smirks cruelly, and his eyes narrowed. "First things first, dick." The hyena spits in your face again, and you wince and try to pull away. He grips your shoulder tightly, holding you in place. "You're going to snag us some booze. As much as you can carry. Then you're going to step into the back alley. Try to run, and it'll only get harder for you."

The hyena steps back, and waves his boys forward. They begin to filter out of the bar, one by one, and soon, you're left standing alone beside the bar, blinking your eyes and trying to piece together what just happened.

Furry Status
Health 98 Equipment:

Phone, Wallet, Keys, Cinderblock Uniform

Gender Male
Species Lion
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