Raise your open hands in a sign of peace

From Create Your Own Story

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"Cin Drallig, you old dog! Why didn't you say it was you?!" The man puts away the blaster and welcomes you in. He gives your master a pat on the back and offers you both a seat. "So this is the new Padawan, eh? Seems a bit jumpy to me. Is this one as gifted as the others?"

"We will have to wait and see, Greth." Cin Drallig states. Other Padawans? You thought you were your masters' first. You will have to ask him about the others later. "Now Greth, what is this between you and the Darklighter family?"

"Oh, things have gotten hostile around here, old friend. They don't seem to like the fact that I have been salvaging part from their junk heap. A man has to make a living some how! They have decided to get rid of me. Do you have any idea how many mercenaries I've had to kill just to stay alive?"

You tire of this, and decide to look around the house.


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