Ask about the city

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ArthurKung (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with '"What kind of city is this anyways?". "Well, this is Nazeer." one of the guards reply. "It's the biggest trading hub you'll find on this side of the desert. Elves, orcs, dwarves…')

Current revision as of 10:57, 23 March 2014

"What kind of city is this anyways?".

"Well, this is Nazeer." one of the guards reply. "It's the biggest trading hub you'll find on this side of the desert. Elves, orcs, dwarves and humans alike come here to trade with one another; as it's a completely neutral zone. On the other side of the mountain, there's also a cove where we've built a neat harbor, reulting in even more trade. Seeing as so much money pours in, it's become a town run by whoever's got most of it."

"Which happens to be our sultan." the other guard nods. "Whenever people pay duty for their wares, he gets a cut. He usually lives in the great palace, but occasionally rides through to buy wares or witness great events.".

"Are orcs allowed to live here?" you ask with suspicion.

"Oh, certainly. I think at least two thirds of the mercenaries here are orcs.".

You grin with relief, then:

Health Dangerously Horny, mated to Bethilda Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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