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Current revision as of 04:12, 2 October 2015

Zelda signaled Selena. She held up four fingers over and over. Selena looked confused for the first few seconds, then mouthed, "song four?" Zelda nodded, and Selena just shrugged, counting them off.

The song began. Zelda just had to tide everyone over until the wardrobe change. She moved behind Lulu to keep the focus off herself, even as she sang. Confused faces made it through the four other ladies, but they carried on regardless.

Since the forth song was initially meant to introduce each of the five before the grand finale, it worked just as well while everyone had their attention on them. There was no wave or anything, but really just a short section each of them got to play solo - only for four bars. Zelda was first, who just played a riff on her guitar as she practiced. Hers was simple.

Next was Selena, who after she played prepared all the pink ribbons to be let loose around the stage after the final introduction was made.

The next was Lulu, who played her violin while she did a twirl. It would have world wonders if the ground was not covered in fake blood. She actually fell on her backside, but was off the violin by then. It may not have looked planned, and it likely hurt a ton. She tried to stand up during Ali's solo, which of course was perfect, but the uneven warped edges of the wooden paneling to the stage caught one of her stockings. She knelt forward and tried to pull it out, and when her stocking snapped loose, her garter belt came off from the tension, she fell back again, and this time the bottom lace of her dress caught on the ground. Zelda moved over to help her up, and Lulu's strong legs pushed upward at that moment. She stood directly into Zelda's chest hard, which not only ripped off the bottom part of her dress and snapped her own panties, but also knocked Zelda to the ground. Not many seemed to be noticing, because it was at this point Avery's solo was happening, and she pushed her keyboard on its wheels down the stage, playing it as it went, but it inevitably fell over, and Avery fell on top of it. The straps of her pants caught her keyboard's stand and forced them half way down her thighs, but she was behind the piano, and it was hardly noticeable.

The pink ribbons went loose, and Selena looked around, seeing Lulu checking if Zelda was okay, and then looking around a bit before falling on the ground limp like it was supposed to happen this way, positioning herself behind Zelda so no one could see her dress was ripped, and Selena shrugged and fell on her drums.

It seemed confusing at first, with the ribbons settling on the stage and four of the ladies sprawled on their instruments. Maybe all of them were supposed to die (except Ali) The audience just cheered. It was art - whatever.

Selena got up first, never one to stay still for long, and dragged Avery backstage. She was covered with ribbons, and struggled with trying to keep her pants on. As she was being dragged away, the stand with the keyboard was being dragged with her. Not wanting to waste time, Selena snapped the pants off and dragged her back. Avery, alarmed, covered herself with the ribbons, but honestly it was hardly noticeable.

The fountain of ribbons also landed on Lulu and Zelda. Zelda was rather dazed, and feeling the center of her chest. Lulu kept low to the ground to keep her legs and crotch hidden, while dragging Zelda backstage. They were like moving corpses, and slow at that. The audience was enthralled - they would wait. Zelda's spiked jacket was not keen on the dragging, catching on every crack of the paneling, and Lulu slipped it off of her shoulders. Backstage, Lulu looked to see what Selena was staring at.

There was no tent for them anymore. Of course not. The next band played in twenty minutes. All their things would be moved back to their cars.

"Huh. Well, at least we got them going for a while!" Selena said, looking to the other two. "Woah, Lulu, what happened to Zelda?"

Zelda slowly sat up and cleared her throat. "You alright?" Lulu asked.

"Can you sing?" Selena asked.

"Where are my pants?!" Avery whined.

"I'm fine." Zelda said and breathed deep. "I really am. Just got surprised. What's going on?"

Selena shrugged. "Beats me. We don't exactly have many options here. We have no clothes to change into." On stage, the workers cleared ribbons from the stage, as well as the clothes to keep everything hazard free. It was their job.

"We still have the dance coming up." Lulu said, then looking down at her legs. Her stockings were still attached to her garter, but her dress ended like a shirt on her - the skirt end completely gone. Her bikini cut underwear was all that was there, and she actually had to throw those away - the snap against the floor had ruined the elastic. If she did not hold them, they would fall immediately, as her stockings already were without the garter belt. The top half of the dress was in disrepair from all the loose hu-bub. The straps were loose on her, which caused the top to ride down, which was a problem since when the bottom lace was ripped off, it also ripped up the seam of the back of the dress line to the zipper, making the whole thing loose. Avery had lost her pants, and was left in boyshorts and her tied top and tube top underneath that. Zelda had her stockings, the belt, her t shirt, the fishnet shirt, and her panties.

"Well, I got safety pins." Selena said. "I can go without pants or a shirt - hardly an issue for me."

"Lulu, you are the one that needs to dance the most." Zelda said while regaining her breath. "What would work?"

Lulu tried to think of what they had available. No matter what, she pretty much had to lose the dress top and the panties, and no matter what, Selena would be left in her underwear, but she was fine with that.

The first would focus mainly on Lulu's comfort. Selena and Zelda could give her their shirts. Selena's shirt could be worn like a skirt, putting a slit up the side to move her legs, and tying the top with one of her stockings. For all her high kicks, she would get Avery's boy shorts. Zelda's shirt would work just fine as a normal shirt for Lulu, and would cover everything important, even though Lulu did not have a bra. To help with any jiggling, she could use the other stocking like a tube top, though since the stocking was see through she would have to keep the shirt on. Zelda would wear Avery's tube top, and put the fishnet shirt on over that. She could keep using the belt as a skirt. Avery would be left in her tied up tank top, and also put on the incredibly large set of Selena's scrappy ripped up pants, which could be pinned tighter to her, though she would have nothing underneath.

The second would be to consolidate everyone's clothes for everyone's comfort. Lulu would wear Avery's tied tank top to be tied to her, and Lulu could wrap her stockings twice over her chest to help with any transparency issues if something were to happen to the top. She would use Zelda's underwear, as well as Selena's shirt as a long skirt with a slit up the side to help move around. Avery would be left with her tube top and boy shorts, which she was not keen on. Since Zelda did not have big kicks during the dance, she did not have to worry about her lack of underwear. She could wear the belt as a spiky, attitude filled top. She imagined she would have to keep it up a lot, even if it was tightly put on. She still had on the fishnet shirt, which more or less helped with the mind more than actually showing. She would wear her t-shirt as a skirt by ripping open the neck hole for her legs and keeping everything pinned to her body, thus sacrificing Selena's pants. As an afterthought, she figured she could wrap one of her stockings around her waist under the shirt, and the other back and forth like a weird large pair of underwear, just in case anything really strange happened.

The last was the weirdest. They had brought with them a bunch of ribbons. Selena was the most into this idea. There were not a ton for all of them, but it would seem to complete the whole gimmick. Lulu could wrap herself in tons of ribbons, with extra care around her waist, some hanging downward from there like a dress, and more wrapped around her top. The safety pins could keep everything steady. Avery would give Lulu her boyshorts and tube top for full coverage, and use her own stockings tied with the ribbons around her waist and chest as added pin area for the ribbons to stay put. Dancing with Zelda, it was decided Zelda would have to at least wear some ribbons as well. Avery would get Selena's shirt, which would engulf her entirely, and use Zelda's belt to keep it in place. Her chest would still be well covered by the tied tank top. Zelda would be left with her t-shirt and fishnet shirts for her top, and for the bottom wrap her stockings around her stomach hang ribbons off of them. They would fall down like a flowing, grass skirt to the floor. Since she did not have any twirls or kicks, it should not show her panties.

Wearing slightly wet fishnet stockings, incredibly large belt, short t-shirt, fine fishnet shirt (back ripped), panties, boots
Mood A bit in pain
Inventory Guitar, unused packet of fake blood
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