Try to explain to the father that you mean no harm, and just want her as your mate

From Create Your Own Story

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m (Walk over to the fully-grown female child and explain to the father that you intend no harm, you just want her as your mate moved to Try to explain to the father that you mean no harm, and just want her as your mate: New title and edit)
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Health=Horny, needing a mate |Experience= Virgin|HP=100}}
Health=Horny, needing a mate |Experience= Virgin|HP=25}}
[[Category: You Are An Orc]]
[[Category: You Are An Orc]]

Current revision as of 02:22, 31 January 2014

You keep your eyes on the knife in the father's hand as you walk carefully to them, keeping your own hands in plain view and opening them to reveal you have no weapon.

"I am not here to harm or steal from you," you say, looking directly at the father. "So please put your knife down."

"What is your purpose, then, monster?" he asks not letting his guard down for a second.

"I wish to make this young woman my mate," you say, pointing at the eldest daughter.

"What?!" the entire family says in unison.

"I will treat her well, protect her from all harm and supply all her needs and wants."

"I don't believe you!" the father shouts, edging the knife closer to your chest. "I know you orcs, you'll just want to make her into a sex slave, and throw her out when you're through with her!"

"What can I do to make you believe me?" you ask.

The father lowers his guard for a second, unable to believe what he's hearing. "What did you say?"

"How can I make you believe that my intentions are not to harm her?" you repeat.

"I..." the father starts, but seems so confused that it's hard for him to continue. "You must... you must work at the farm for a month. If you manage not to touch my daughter in that time, I'll believe you."

With a sigh you say, "That isn't going to work for me. I need an answer tonight, or I won't live to see the morning."

"And this is our problem, how?"

"Because, I want to live, and if I have to kill you to get to her, I will."

Mathilda trembles at your words, but steps out from her father's protection. "If I pleasured you tonight, would that be enough to save you? So that you can prove to my father you want what's best for me?" she asks.

"Mathilda." her father says.

"It will suffice for a week. Then you must pleasure me again."

A tear runs down Mathilda's cheek as she slowly nods. "If it saves my family from harm, I accept to become your mate."

"Mathilda no!" her mother cries.

She turns to face her family and smiles. "It's all right, mother. This is my choice." She then extends her hand to you. "C-come, I shall show you to my room, where you may... take me."

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 25
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