Triple faint

From Create Your Own Story

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Meeh it has gone well this far so why not? YOU TRIPLE FAINT! what?
Meeh, it has gone well this far, so why not? YOU TRIPLE FAINT! what?
[[Go for an an other faint]]
[[Finaly wake up]] seriously this isn't funny anymore
[[Use this faint thing for you're own gain]] UNLEASH THE POWER!!!
*[[Go for an an other faint]]
*[[Finally wake up]] seriously, this isn't funny anymore
*[[Use this faint thing for your own gain]] UNLEASH THE POWER!!!
[[Category: The Girl Down the Street]]
[[Category: The Girl Down the Street]]

Revision as of 19:54, 2 April 2008

Meeh, it has gone well this far, so why not? YOU TRIPLE FAINT! what?

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