Talk:Furry World

From Create Your Own Story

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Can we add a new option at the beginning of the male wolf? Wolf Link. IDK about how it'll work out, but I'm a huge Zelda fan... --[[User:Magikarp7297|Magikarp7297]] 05:53, 20 May 2018 (UTC)
Can we add a new option at the beginning of the male wolf? Wolf Link. IDK about how it'll work out, but I'm a huge Zelda fan... --[[User:Magikarp7297|Magikarp7297]] 05:53, 20 May 2018 (UTC)
I agree the male wolf's story doesn't go much further than 3 pages after the first few options
I agree the male wolf's story doesn't go much  
further than 3 pages after the first few options
Good enough for me, then!
== Stuff ==
== Stuff ==
There are no birds (such as an eagle) as of right now. What the fuck? I want to be a fucking eagle, bitches! Make that link. Also, until I get conformation on permission to make a Wolf Link story arc, I'll help to extend good stories that die in red links or have the only blue link go to a male-to-male scene. I am never going to edit those scenes, only straight and lesbian scenes, since the straight stuff is, well, normal, and the lesbians don't really do anything to me, unless I try to date a girl to find out she's a Lesbian. I just hate the male on male bullshit. (Sorry, homosexual males, but I'm trying not to be a complete asshole here. This is seriously restraining myself.)--[[User:Magikarp7297|Magikarp7297]] 04:41, 1 July 2018 (UTC)
There are no birds (such as an eagle) as of right now. What the fuck? I want to be a fucking eagle, bitches! Make that link. Also, until I get conformation on permission to make a Wolf Link story arc, I'll help to extend good stories that die in red links or have the only blue link go to a male-to-male scene. I am never going to edit those scenes, only straight and lesbian scenes, since the straight stuff is, well, normal, and the lesbians don't really do anything to me, unless I try to date a girl to find out she's a Lesbian. I just hate the male on male bullshit. (Sorry, homosexual males, but I'm trying not to be a complete asshole here. This is seriously restraining myself.)--[[User:Magikarp7297|Magikarp7297]] 04:41, 1 July 2018 (UTC)

Revision as of 05:29, 7 August 2018

I've used this for a while however I finally made an account and I'm going through my favorites and adding to them. -Akito DarkStar

Been inactive for a while but always like to come back in and work on the male/male scenes when i'm in a writing mood, it's a shame the stories aren't that active anymore. SexyBoyCat 2/2/18

I wonder if people are still editing this, because I sure am. I'm working on male to male scenes because I feel they usually stop before it gets too good. Hopefully you can tolerate what I consider my bad writing skills. StarFae 01/29/18

Hello. I'm new to this website and am interested at what this will become when it is completed. I have an idea for the dragon path. -CrownedLime747

I've been going through and editing the Lizard, Spider, Xenomorph and Dragon paths. Anyone got a problem with what I've done? FurryEditor168 04/08/16

I'd gladly help edit the options. I do enjoy this website, so I'll help in anyway possible by adding new choices and making certain things longer than before. ^^ I was wondering if anyone even comes on, but now that I know I'll try and add new things. :P - OneOtherPerson 1/15/16

Why are there no COWS in this story {not that l don't enjoy the other species though l am annoyed that the male fox has been written as gay, l personally don't have anything against gays but unfortunely the only direction that the male fox is going is same sex} but damn it why are the cows always left out? J-Rod 7/9/15 1:35 am MT

I was wondering if anyone still read this story, I could use some feedback as well. I'm pretty sure that my writing, but I'd like to hear peoples opinion. I'm the one who's been working on the Male Feline. If anyone wants me to, I WILL write for the story path they want. I do do requests Wolvesatyourdoor 6/29/10 2:09 A.M. PST

H Well it seems that I'm not the only one who still goes on here. I can't believe it's been two years since I made that first message. I definitely need to start doing some kind of work on here Wolvesatyourdoors

I might throw my paw at working at a few of the branches when i have some spare time, which is not much but i will give what i can to help make this story more enjoyable. Shomet

Uhm...just realized I could easily edit on this...duh... HellFyreBastion- August 2nd, 2012 P.S. I think I've gotten most of the laptop funds together, so that should make it easier to write more P.P.S. All pages I'm working on will say: "Template: HFB working on", so please don't edit those.

Gonna start working on the female rabbit line to kill some time since its pretty much been abandoned since someone created it. If you can do better dialogue, be my guest. -645645

I've been reading stories on the site for a couple months now and I figured I can contribute. I'm expanding the male horse section right now. I'm open to any suggestions on my work. -Finisher 12.4.2012

Hey can i edit the male dragon section as im thinking that may need more info on it. Thx and you can change it if you dont like it.

13/01/13: It's Gr33NSTL here, just saw this post on Reddit. No way that I'm not absolutely all over this. I'll first read everything else, and then I'm gonna just go crazy. I've been looking for a writing outlet, and BOOM! One just threw itself in my face. It's about to get real, friends. -Gr33NSTL EDIT: My plan now is to just read all the storylines, and I'm going to write every page I come to that hasn't been done or started by someone else. I'll leave a few options, and once I've gone down every path, I'll start again from the top. Get some variety, and keep things moving in all directions.

Cool beans, Gr33NSTL. I'm working on male equine a couple of times a week, but it would be fun to try to expand on things someone else writes. Maybe we could have a back and forth on a couple of story lines. I'll leave your work, but I edit for grammar when I notice. Hope you do the same. -Finisher 1.19.2013

Been reading this through and I feel like it has some great potential. I'm currently interested in working on the feline storys, especially getting a female option for the male. I'm not an author or anything, but I can write decently. I'll also look at grammar, but avoid changing what's there. If anyone else could add to it, that'd be great too. -Blue1003 3/23/13

Just found this site and decided to try working on it. I think I will be working primarily on the female rabbit story mostly as well as going anywhere else that people seem to have abandoned and or would like me to work on. If there is a story arc you would like me to work with feel free to tell me, as long as it isn't male on male I would be happy to do any story line you would suggest. Flashbackwolf 5/23/2013

Not sure if anyone will see this, but I hope no one will mind horribly if I add bit here and there. Maybe add a few lines and so on. Nothing ground breaking. -CommonPlauge (10/17/2013)

Hello! I've been loving this so far. Anyone else devastated by the red links? I'm going to fill out as much as I can for the female paths (since I don't know how guys work as much.) I hope that's alright. I'm not the best author, I'm not even one. But I just want something instaid of red links. If no one's gonna do it, then I will. Feel free to delete whatever I have there if you don't like it, or edit anything you'd like. I'll be continuing thus awesome adventure. (12:40 A.M. THU, Sept. 18) -Caliver

Hiya! I stumbled across this page, and I thought I'd contribute. Hope you all enjoy the edits! -Parkerwolf (10/03/2014)

Thought I'd do some writing on this story, as it's pretty awesome. However, whenever it comes down to those like equines, what exactly are we going for? I assume they are fully equine, but, in that case, how do they have breasts? Are they meant to in the form of centaurs or humanoid equines, as opposed to fully? - Neminis 01:21, 12 December 2014 (UTC)

Hey! I've been using this site for quite a few months now, and finally decided to get an account. I've been writing since I was a child, and I thought this would be a good experience for me since I fairly enjoy all the stories on here. A lot of arcs that I'm liking are dying in red links... So I'm planning to fix that! :D Hope you don't mind. Doesn't really seem like this site gets used much... -LadyNightengale. (3/21/2015) 3:33am.

I've been looking at the stories here and i think i'm going to take a crack at the male lion path, considering it hasn't been touched yet. I'm no professional writer so feel free to completely overhaul any writing i may have done if its not satisfactory - Tamerik ( 9th of July, 2015 )

I'm working on the male mouse path, taking it towards some decidedly out-there kinks. If anyone wants to work with what I'm doing there, please, feel free! -Zeebot (8/11/2016)


Problems and Solutions.

TysonLaFollette here. This story could be awesome, but has some problems.

Problem 1 Too many unused options. Dead ends are serious let-downs. Nothing bothers me as much as following a story arc I like, just to have it die in red links.

Solution 1 Limit the length of each arc. I suggest giving each species/sex two options per page, and making each 'trail' only go through three links before it ends. This would, for example, give the male fox 8 different sexy endings. I think it's a satisfactory amount, and still doable.

Problem 2 Rambling. Some arcs have useless pages with unimportant choices. When chasing a potential lover, the reader doesn't want a 'give up the chase' option. Pages that don't move the reader closer to a bedroom scene aren't useful.

Solution 2 Cut out and leave out useless pages. If it doesn't involve the choice of primary location, love interest, and sex position, then it probably doesn't add much.

Problem 3 Un-sexy endings. I haven't found any yet. But let's not get started with them. People read this because they want to read a story about a handsome wolf and a lithe cheetah having bodacious sex on the beach. Not because they want to die on page two when their character fails to jump between balconies.

Solution 3 If it doesn't end in sex, don't write it in. Sex is the goal.


Minor housekeeping

I've already pruned back some of the red links that nobody has touched in the (almost) year since they were added. I'm all for adding new species to the list, but if it's something that interests you (and it should be, since you're adding it!) please try and stick around to flesh it out sufficiently to at least give future editors an idea of what you have in mind if nothing else.

I've also gone ahead and changed the equine option back to how it was previously. Someone had edited it to point at a list of things where two of the three options were red links, which seemed rather pointless and unnecessary.

Finally, I've removed the Furi Poi option entirely. A quick Google search tells me that this is almost certainly a vanity option added by an individual of the same moniker, and since this individual has not returned to add any content beyond the initial page, I feel quite comfortable removing it. --AbbyMaus 00:54, 1 March 2015 (UTC)

I added a new page to female Rabbit to keep the story going and edited somethings in Male Fox and Female wolf

Unstarted Storylines

Since no one has even bothered with the canine storyline I think i'll have a shot at it

Doing my bit

I've been visiting this site for a good few years up until now, and would like to finally do my part in contributing to it! I think this whole thing is highly underrated. Either way, I won't be adding anything specific, just going through the options and adding all I can.

Infernali Draco

I've noticed that the dragon (Infernali Draco-style, no clue if I spelt it right) section ends in some red links... So, unless whoever made this whole thing tells me not to, I'm going to edit it ASAP, as soon as I get an, er... problem solved (Freakin' Newbies we always screw up, then hope those veteran people fix it. XD) --Magikarp7297 15:28, 13 November 2017 (UTC)Magikarp7297

Greetings from a dirty old man

Sorry, didn't realize we were supposed to introduce ourselves. I filled in the "fox girl" arc under "futa equine" with some pretty heavy fetish stuff. (Haha, get it? "Filled in?") Hope nobody is too offended by it - the setting in that section is pretty "out there" as it is. DirtyOldMan 07:30, 2 March 2018 (UTC)

Wolf Link?

Can we add a new option at the beginning of the male wolf? Wolf Link. IDK about how it'll work out, but I'm a huge Zelda fan... --Magikarp7297 05:53, 20 May 2018 (UTC)

I agree the male wolf's story doesn't go much further than 3 pages after the first few options

Good enough for me, then!


There are no birds (such as an eagle) as of right now. What the fuck? I want to be a fucking eagle, bitches! Make that link. Also, until I get conformation on permission to make a Wolf Link story arc, I'll help to extend good stories that die in red links or have the only blue link go to a male-to-male scene. I am never going to edit those scenes, only straight and lesbian scenes, since the straight stuff is, well, normal, and the lesbians don't really do anything to me, unless I try to date a girl to find out she's a Lesbian. I just hate the male on male bullshit. (Sorry, homosexual males, but I'm trying not to be a complete asshole here. This is seriously restraining myself.)--Magikarp7297 04:41, 1 July 2018 (UTC)

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