Welcome To Tyre - Alexander Arc 1 - Scene 1

From Create Your Own Story

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*[[Welcome To Tyre - Alexander Arc 1 - Scene 1A1| Choose not to do anything rash. I want to take things slow.]]
*[[Welcome To Tyre - Alexander Arc 1 - Scene 1A1| Choose not to do anything rash. I want to take things slow.]]
*I don’t know why, but I’m in love with this woman.
*[[Welcome To Tyre - Alexander Arc 1 - Scene 1B1| I don’t know why, but I’m in love with this woman.]]
*I don’t know what’s come over me, but I want her right now.
*[[Welcome To Tyre - Alexander Arc 1 - Scene 1C1| I don’t know what’s come over me, but I want her right now.]]

Current revision as of 20:54, 20 March 2017

You decide to venture out to the courtyard.

As you enjoy your time taking in the stunning view of the courtyard and the blooming spring trees, you catch wind of a conversation taking place just a mere 10 feet away.

“Is it true? A ship was seen shipwrecked off the northern coastline?” Said a feminine voice.

“Aye. One of them fancy civilian ships from the Empire. No one knows if there were any survivors. The weather was awfully hectic today.” Said a deep masculine voice.

Ah, finally! Something interesting to keep you busy and to keep you from thinking of important duties. You take note of your surroundings, and there is scarce anybody around except for the one couple you were just eavesdropping on. You begin your small adventure to the northern coastline to inspect the shipwreck.

After a twenty-minute walk, you come across the shore. The wind has died down, and the sun is starting to peak out from the dark clouds above. Out on the water is the rumored ship, sitting on some very sharp rocks. The hull is completely busted, and the sails are slightly ripped.

You might as well have some fun while you’re here. You run down to the beach and dip your feet into the water. You continue to play in the water for two minutes before noticing sounds coming from the rocks to the left of you.

As you walk around the tall rocks sitting on the beach, you notice what looks like a human female sitting down. You look at her with curious eyes, and try to sneak up on her to get a better look. Once you are in a better position to observe the mysterious girl, your eyes begin to study her body. Her hair is not too long and not too short. The color of her hair is a nice dark brunette, and her face is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.

Your eyes go lower, and take note of her features. Her breasts are perfect. They’re not big like your mother’s, and not small like most wulf girls. The farther your eyes travel the more pleasing her figure appears. Her ass is big and round, enough to make your mouth water. Her skin was a soft white and looked soft to the touch. You like what you see, but you know that it will cause trouble here.

You remember that someone spotted the ship, but you heard no word of any survivors. Why did nobody notice her?

You decide to talk to her to.

“Well aren’t you a long way from home?” You say. You look at the woman curiously. “Why are you here?”

The woman looks quite afraid, but once she realizes you aren’t that dangerous she responds. “I was on an expedition with some colleagues. We were out looking for deserted islands.”

“Expedition? What, looking for new land to settle on? Isn’t your Empire big enough?” You question jokingly.

“Shut it. With your Dominion having taken our lands, we must look for a better means to supply ourselves with food. We’re having enough trouble already living off the crops of the Burning Fields.” She says angrily.

“Hey now, don’t get mad at me. It’s not my fault.” You say. You look around for a moment and realize that you’ve just found a human deep inside wulf territory.

“Come on, we need to get you out of here before someone finds you. You’re deep in the heart of wulf territory, and I think they won’t take too kindly to you.” You walk around the rocks and reach out your hand to help her up, but she refuses. You both stand up.

“Follow me, I know of a place where you can stay and not get caught.” You motion for her, and the two you walk away from the beach.

After five minutes, you bring her to your secret hideout. A childhood secret base that you and your friends built when you were just six years old. It was built into the side of a cliff, and was well hidden from the surrounding area. To get to it, you had to climb up the cliff and enter a medium sized hole about five feet wide and four feet tall. Once you were in, it sloped downward into a small cave system. A door was placed at one of the walls, and when opened a giant room of splendors was unveiled.

“What the heck is this place?” Asked the female human. She was astounded by the size of the room, and how it could even fit underground.

“This—This is my secret hideout.” You parade around all triumphant as if this was your greatest achievement. “I’ve never grown tired of this place. It’s my solitude away from home. I come here at least twice a week.” You say.

“How on Tyre did you build all this anyway!?” She said confused.

“Ah yes. It would seem impossible for me to do this all by myself. Of course, I had my friends to help build this place for me.” You respond. “Oh, and by the way. You never did tell me your name. I would like to place a name to your face.”

“Ashley. Ashley Carter’s my name.” She says hesitantly. “Now what’s yours?”

“My name is Alexander Hansen Jr.” You say.

“Hey, where are on Tyre am I anyway?” She continues to survey the room. “You’re on Eora.” You say plainly.

“What? Eora?” She says. “Are you kidding me? But wait, if we’re on Eora then that means…”

“Yeah... You are west of Edenshire right now. The capital city of The Dominion. Far away from your homeland.”

She looks fairly stunned at this point. You think it’s best to just act a little friendlier to her.

You have saved a human girl from sudden death, and now she is in your secret hideout. There is no one around for miles, and it’s just you two. You realize this fact and start to feel a weird sensation in your body. What is this? You’ve never felt this before in your life, so you do not know how to react. You tell her to make herself at home and walk away. You think this might be what your mother used to talk about all the time when you were a young lad. The moment you find the woman who is right for you, even though you may not know her well, your heart will call to you. An intense burning in your heart will rise and make you take action. You have few options to choose from. What will you do?

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