
From Create Your Own Story

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''My writing isn't even up to my own standards.''
''My writing isn't even up to my own standards.''
== Plea ==
== Return ==
So for the past few months we've been able to pay for our hotel room pretty consistently. The only problem has been that because we started out at a bit of a deficit, we've been consistently paying at the beginning of the next month for the 4 days at the end of the previous month, retroactively. Well, the owner's getting sick of that. Keep that in mind,
To my knowledge, we're okay for now. We could still use some money to deal with other things like medication, transportation, and other necessities we can't get with food money. But we're able to stay indoors so that's good.
This month we're short because of last month. We have 8 days instead of 4. We don't have any solid options. We can call one place that has helped us before, the only place that ''would'' help us before, but last time we tried that they said they wouldn't help anymore. Back then we needed help every couple weeks, but things have changed since then. There's a church next door that we're going to try tomorrow that we hope will help but again, not a guarantee.
I'm working on getting back into writing.
We need to make up $250 to get through to the 25th. We need at least $45 to pay per-day, but a week by comparison only costs $200.
If anyone can see fit to helping, my Tumblr is the same as my username here. It's just '''in-the-worst-ways''', or you can message me on here.
'''I'm not asking for free, necessarily. I'm willing to write or edit for that money. I'll take whatever requests for writing that you have. And I can sorta draw. I can't draw digitally but I can draw pencil on paper and take a picture or send it to you.'''
I'm sure you can tell by reading this that I can write fairly well at least. But whatever you want me to do, keep in mind that I only have a tablet to work with. I don't even have a working laptop.
We're hoping something, anything, will come through, but if it doesn't I don't know when I'll be back on here. That's 8 days we'll be out not knowing where to be. The two people I'm living with can't sit or lay on the ground because they can't stand back up again. So, we may have to carry all our things quite a distance before we can rest, and we may not be able to get back into this room again. Meaning we might be back to not being able to afford the full month again, which is how we got into this mess in the first place.
If we can get help covering the 8 days we need to make up we'll not only still be indoors but we will be in a much better position next month, no longer having to pay retroactively unless we're short one month.
Thank you for reading. If you can help or want to pay me to write, edit, or draw something, my Tumblr is '''in-the-worst-ways'''. If we can't work something out, then consider this an explanation of why I might not be around for a while. When this is behind us, I'll remove this eyesore from my user page.
'''''***Update***''''' - The church next door has office hours til 4 pm Monday to Thursday. We didn't get there til after 4 pm today so we have to wait til Monday to see if they can help us at all. But, given that they have office hours posted for those days, that should mean somebody will be there when we go on Monday. We're hopeful that even if they have no official service that would help us that they may still be able to help us somehow.
If we can get through this month, I have moneymaking ideas I'm going to pursue. Fiverr for instance. I started one last night but I found out that it takes 14 days to see any money, so even if I completed a gig today it would be too late anyway. But if I can get that going then maybe we'll have more next month.
'''''***Update 2***''''' - Provided everything goes well tomorrow we'll be $50 closer to our goal. Technically 1/5 the way there. But, if we can get just $200, that will cover a full week and the remaining day won't be a huge deal.
If anyone wants to give $50 to $150 that would go a long way. But literally anything would be helpful if you don't want to or can't give $50.
We still haven't gone to the church yet again because it's not monday yet, nor have we called the place that helped us last time. And as optimistic as I am that those two may come through, realistically it's not a good idea to put all our stock in either of them. If we can get assured help elsewhere we're going to go for it.
Even if we can get it down to just a 4 or 5 day gap, we'll be ablto pay retroactively again and do whatever we can to close the gap next month. Do as much stuff on fiverr as we can. See about online writing and editing/proofreading gigs. Etc.
We can do this!
'''''***Update 3***''''' - Still waiting on the $50 today. Still need to cover $200 by the 16th, four days from now, so we can pay for at least a full week. Still no word from anybody who has mentioned giving us some money about when that might happen.
If anybody can give us literally anything, please let me know.
'''''***Update 4***''''' - The $50 came through and a very generous friend donated another $100. Sadly, we might not get the $100 til the 17th, so we may need to use the $50 to pay for another day.
We're going to talk to the church soon, and then I'm going to walk up to the drug store and pick up the $50 from western union. Another friend has said that they will donate later but we don't know how much. Hopefully another $100 so we can knock the whole amount out as soon as it drops on the 17th (though if it drops sooner, that would be awesome!)
If anybody else wants to toss in something to make this a sure thing that would be awesome, just message me!
== Goals ==
== Goals ==

Current revision as of 21:03, 17 June 2016


What the he'll?

My writing isn't even up to my own standards.


To my knowledge, we're okay for now. We could still use some money to deal with other things like medication, transportation, and other necessities we can't get with food money. But we're able to stay indoors so that's good.

I'm working on getting back into writing.


  • Improve my writing.
  • Create stories that are entertaining, whether they're simple or complex. Even when something I write is simply a vehicle for scenes with sexual content, I want them to be enjoyable.
  • Improve my editing, formatting, and wiki coding abilities.
  • Use those abilities and the wiki medium to do unique and unexpected things with the choose your own adventure format. I believe this can be more than simply a bit of text and some options, though there's absolutely nothing wrong with sticking to just that.
  • Eventually, when I have the ability, I want to create art assets for all of my stories. Perhaps even animated assets and audio/music. Though to do this I'll need something more substantial than a tablet to work with. Ideally a laptop. If anyone wants to either work with me on that or help me get a laptop it would be much appreciated.



Like I get that it's easier to just make a piece of text into a link, but I don't get why, for the sake of making sure their stories don't cross over with anything else or so they don't have to word things awkwardly to make common actions into unique links, people don't at least put the name of the story in the link and disguise it. Maybe not go into the insane this/that/the other thing/etc/1/next/ shit that I do with mine, but something to make sure everything they want to do is unique to their story.

Not PC

I hate the term "politically correct" because it portrays basic human decency as a political act. Being racist, misogynist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. Doesn't make you edgy and "not politically correct" it makes you a fucking asshole. I put up with tropes that get into those territories because they're inescapable, but being upset that myself or people I care about are being thrown under the bus for a laugh is still justified.


I don't understand a few things I keep seeing people do. I don't understand, for one, clearly not going through the tutorial or reading the rules. Just, it's not that hard to do those things before you post something. I read the tutorial and reread it and referred back to it multiple times before I got comfortable with what I was doing and there's still some things I'm learning and don't know how to do.

I also don't understand people who start their stories in their user page, or worse still their talk page. Like who looks at the list of stories on here and concludes that if they start writing in their user page it will just magically appear in the list? Who clicks on their redlinked username and goes "You know what my user profile needs? Adult Zoey 101 fan fiction." Or worse, clicks on their Talk page and thinks "Obviously this is where I write furry erotica. Right here. That's what I'm talking about."

I don't understand it. At all. It makes no sense to me. I feel like I'd have to be seriously drunk to make that leap in my mind. I want to help these people, I do, but I can only do so much without literally doing it for them. And I'd even do that if I thought it would help, but chances are if I fixed it they'd just go "Eh? What happened?" And put it back. I hate seeing people get banned for this stupid shit but if they don't take a hint then what the fuck?

And for the record, I do think it would be interesting to work out your user page like a story. I'm not sure of that's allowed, but I think it would be interesting to say, have it be a story about your life where you as the user are the main character and people play around as you to find out about who you are, or something. Or maybe the player is talking to you and asking you questions about yourself. Something relevant to your user page, not adult fan fiction.

Not so much a rant as a minor grievance with myself

I hate to keep harping on the laptop thing, but seriously. My hand hurts like crazy after writing for any period of time because the corner of the tablet grinds into it. A physical keyboard would be heaven. I would write so much more often. If anyone has like an old laptop they never use or knows where I can get one, let me know. I hate not being productive.


All 18+ so far

For the record, I would like to point out, I do not and will never condone rape, abuse, murder, or anything else I may write about that violates someone else's rights, body, property, etc. I write about them purely for the purposes of the enjoyment of myself or the reader. Feel free to analyze anything I write about through the lens of social justice if you wish, I'll probably agree with you on whatever problems are raised, and may even change some things. But ultimately it is what it is.

  • Leaving - Feel free to add, but read the first page. New characters are welcome, Kerry's branch is currently open because I don't know how to approach it, but if you want to edit or add on to anything else just ask first and I'll see if I like your idea better than what I had planned. I'm now also opening up Marie's branch. Feel free to add new branches to Marie's and fill out red links as you wish, though I may change some things later.
  • Global Anarchy - Work in progress. New characters welcome and I'd be happy to correspond on major details about the plot and different factions. Characters in countries other than the U.S. are especially welcome as I have no frame of reference for writing about other countries myself and I don't want to make a fool of myself trying. I'm not accepting additions to existing storylines at the moment, however, because I'm not very far in.
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