D&D: FHW: Cast a web spell, which will cause you to become visible, and hopefully trap her

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Her dress flying she also tries to come to a stop she swings a leg forward and landing on it full force, her arms also fly past either side of your torso.  
Her dress flying she also tries to come to a stop she swings a leg forward and landing on it full force, her arms also fly past either side of your torso.  
The two of you crash together, thigh split dresses trailing behind both of you, as legs slide between legs and your chests collide, then your generous chests flatten and then rebound stingingly as your hips collide... and the web spell entangles both of you.  
The two of you crash together, thigh split dresses trailing behind both of you, as legs slide between legs as your generous chests collide, your chests flatten stingingly and then rebound as your hips collide... and the web spell entangles both of you.  

Revision as of 04:39, 24 January 2019

You cast web, becoming visible as soon as the first syllables of the words magic spill from your lips, as quickly and confidently you perform the required gestures.

Her head whips towards you, her eyes widening with recognition, she reacts instantly, leaping towards you her hands reaching for yours, trying to disrupt your casting. Most people try to disrupt casting by hitting you with a weapon, but in reality, all that is required is for a word or a gesture to be incorrect for the spell to fail or miscast. Normally a web creates a 20' by 20' many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands, you wanted her inside it and you just outside the area of effect, when you cast the spell it lasts for over an hour. She is clearly aware of this, as sprints towards you, her hands tangling with yours, pushing them wider apart, as you complete casting the web spell.

Her momentum is carrying her forward, both of your arms are spread and you realise you will crash chest to chest and fall into the sewage, both of you react desperately trying to avoid this.

You leap forward trying to counter her momentum, your arms sailing past either side of her torso.

Her dress flying she also tries to come to a stop she swings a leg forward and landing on it full force, her arms also fly past either side of your torso.

The two of you crash together, thigh split dresses trailing behind both of you, as legs slide between legs as your generous chests collide, your chests flatten stingingly and then rebound as your hips collide... and the web spell entangles both of you.

You find yourselves entangled and suspended just above the ground both, your arm and legs trapped sicking out past each other with very little mobility. Unable to punch kick or cast spells both of you immediately struggle furiously against the webs holding you and both become very aware of how intimately you are trapped together.

Your leaps caused the splits on your dresses to rise to your hips and your long bare legs slid between each other's before you collided, so your struggles cause your bare thighs and panty covered crotches to move vigorously against each other, while though your dresses your braless breasts bulge shoving against each other.

But neither of you has the escape artist skill or strength required to break the webbing, and all your struggle succeed in doing is rubbing your bodies against one another. A distraction both of you find as irritating and erotically stimulating, as unwanted your sexes heat and your nipples harden.

"I hate being entangled in webs." She snarls jerking her head forward in a head butt, a strand of web in her hair slow her movement and all she manages to do is gently tap your foreheads together and pull her own hair.

"I hate slutty evil mages who hide behind masks" You reply noting strands of web stuck to her mask that are in reach, you pull on them, and as her head moves back her mask starts to come off.

"No! Stop that!" She replies wriggling around trying to keep her mask on as at the same time her thighs squeeze yours and she twists her hips trying to rotate your body around and make it hard to grab strands.

"Make me!" You reply tugging on strands pulling her mask off, as squeezing her thighs with yours you writhe and swivel your hips struggling against hers, unintentionally ramming your panty covered sexes together.

"Anything you do to me I can do to you." She gives up trying to keep her mask on and it slides off her face, as her hips tussle with yours allowing her to grab and pull on strands she wants.

"Ha! I don't have a mask!" You reply, then notice she has pushed a sticky strand of the web onto each of your dresses shoulder straps. "No! Stop that!" realizing what she is up to a second too late.

"Ha! Make me!" Savagely pushing the strands apart and down. The straps slide off your shoulders, the dress slides down making a ripping noise as your breasts are uncovering.

You were already copying her, she so focused on her attack that you easily push sticky strands on her dress straps and use her attack on her, replying "Anything you do to me I can do to you!"

So trapped in the web the two of you savagely attack each other's dresses with web strands, your bodies writhing as you squeeze with your thighs and heatedly wrestle with your hips to grab or prevent the other grabbing the strands they need.

The heated hip wrestling sees your crotches continuously twisting against each other, your mashed together sexes react to the stimulus soaking you undies and pushing open each other's nether lips.

You both pay no attention to your unrestrained bare breasts, as they bounce wildly, repeatedly brushing into each other, causing your hard nipples to tickle each other's sensitive breasts.

It takes some time but finally two of you finish ripping off each other's dresses leaving each other just wearing only undies. You are both whimpering from the breast tickling, panting from your exertion, and frustratingly aroused.

D&D: FHW: Attack her undies

D&D: FHW: Attack her breasts with yours

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