Make your Uzumaki heritage more dominant?

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Jumping at the chance to meet the woman who gave you life, you happily chose that. In a massive flash of light, you see the most beautiful redheaded woman of your young life. hesitantly, you approach the very confused woman, her lilac eyes frowning at the new enviroment.

Looking around, she sees you approaching, tears in your eye, slowly her own widen as it sinks in, that yes, you are her son. "Naruto? My baby? you got so big!" her cry of pain and happiness mixed as she dragged you to her in a tearful embrace.

You both spend the next few hours getting to know each other, you learn many things from her, and she you, many things Kushina is not pleased with. "Listen closly nauto, they took me and your fathers dying wish, and spat on it, this must not go unpunished! Shinigami, i want you to give my boy all of my knowledge in Sealing, my Sword skills, and my Jutsu... and while i love your father, he was devoid of a Clan, so i also ask that you make his Uzumaki DNA more Dominant, his yellow hair will clash with his new eyes anyway, Y'know!"

This was met by the chuckles of a death god, seeing you nod in agreement to her wishes, he placed a hand on both of your heads, the two of you begin screaming as much of your mothers essence is used to begin the change. As your hair grows longer, turning red, face becoming framed by the signiture bangs of the Fourth Hokage, your blue eyes turn lilac as well, all of your mothers Ninja skills and experiances are funnelled into your mind, replacing much of the garbage you learned in the Academy.

"Thank you Lord Shinigami... It's time I leave, Son, give them hell!" with those parting words you give a sad smile, her flaming hair the last thing to go.

Shinigami says the same, and with a wave of his hand, he flashes you back to you waiting bed, all in all, the best birthday of your young life!

When you awaken in your room, your toad hat on, you frown, looking at the time you see its nearly eight in the morning,

what do you do...

Get Dressed and head to the Academy

Get dressed and head to out to see the Hokage

Get dressed and head into the red light district, training to use your new powers in need

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