Demonic Outbreak

From Create Your Own Story

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Revision as of 02:39, 17 February 2014

You are a 15 year old boy called Aaron Savage. You live in Florida. You have a common teenager life. You are not the most popular guy in your school, but your good grades make up for it. You are often silent, and try to avoid social situations at all times. You do have a friend, though, but that's because he is a friend of the family. His name is James Harper, and he goes to the same school as you. One day your life takes an unexpected turn. It all begins when you go to school one day. You arrive at the doorway to be greeted by James, who was waiting for you. "Hey, dude, who's it goin'," he says when you arrive, shaking your hand. "All cool, bro," you reply. "So... about that... girl matter... Did you get her number?" he asks you with a grin on his face. "You know I didn't," you reply a little mad at him. Since the start of this year you have developed a crush on this one girl, her name is Melissa Parker and, at leats to you she's super cute. You've never had the courage to actually get close to her, though. "Oh, c'mon! You gotta grow a pair and talk to her already!" he yells at you. "Please, say it louder!" you reply sarcastically and furious. "OK, OK, OK. Please, calm down. I promise I won't mention it again... At least for the rest of the day..." he says. He's right, you think, but that matter gets you worked up really easy and you hate that he brings it up that much, telling you that sort of stuff.

So, what are you gonna do?

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