ND/Oakland Accept case 1

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 00:51, 20 September 2015

'Fine,' you say wearily. 'But I want twenty a day plus expenses and a hundred dollar retainer with the promise of a further two-fifty if I do the job.'

'You don't come cheap do you?' Blondie says, smiling.

'I'm going up against Marty Riordan,' you remind her. 'My life isn't worth much, but it's worth that much.'

She walks out of the door and comes back with a checkbook. She sits down on the sofa next to you. Her dressing gown opens up again, this time giving you a of her soft white breast, almost all the way to the nipple. She doesn't seem to have noticed it. She writes out the check and hands it to you. 'Fifty dollars for expenses,' she says, 'and a hundred for your retainer.' You take it and slip it into your breast pocket.

'Is there anything else you need?' she asks.

Maybe it's the scotch. Maybe it's the heat. Whatever it is, you're suddenly tempted to do something stupid.

Get a grip and move on

Do something stupid

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