D&D: Suck his dick

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There's no point in resisting. Even if you had some daring escape plan to get you out of this situation, you have nowhere near close enough energy left to enact it. Besides, you tell yourself, what's one more blowjob at this point?

You meekly nod as you open your mouth, strands of the day's cum can still be seen on your tongue. The guard shoves his thick cock into your mouth, and you begin to suck on it. Lacking as you are in strength, the best you can offer is to bob your head up and down slightly; your mouth is hardly able to keep a grip at this point.

You continue at it for a few more minutes as the guard grows more and more impatient. Several times he smacks you on the head and tells you to speed up. You comply as best you can, doing your best to increase your speed and your grip on his dick.

Eventually he grows tired of your attempt, and takes your head in both of his large hands. With a grunt he shoves his dick as deep as it will go into your mouth. You instantly begin gagging on the hard cock, and the taste of semen-flavored vomit begins to rise up in the back of your throat.

The guard shows no mercy as you choke, and begins ramming his cock down your throat as fast as he can. Muffled moans and gags are all the sounds that you can make as you fear that he will choke you to death with a combination of dick and cum. You frantically pull against the ropes that hold you in place, causing you to sway about slightly. One of the other guards mentions something about you being a moving target, causing the guard who is throat-fucking you to laugh and continue to spear you with his dick no matter which way you squirm.

Eventually you feel his dick grow harder, and realize he's about to cum. You're already at your limit, and you don't think your stomach can handle anymore liquid today. On top of that, his dick has brought you to the breaking point. You choke and moan as he tightens his grip on your once luscious hair, now stained and dirty. His right hand slaps your tit once, leaving a stinging sensation.

"Eat...my...dick...elf-whore!" the guard pants as he tightens his grip on your head; you begin to think that if he doesn't choke you to death with his cock, he'll instead crush you to death with his hands. At this point, you're not even sure which fate you'd prefer. At last, the guard takes one more deep breath, you let out one more semen-garbled plea, and he stabs his dick as far down your throat as it will go.

A hot stream of jizz shoots down your throat, causing your eyes to go wide and your entire body to heave. You start choking, and your head begins to feel light from the lack of oxygen. The vomit you felt at the back of your throat comes to the fore, and your whole body trembles. At the last second, the guard pulls out of your mouth and steps to the side, causing you to send a mixture of vomit and semen, the only contents of your stomach, onto the floor. You continue to cough and choke up the substance as tears stream down your cheeks.

"Ugh...bleh...GUHHHHH!" you let out as you taste the semen that went down your throat throughout the day come back up in one large pile. All you can taste is that awful taste. All you can feel is your sore body, and the ropes holding you in place. All you can hear is the laughter of your sadistic captors.

"Gods be damned, isn't the janitor sick?" you hear one of the men mutter.

"Stupid elf-bitch," you hear as the rope holding your wrists above your head goes slack, allowing you some comfort. The comfort is, of course, short lived as your head is grabbed and shoved into the semen vomit covering the floor.

"It's not nice to make extra work for sick people!" you are told as a hand roughly stews your head about, covering your face in semen and vomit.

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