Head down anyway

From Create Your Own Story

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*[[Wake up the next day...]]
*[[Wake up the next day...]]
[[Category: Tails and Tribulations |*]]
[[Category: Tails and Tribulations]]

Current revision as of 12:28, 4 April 2013

It was far too warm, and Jezzi felt far too hot to be bothered with finding a candle to light her way into the drinks cellar. It wasn’t like the ladder down was slippery or at a bad angle, and she could knew just how many steps to take before reaching the bottom anyway. So, without further contemplation of the issue, she eased herself down into the cool dark of the cellar, being slow enough that she was sure of each rung she stepped on as she went.

Upon reaching the bottom, her bared feet touched solid, cold stone that was at the same temperature as the air around her. It was a welcome chill that slowly travelled up through her feet, into her legs and beyond, creeping ever so slowly up her frame. The further it went the less its effects were felt as the air itsself had been cooling her down constantly until she had reached a state where the thick heat from above had almost been completely forgotten. Not quite, of course, as she reminded herself that she’d need to go back up there once she’d retrieved her drink.

Jezzi walked, slowly, through the small room with her hands outstretched as she felt the locations of each barrel. Only a few steps more and her hands grasped the thick wooden rim of a barrel that was heavy with liquid contents. ‘Perfect. This one will do’ she thought to herself as her fingers glided over the wooden top, searching out the three specific grooves that would allow her to grasp and remove the obstruction, and they were not had to find. Digging them in, she gave a sharp twist of the barrel top and pulled back, being rewarded with the dense wood coming away to allow access to the liquid refreshment within. Strange though that the lid felt heavier and larger than she remembered the last water barrel top being, but shrugged her shoulders and put it down to her senses being stretched to compensate for the darkness.

Carefully placing the lid on the floor, she then scooped up her pitcher and drove it into the drink, the satisfying plop sound echoing around as the barrel’s contents were at first displaced then rushed in to fill the void inside. She felt her fingers sink under the surface and pulled back, bringing a heavier pitcher with them than she was intending. ‘Oh darn! Well, waste not, want not’ she mused to herself. She didn’t want to risk spilling drink all over as she made her way back to her room, so without any hesitation she brought the pitcher up to her lips and took a deep swig of its contents.

Strange – it had a very… fruity taste to it that ticked her tongue, and a smell that was not quite the same as barrelled water. Perhaps it was her parents experimenting with flavoured water again? Either way, it felt cool going down, and so she took another draught of it. No sense leaving it a little too full. This second gulp felt just as cool and smooth as it drained down her neck, but then started to make her feel warmer inside. Jezzi couldn’t quite place the strange feeling but it was not exactly unpleasant to her, so with a small shrug to herself, she drained the last of the pitcher’s contents. “Whooo” she exclaimed to herself as she continued to feel both cool and warm at the same time, while her head started to feel lighter than before. Whatever this was, she liked it that was for sure!

Two pitchers later, and Jezzi was starting to feel decidedly unstable on her feet, but at the same time giddy, sure of herself, and ready for whatever the new day could throw at her! Her skin was also tingling, and there was a certain itch that had been growing that the back of her mind was telling her to go ahead and scratch. Forcing herself away from the barrel, she decided that she had drunk enough to ward off the heat above, and so with unsteady hands, she re-sealed the barrel, collected her pitcher, and climbed out of the cellar, slipping a couple of times in the process only to generate a short fit of giggling from within herself.

Making sure that the trapdoor to the cellar was closed, Jezzi staggered back out through the semi-lit and slightly cooler hallway to her room, closed the door behind her, and collapsed once more onto her bed. Her left hand trailed down her flat belly and over the outside of her panties, wedging itsself between her thighs as it sought out that itch by itsself, but before it could take any advantage of it, blackness closed in on her swimming mind, and she was out like a light

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