Title | Pages | Notes
101st | 10 | (Public)
710: Future Assassin | 10+ | (Do Not Edit)
1943 | 35 | (Public)
1968 | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
5,000 B.C. | 15 | (Public)
1st Day Of Highschool | 31 |
An Actual Awesome Adventure | 21 | (Do Not Edit)
Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf | 13 | (Do Not Edit)
Adventure through Mythology | 20+ | (Do Not Edit)
The Adventures of CJ: Vol. 1 | 10+ | (Do Not Edit)
Adventures of Ty (or Others) | 13+ | (Public) Please Contribute
Aleron | 16+ |
Alorias Glory | ? | (Public)
Aftermath | 25 | (Public)
Agent Black | 70 | (Public)
Amnesia | 50+ |
Am I Dreaming? | 13+ | (Private)
Another Naruto Story | 7+ | (Private)
Another Pointless Story (The Ultimate Showdown) | 101+ |
An Apocalypse Story | 0 | (Private)
Apocolyptia | 4+ |
Assassins of the CIA | 6 | (Do Not Edit)
Awake | 45 |
Awakened World: 7yrs Later | 43 | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Back in Time Again | 100+ | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Back To Freddy's | 0 | (Private)
Badassery | 20+ |
Batman vs Joker | 18 | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
The Battle for the Earth | 10+ | (Public)
Battle Royale | 200+ | (Public)
Beta Experiment: DNA Death Match | 13+ | (Do Not Edit)
Bio Wars | ? | (Do Not Edit)
Black and White Backpack | 6 | (Do Not Edit)
Bleach: An RPG | ? | (Do Not Edit)
The blood disease | 3 | (Do Not Edit)
Bloodshed | 16+ |
Bloodsport | 54 | (Just beginning, seeking other writers to add their own characters into the story.)
Blood Sunrise | 25+ |
The Book of Darkness | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
Book of Satan | 13+ | (Do Not Edit)
The Bracelet Mystery | 1 | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
The Bringers of Chaos | 9+ | (Do Not Edit)
Burning Leaves | 12 | (Do Not Edit)
The Bulletman | 14 |
Byzantium | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
Carnage | 1+ | (Do Not Edit)
Cartoonish Chronicles | 1+ | (Do Not Edit)
Catacombs | 16 | (Public)
Catch me if you can | | (Public) (Free to edit but don't kill off any major characters without asking)
Choice of Arms | 5 | (Public)
Choose your own Naruto Adventure | 200+ | (Do Not Edit)
Chronicle | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
Chronicles of Darkness A.K.A New World of Darkness- First Edition | 0 | Please refer to Idea Pitches before doing anything here.
City Life | 12 |
City Life Manhattan | 22+ |
Clock Tower: School of Devils | 10+ |
Coffee | 0 | (Private)
Collapse | ? | (Private)
College Wars | 17 | (Do Not Edit)
College of Killings | 2 | (Do Not Edit)
Complete,Utter Randomness | 12+ |
The Conductor | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
Critical Control | 5 | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Critical Thoughts | 11 |
The Chronicles of Strange I. | 200+ | (Do Not Edit)
Darkened Hope | 30+ |
Dating Game | 34+ |
A day at high school | 0 |
A Day In The Life Of A Dangerous Hitman | 24+ |
D-Day 1944 | ? | (Do Not Edit)
Dead Reckoning | 8 | (Do Not Edit)
Dead Town | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
Death Comes Quickly | 25+ | (Do Not Edit)
Demon Hunter | 5 |
Demon College | 8 | (Public)
Desperate Road Trip | 49 | (Do Not Edit)
Dogfight over Europe | 35+ |
Doll House | 40+ | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Don't Die | 35 |
Donut Factory | 2 | (Do Not Edit)
Day In The Life: Vacation!!! | 5 | (Public)
The Deadly Creed | 4 | (Public)
A Distress Signal | 14 | (Public)
Doll House | 40+ | (Private)
Dragon Ball Z | 1+ | (Private)
Dragon Ball Z:Quest | 60+ | (Do Not Edit)
Dragon Ball: your very own story | 3+ | (Do Not Edit)
Dragon ball ZT | 19+ | (Do Not Edit)
Duel fates | 15+ |
Choose Your Own Adventure: Ravenloft | 0 | (Public)
Encounter With Your Ex | 3+ | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Escape from Syria | 160+ | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Exalted: Second Edition | 0 | Please refer to Idea Pitches section before doing anything here.
Faction (Gay) | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
F.R. Theory | 20+ | (Do Not Edit)
Fiddlers Green | 8 |
Fogwood High: The Game | 30+ |
Game of Thrones | 0 | (Private)
Gears of war time | 50+ | (Do Not Edit)
The Bringers of Chaos | 13+ |
The Giant Building With A Million Rooms | 175+ |
The Girl Down the Street | 20 |
The Great War of Earth | 7 |
The Grey Manor | 5+ | (Do Not Edit)
Glorious Bloods | 2 | (Do Not Edit)
Harry Potter: New Adventures at Hogwarts | ? | (Private)
Hero's or Villains | 10 | (Do Not Edit)
Hetalia:A Sleep Over At America's House | 5 | (Do Not Edit)
Hetalia Days | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
High School Blues | 30+ | (Do Not Edit)
High School Drama and Romance is Stupid | 10+ | (Do Not Edit)
HighSchool | ? | (Do Not Edit)
Hitman | 11+ | (Do Not Edit)
Hoboken Has Gone to Hell | 25+ | (Public)
Hollywood U (based on the game) | ? | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
The horrors | 10+ | (Do Not Edit)
How I Became A Necromancer | 4 |
Hunteria's Rising | 10+ | Collaboration with Rwenmax and Michaltheanhur
Identity Crisis | 5 | (Do Not Edit)
Identity Gun | ? | (Do Not Edit)
I like Cookie | 10+ |
Immortal You | ? | (Do Not Edit)
In The Army | 25+ |
In The Beginning | 3+ |
Infectional Survival | 13+ | (Do Not Edit)
InFeRnO | 4 |
Insert Word Here | 2 |
An Interactive Game Of Thrones Story | ? | (Do Not Edit) Unless You Are Authorized by me
It's Not Hard to Fail, It's Not Easy to Win | 5 | (Public)
It's Only Wednesday | 5+ |
Jim's Barbeque | 15+ |
July 5-6, 1944 | 6 | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Katarina's Adventures | 20+ | (Do Not Edit)
Kelly plays a barbarian girl | 5 | (Do Not Edit)
Kemp | 10 | (Public)
A KlAksakAR's adventures in the Empire of MikkoMMM | 10 | (Public)
Kidnapped | 31 | (Do Not Edit)
A Knights Quest | 20+ |
Krime or Kop King | 7+ | (Do Not Edit)
Life of a Legend | 2+ | (Do Not Edit)
Life of an Abused Emo | 3+ | (Public)
Life Of a Rouge | 2+ | (Do Not Edit)
Life of Rayne | 0 |
Life of Who? | 2+ | (Do Not Edit)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Romance) | 12 | (Public)
Luigi and Mario Stories | 175+ |
Machine of Magic | 33 | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Magical World of Hetalia | 25+ | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Mahjor's Box | 8 | (Do Not Edit)
Malinovyĭ - The Red Planet | 8 | (Public)
The Martyred | ? | (Do Not Edit)
Medieval Life | 11 |
Mess Effect 2 | 50+ |
Monster Hunter | ? | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
moon light | 8+ |
My Only Stars! | WIP | ((Public), but it's preferred if you're part of the Ensemble Stars fandom before editing!)
My Little Pony Love is Magic | 0 | (Private)
My Little Pony: Choose Your Own Adventure | 0 |
Naruto's Friend, you | 25+ | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Nations At War | 15+ |
Nature Calls on a Nature Hike | 7 |
The Never-Ending Quest | 30+ |
The Never Ending Quest for Prison | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
A New Beginning | 12 |
A New Life | 40+ | (Public)
The New Overmind | 10+ | (Public)
A New Persona | 3+ | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
The Next Day | 3 | (Do Not Edit)
the night at home | 14 |
Nikon Academy | ? | (Do Not Edit)
Nothing Hidden | 0 |
Nudisma Terena | 0 | (Public)
Obelisk | ? | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Office Lady | 5 | (Public)
OF, Z!!! | 9 | (Public)
Old World of Darkness | 0 | Please refer to Idea Pitches before doing anything here.
On a Boat | 7 | (Public)
One Princess, Four Princes? Choices. | 15 | (Public)
The Only One | ? |
Our Way | 7+ | (Private)
Opportunity of the End | ? | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
out in the woods | 6 |
The Outbreak | 7 | (Do Not Edit)
Perverticus | 4 |
Piggy's Day | 466 | (Public)
Points of Light | 0 | (Private)
Politica | 4 | (Do Not Edit) (Spanish)
Poke | 5 | (Do Not Edit)
The Powers That Be | 2 | (Do Not Edit)
Prom | ? | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Pure(Lesbian romance stories) | ? | (Private) Rated mature for lesbian content but no adult content
Psychodude | 30+ | (Public)
quest to kill tutorial genie | 6 | (Public)
Rebellion | 5+ | (Do Not Edit)
A random story | 333+ |
A Random Story About Random Stuff | 100+ |
Random III | 25+ |
Random Four | 25+ |
The Random Quota | 5 | (Private)
Remember | 70 | (Do Not Edit) (<--Previously Featured!)
Rescue | 36 | (Do Not Edit) (Complete)
Resident evil | 53 | (Public)
Resident Evil RPG | 3 | (Do Not Edit)
Run From The Mob | 10+ | (Public)
Say Goodbye | 11+ | (Private)
School Life | 6 | (Do Not Edit)
Seek | 10 | (Do Not Edit)
Segon | 103 | (Do Not Edit)
Sengoku Basara: Romance | 24 | (Do Not Edit)
Serial X | 25+ | (Public)
Sh*t Happens, in Your Town. | 12+ | (Do Not Edit)
Short And Random Stories | 250+ | (25 stories)
The Short But True Story of The Secret Passage | 25+ |
Short of Darkness | 2 |
Sisters Love | 15+ | (Do Not Edit)
Silent Hill: Distorted Fantasies | 80+ | (Do Not Edit) (Previously Featured)
Skyrim Adventures | ? | (Private)
Sleepless Night | 0 | (Private)
Smile | 180+ |
Sniper | 38+ | (Do Not Edit)
Sonic 1 | 10 | (Public)
Sonic & Shadow | 26 |
soul evolution | 6+ | (Public)
Space Ship Excalibur | 14 | (First Mission complete, more to come!)
Spirit Warp | 40+ | (Do Not Edit) feel free to play though!
splinter cell | 3+ |
Spongebob's Day Off | 90+ |
Spongebob the apocalypse | 25+ |
Spongebob VS Patrick | 40+ |
Spongebob Squarepants: A Dish Served Cold | 8 | (Public)
Spongebob Gone Wrong | 5+ | (Public)
Star wars | ? | (Private)
Star Wars: Dawn of the New Republic | 13 |
Survival | 30+ |
Survivor: Zombie Apocalypse | 4 | (Do Not Edit)
Super Self-Help Survival Guide | ? | (Do Not Edit)
Super Survival | 17+ |
Swimming Pools | ? |
The Paths We Take | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
the sword of death | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
Team Fortress 2: RED vs BLU | 30+ | (Do Not Edit)
Team Fortress 2: Spy vs. Sniper | 40+ |
Tesco Midnight Run | 25+ |
Thought Of Me | 200+ |
Time for Master time | ? | (Do Not Edit)
The Touch Of Fear | ? | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Tres_Coetus_Coloris | 50 | (Do Not Edit)
Triforce | 30+ | (Do Not Edit)
The Twin Empires | 10+ | (Ask for permission) Continuing the main storyline, seeking other writers to help grow the story by adding their own characters
The Undead | 50+ | ((Public) Help Wanted!)
UNITY: The fall of humanity | 7+ | (Do Not Edit)
University Secrets! | 14 | (Public)
Unknown Tales | 2+ | (Public)
Untitled | 1 | (Public)
The Unsuspecting Adventurer | 1 | (Do Not Edit)
Urban Explorer: A Descent Into Madness | 30+ |
Violence | 20 |
AMC's The Walking Dead | ? | Based on the Walking Dead show by AMC. This is a fan story, I do not own Walking Dead or its content. Written by Alex Brownstone
The Ward | 0 | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
The War Fighter Program | ? | Collaboration with Michaltheanhur
war in Europe | 100+ |
Warhammer: Sartosa, City of Pirates | 150+ |
Warhammer 40,000: Renegade | 6 | (Public)
The Wasteland | 11 | (Public)
Week of the Zombies | 25+ |
Welcome, Governor: A tale of the Terran Commonwealth | 0 | ((Private) PM for details.)
Whodunit? | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
With Great Power Comes Great Girls | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
A World Blooms | 88 | (Do Not Edit)
World Undone | 15+ |
Xozen Infection | 34+ | A zombie Story, (Public)
A YOUNG BOY'S NIGHT (GAY) | 89+ | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
YOUR CRAZY | 18 | (Public)
Your Own Game of Life | 1 | (Public)
Your story | 0 | (Public)
Zach | 15+ |
Zed Day | 3 | (Do Not Edit)
Zombies | 6 |
Zombie Apocalypse | 8 | (Do Not Edit)
Zombie blood | 35+ |
Zombie Judgement Day | 35+ |
Zombie Overlord (Mmmm...Brains) | 50+ | (Public)
Zombies NOT AGIAN | 13 | (Do Not Edit)
Zombies city | 3 | (Do Not Edit)
Zombehz | 10+ | (Public)
Zombies 2.0 | ? | (Public)
Zombie Apocalypse: Reverse Harem?! | ? | (Do Not Edit)