D&D: You pick the merchant's request for an escort

From Create Your Own Story

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[[Category:Dungeons and Dragons]]
[[Category:Dungeons and Dragons]]
[[Category: D&D: Female Drow Ranger]]

Current revision as of 12:52, 20 March 2021

You stay at the inn for the night and leave soon after breakfast. You don't like to walk around daytime but you have a much better chance to meet the merchant when the sun is up.

You stroll down the market's area and eventually leaves the busy streets to enter the higher merchant area when suddenly four guards comes out of the crowd and two of them approach you.

"Halt!" the first says. Seeing as you didn't do anything wrong, you stop and wait for them to approach. . "Yes, can I help you officer?" you ask. You grin a bit interiorly as you tell yourself that these guards are tonally hot, even for humans and even with clothes.

"Maybe. There's a thief abound and you've been spotted repeatedly where it happened." he explains.

You sigh a bit. No wonder they blame you, a dark elf.

"I can see where your going with this officer but I can assure you I did not steal anything." you answer.

"I didn't really ask for your opinion. Come with us" he orders.

That is no surprise. You shake your head a bit and nods.

"Of course officer. I have nothing to hide." you answer.

"Thank you." he smiles a bit wickedly and motions two of his men to guard a small deadend a bit out of the crowd.

He and his second-in-command comes with you in the backstreet. You smile a bit. It's comfortably shaded here. You keep eying up the two guards when you notice that the second one is doing the same. You give him a playful grin and he sends you one back. As your eyes trail of to the first lieutenant, you figured they didn't brought you here just to question you. Especially seeing their erection through their trousers.

D&D: They order you to strip of your clothes and weapon

D&D: They offer you to bribe them

D&D: You dispatch of them and go on your way

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