D&D: FHR: Quick you can get to your gear while she is distracted!

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You realise this is a perfect chance for you to get to your gear unnoticed, and as much as to want to come, you really don't want to be trapped in the log naked, with no way to get to your gear.

So reluctantly, you stop touching yourself, your nipples are painfully hard and your sex is throbbing with need, as you take a deep breath and slip down the hollow log into the warm water.

You push yourself down the log with your hands and kick off swimming quickly underwater towards the partially submerged smooth curved rock both of you have used as a recliner chair, confident you can swim past her under the water.

As you swim underwater you can see just her feet and shoulders are in the water, the rest of her tense body is arched with her hips and breasts trust out of the pool into the air, one hand working furiously on her sex.

She is completely distracted, no chance of her noticing me! You think smiling, as you underwater you swim close past the rock chair, on the shortest route to your gear.

"Arck! In the pool! Roll now!" A voice calls out, from above you.

You stop swimming and whip your head around underwater and look up. First, you spot the source of the sound, a raven flying slowly over the pool.

Then you realise that stopping was a mistake, as you see the naked mage react unhesitatingly, without even looking, she rolls and throws herself off the rock into the deeper water, directly above you.

Not wanting her on your back, you twist chest up in the water your body rising buoyantly now you are not moving.

She lands sprawled in the water, arms spread for swimming, her head out the water searching for threats, and is completely surprised as her body collides with your submerged body chest first!

As breasts mashing against breasts, your torso is forced deeper, and physics forces your hips upwards into her hips.

D&D: FHR: Wrestle naked in the water

D&D: FHR: Escape and head for the shore

D&D: FHR: Climb on the rock you are right next to

D&D: FHR: Ravish her in the water

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