2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Tell her to rub it while you itch her peepee for her

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“Maybe it's like the white stuff.” You say.
“How about you rub it.” You say, stepping forward toward her. She seems to look indecisive for a moment before reaching out one hand to touch your wiener. You don't know why, but feeling her hands come into contact with your wiener feels really weird and you suddenly gasp and jump as your wiener tightens and bounces on its own.
“Whaaat?Missy asks, really confused.
“I'm sorry.She pulls her hand back.
“That's what I really wanted to show you when I woke you up. My wiener shot out some white stuff. It wasn't pee, something else came out of my wiener.”
“No, it's Ok.” You say, sitting down and then scooting your self closer, moving your legs up over hers so that you can sit really close together. “I'll scratch your peepee, so you can rub mine and make the white stuff come out.”
“Yeah,” Missy says. “This isn't pee either!” She still sounds a little sore about having been accused of peeing.
Missy seems to look somewhat unsure about this as she reaches back out for your wiener. She brings her hands right over it without touching it and then looks up at your. “Does it hurt?” She asks.
“I've still got some on my hand.” You say, thrusting the divot between your thumb and pointer finger into her face. Missy moves her head away at first, but then takes a closer look. She reaches up her hand and grabs a bit of it between her fingers, rubbing her fingers together and separating them to test the stuff out. After a moment of this, she returns her hands to her peepee and begins itching down the middle again, mixing your white stuff with her.. not pee stuff as she continues trying to scratch her itch, although not as furiously as before.
“No, it's Ok.”
“How do you make the white stuff come out?” She asks.
She seems to relax a little at this and then grabs your wiener with both hands, but she still looks a little bit concerned. “Why did you jump like that then?” She asks as she looks up while awkwardly trying to rub your wiener with both hands.
“I rub on it, and then it starts coming out.
“I don't know, it just felt weird” You tell her.
“Maybe that's why my peepee is getting wet, because of the itch and I am rubbing it when I scratch.
She seems to consider this a little while as she begins rubbing. It really feels nice to have someone else's hands rubbing you, but she isn't quite doing it the same as you would to yourself. She is a little too gentle and she is holding it very strangely.
“Maybe.You agree, “But mine doesn't come out like that. It comes out, like, all at once.”
At any rate, you really do want to feel her peepee again. You reach down and around her hands and rub your fingers over the puffy little mini-bottom she has in front, getting a better sense of how it feels. You start putting your fingers inside the crack again, and Missy stiffens up and sucks in your breath like you hurt her. “Are you Ok?You ask, pulling back your hands.
“Yeah,She says and stares at you with a blank expression on her face for a while. “...... It just felt weird,” With that, she cracks a smile. It takes you a second, but you soon realize the connection and start giggling. This starts her giggling as well, and after a little bit of giggling you put your hands back down on Missy's peepee and are a lot more quick to start running your fingers through it.
“Well.... I don't know.You admit. “It's like when I pee, but I have to rub it for a while before it will come out and it feels really good when it comes out.
Missy's not-pee is very wet and it is everywhere now. It is even starting to get into your carpet. You are starting to notice the smell now. It smells kind of like her bedroom, only a lot stronger. It is actually kind of pleasant, and for some reason it makes you think of her peepee and wanting to touch it more. You rub all up and down around both sides of the peepee hole inside, or at least you assume it is her peepee hole. It is a big slit inside of her crack with some weird bumpy pink stuff around it. You feel a thrill come over you as you decide you are going to be really naughty and stick your finger in it. Her “peepee hole” opens and you find yourself rubbing against solid flesh, kind of like you would when you feel your butt crack while whiping yourself in the bathroom.
Missy seems to look as though she is thinking about this for a bit, rocking back with the bottoms of her feet together and her knees way out as she keeps slowly moving her fingers back and forth in her peepee. You don't really know why, but looking at her doing that really makes your wiener hard and it makes you feel like rubbing on it.
“Wow, that's weird!” You comment.
“Can you show me?” She asks.
“Huh?” She responds, jerking her hands off of your wiener in order to look down at her own privates.
“What?” Now it is your turn to be surprised by something she says.
“You have a crack inside of your crack!” You tell her.
“Can you show me how you shoot the white stuff?
“No I don't!She responds immediately.
“Ok,” You respond. This is almost exactly what you wanted to do. You wanted to show her you shooting the white stuff from before you woke her up, and right now you really want to rub your weiner, but you can't help but think maybe it would be better if she were the one rubbing your wiener, and you also really want to touch her peepee again.
“Yeah, you do. Look!” She takes her hands off you again and and lays back as you untangle your legs from each other so you can crawl up between her legs. You use your thumbs to pull apart her outer part of her peepee to open up to the pink skin inside, and now you can see what you had thought was her peepee hole before. It is really weird looking. It is like she has two things like fish's fins coming up from inside her peepee crack. “See? These, right here.” You say.
*[[2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Rub your wiener, then maybe she will let you touch her again|Rub your wiener, then maybe she will let you touch her again]]
“That's not a crack!” She says.
*[[2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Tell her to rub it while you itch her peepee for her|Tell her to rub it while you itch her peepee for her]]
*[[2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Rub your wiener with one hand and her peepee with the other|Rub your wiener with one hand and her peepee with the other]]
*[[2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Melony comes in and catches you|Melony comes in and catches you]]
[[Category:2T4U|Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Show Missy the white stuff and tell her your suspicions]]
“What are they then?”
“I don't know,” She reaches down and touches one of them experimentally with two fingers “It feels good when I touch it.” She says. “It makes the itch go away a little, but it still itches between.”
*[[2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Rub those squiggly things really good|Rub those squiggly things really good]]
*[[2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Help her scratch in the middle|Help her scratch in the middle]]
*[[2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Try to find her REAL peepee hole|Try to find her REAL peepee hole]]
*[[2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Hey! She hasn't been rubbing you!|Hey! She hasn't been rubbing you!]]
*[[2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/spread lips/Melony comes in and catches you|Melony comes in and catches you]]
[[Category:2T4U|Aaron/Wake Missy/Her bathroom/Tell her to rub it while you itch her peepee for her]]

Current revision as of 13:14, 5 May 2015

“How about you rub it.” You say, stepping forward toward her. She seems to look indecisive for a moment before reaching out one hand to touch your wiener. You don't know why, but feeling her hands come into contact with your wiener feels really weird and you suddenly gasp and jump as your wiener tightens and bounces on its own.

“I'm sorry.” She pulls her hand back.

“No, it's Ok.” You say, sitting down and then scooting your self closer, moving your legs up over hers so that you can sit really close together. “I'll scratch your peepee, so you can rub mine and make the white stuff come out.”

Missy seems to look somewhat unsure about this as she reaches back out for your wiener. She brings her hands right over it without touching it and then looks up at your. “Does it hurt?” She asks.

“No, it's Ok.”

She seems to relax a little at this and then grabs your wiener with both hands, but she still looks a little bit concerned. “Why did you jump like that then?” She asks as she looks up while awkwardly trying to rub your wiener with both hands.

“I don't know, it just felt weird” You tell her.

She seems to consider this a little while as she begins rubbing. It really feels nice to have someone else's hands rubbing you, but she isn't quite doing it the same as you would to yourself. She is a little too gentle and she is holding it very strangely.

At any rate, you really do want to feel her peepee again. You reach down and around her hands and rub your fingers over the puffy little mini-bottom she has in front, getting a better sense of how it feels. You start putting your fingers inside the crack again, and Missy stiffens up and sucks in your breath like you hurt her. “Are you Ok?” You ask, pulling back your hands.

“Yeah,” She says and stares at you with a blank expression on her face for a while. “...... It just felt weird,” With that, she cracks a smile. It takes you a second, but you soon realize the connection and start giggling. This starts her giggling as well, and after a little bit of giggling you put your hands back down on Missy's peepee and are a lot more quick to start running your fingers through it.

Missy's not-pee is very wet and it is everywhere now. It is even starting to get into your carpet. You are starting to notice the smell now. It smells kind of like her bedroom, only a lot stronger. It is actually kind of pleasant, and for some reason it makes you think of her peepee and wanting to touch it more. You rub all up and down around both sides of the peepee hole inside, or at least you assume it is her peepee hole. It is a big slit inside of her crack with some weird bumpy pink stuff around it. You feel a thrill come over you as you decide you are going to be really naughty and stick your finger in it. Her “peepee hole” opens and you find yourself rubbing against solid flesh, kind of like you would when you feel your butt crack while whiping yourself in the bathroom.

“Wow, that's weird!” You comment.

“Huh?” She responds, jerking her hands off of your wiener in order to look down at her own privates.

“You have a crack inside of your crack!” You tell her.

“No I don't!” She responds immediately.

“Yeah, you do. Look!” She takes her hands off you again and and lays back as you untangle your legs from each other so you can crawl up between her legs. You use your thumbs to pull apart her outer part of her peepee to open up to the pink skin inside, and now you can see what you had thought was her peepee hole before. It is really weird looking. It is like she has two things like fish's fins coming up from inside her peepee crack. “See? These, right here.” You say.

“That's not a crack!” She says.

“What are they then?”

“I don't know,” She reaches down and touches one of them experimentally with two fingers “It feels good when I touch it.” She says. “It makes the itch go away a little, but it still itches between.”

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