Wdyw/Adventure game

From Create Your Own Story

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Robandkil (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with 'You think that an adventure game would be a good follow up to the war game. A female lead makes it a little risky because there has never been much success except for the Metroid…')

Current revision as of 04:00, 24 December 2012

You think that an adventure game would be a good follow up to the war game. A female lead makes it a little risky because there has never been much success except for the Metroid series, but if its done right, it could be great. He takes your consideration and says that this was the most popular suggestion, so he will likely choose it. Only days later, production begins on the game. It will follow a woman who lost her family in a vicious murder, and she decides to chase the murderer and take justice into her own hands. You strongly suggest not over sexualizing the lead by dressing her in scantily clad clothes with giant breasts, but the other horny game designers brush you off. The game has great graphics and controls, but the story leaves something to be desired. The game is released and you are not too pleased with the end result. The critics give it 4/10 and it does decent in sales but the company barely breaks even. Many reviews rip apart the sad attempt at creating a female lead and the unoriginal story. The company takes a real hit from this and sales slump. Your pay gets cut back to $60,000. You only have $75,000 left on your loan. You have been focused so intently on trying to make this company succeed that your personal life has taken a backseat. All your coworkers are male so there is nothing there, and you aren't a huge fan of the bar scene. You have met some nice girls at random parties, but nothing has grown from there.

The company seems to be diminishing and morale is low. The boss is having to make cuts and you are truly afraid for your job. He calls you into his office and your face flushes with fear. He tells you about the cutbacks and you tell him you really need this job. He lets you know that the entire company may crumble if they can't release a profitable game, so he gives you the option to either Leave before it collapses or Stay and see what happens.

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