DGM/Your sister

From Create Your Own Story

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(Created page with 'You are John, 16 years old and live with your parents and 13 year old sister, Julie. You both have red hair and green eyes along with several features that make it very clear theā€¦')

Current revision as of 02:04, 27 March 2018

You are John, 16 years old and live with your parents and 13 year old sister, Julie. You both have red hair and green eyes along with several features that make it very clear the two of you are brother and sister. Your parents have left for a week for their second honeymoon and they have left you in charge. You have no problem since you get along relatively well with your sister.

You and Julie are watching a movie when the power goes out. She looks at you and says, "Just when it was getting to the good part. I hate power outages."

You nod in complete agreement, but don't say anything. You hope it is short lived.

When it does not come on quickly, Julie says, "I'm bored. Let's play a game."

You decide it is better than nothing and ask, "OK, Julie, what game do you want to play."

She smiles and says, "Uno."

You grimace as you can't stand to play it with her. She is a bad loser and worse winner. You say, "Not in the mood. How about poker."

She stomps her foot and says, "No. I don't like playing poker. You always win. Checkers."

You shake your head and say, "Pass." You have no idea where the idea comes from, but you quickly say, "How about playing the dare game."

She looks at you a little confused and asks, "What is the dare game?"

You smile and say, "It is like truth or dare, but without the truth."

She gets a nervous look on her face and says, "I don't know."

You maintain your smile as you say, "Come on. It'll be fun."

She starts to come around as she asks, "Are there any other rules, like can't dare me to hurt myself?"

You say, "There are some rules. The first is we can't dare each other to hurt ourselves. The next rule is everything we do is kept secret, so we can't use it to embarrass each other later, so no telling mom and dad, or anyone else. The next rule is everything goes that doesn't violate the first rule. The last rule is we have to accept the dare, so no backing out once we start."

You have no idea how you were able to come up with the rules on the fly, but glad you did. There is some unknown force working its way into your mind, some slight darkness, but you don't care. The game sounds like fun, and perfectly harmless for now.

She still has a nervous look on her face as she mulls over the idea of playing the game with you. Sensing that she is close to agreeing to play the game, you say, "You can even go first."

She decides:

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