The Exhibitionist/Bike down one of the hiking trails wearing only a sports bra

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My mind scrambled for how to deal with this. I could try to make it home, without being seen, but could already feel my leg stiffening up from the scrapes. If I tried to find anyone to help, well, it would be pretty obvious that I was completely bottomless.
My mind scrambled for how to deal with this. I could try to make it home, without being seen, but could already feel my leg stiffening up from the scrapes. If I tried to find anyone to help, well, it would be pretty obvious that I was completely bottomless.
I started crying, not sure what to do. I knew I could not even really make it home with my leg all cut up, with it being so stiff and hurting each time I moved it.
I racked my brain, then came up with a brilliant idea.
I went to the park station near the bottom of the main trail. On my way, I ran across a few people. A couple at first seemed like they were going to offer help, but after noticing that I wore nothing below my waist, they changed their mind.
One offered me looks of sympathy, and waived at my exposed public hair with a "Well, if you weren't dressed like that, I would be willing to help".
The other sniffed loudly, and talked to her boyfriend in a loud voice. "What a fucking slut! Why would she go out like that. So disgusting!"
I started crying again. That triggered one of the other passerby's to help.
"What happened?" The woman asked in a concerned voice, noticing the blood and bruises. She then took a second to yell at the other woman, with her boyfriend, "You are a bitch! Can't you see she is hurt? Did you even ask what happened?"
The other woman turned bright red, first in anger, then, looking at my cuts and bruises, in embarrassment.
Now her and her boyfriend both stared at me, and I could feel my own face heat up.
"I...was riding along and all the sudden I fell down the hill," I told the lady. "When I got to the bottom, I...well, it took a few minutes, but I noticed my shorts...I don't know what happened to them..." I said between sniffles, and realized I was crying again.
The boyfriend shot a glare at his girlfriend, then took off his shirt.
"Here," he said, handing it to me. He didn't look too bad shirtless. "Sorry about my girlfriend," he said, shooting her another glare. "She gets a bit jealous."
The girlfriend looked at the ground, mumbled something that sounded like an apology.
I took the shirt, wrapped it around my leg.
"Dear," the older lady said. "That is..." She stopped, then pulled the shirt off and wrapped it around my waist. "You must be in shock."
I did feel a bit...something.
"We need to get you to the hospital," she told me.
"But, I am going to the park...whatever that building is, with all the park employees."
"No dear, we just need to get you to a hospital, to get those wounds looked at."
The man spoke up. "I can take her." His girlfriend nodded, then said, "I am really sorry, for thinking...something like that..."
Soon, the couple and the older lady were almost arguing over who would take me. Finally, the young couple took me, probably because the girl was feeling guilty. We went to the hospital, where the doctor gave me a shot to help with the pain, and a couple stitches. The girlfriend came back with a pair of shorts and handed them to me. "Sorry again..." she said. I took them, slipped them on, and left. The couple gave me a ride back to my place. I went in, settled down on the couch, and tried not to move my leg as I watched some tv. Not the best way to expose myself, not when I get hurt to get away with it, was thrilling, to get away with it.
Maybe it was better to have "accidents".
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[[Category:The Exhibitionist|Bike down one of the hiking trails wearing only a sports bra]]
[[Category:The Exhibitionist|Bike down one of the hiking trails wearing only a sports bra]]
[[Category:The Exhibitionist contributions-SlyCooper|Bike down one of the hiking trails wearing only a sports bra]]
[[Category:The Exhibitionist contributions-SlyCooper|Bike down one of the hiking trails wearing only a sports bra]]
[[Category:The Exhibitionist - non-endings|Bike down one of the hiking trails wearing only a sports bra]]

Current revision as of 08:46, 25 April 2016

"So, master, what would you like me to do."

You grab a sports bra from my intimates drawer, handing it to me.

"Umm, so you want me to wear this?" I look at you puzzled. After all, I have worn sports bras around before. Especially while jogging.

You shake your head yes.

"Okay," I say, going to pick out a pair of shorts to go with it.

You immediately shake your head no. "Oh," I say, finally understanding. "You want me to wear only this." You nod to show that is correct.

"Can I at least wear shoes too?" I ask. You shake your head yes.

"Okay, where am I going?" You tell me to go around the hiking trails on my bicycle.

Well, at least he doesn't want me to go around the streets like this, I think yo myself, glad that you are at least being somewhat reasonable.

The Trip

Since the biking trails are a little ways away from my house, I put on shorts anyways. He could not think I would go through the city to the trails in nothing but a sports bra. I rode to the hiking trails, and looked around. I had picked 3:00 PM because it was hot, and I doubted anyone else would be around.

Once I made sure the area was clear, I took off my shorts. I looked at my bicycle, wondering where I could put my discarded shorts. There was no way I would want to go back without, so could not just throw them away.

Finally, I just tied them around the frame, then started off, the seat against my bare pussy. Sweat trickled down me as I cycled along the trails. The sensation was not that much different than riding around on trails like this with something on the bottom, just a little the seat rubbed against normally covered areas.

After a while, I didn't even notice anymore that I was half naked with my most intimate part exposed. It had become just another bicycle ride, although more exhausting, since I was not used to going along trails like this.

Then, it happened. Going down a somewhat steep hill, my bicycle slid sideways, and suddenly I was sliding down the side of the hill. The branches from the trees whipped me, and the dirt bit at my left thigh. I eventually rolled, finding myself tumbling end over end until the ground rushed up to meet me. I lay on the ground, dazed. Once I was able, I stood, examining my bicycle. It seemed overall okay, in better shape than me. I looked at the side of my leg, and saw blood oozing from it. I touched it, and jerked my hand back as the pain finally caught up with me. My leg moved, but was scraped all over. I walked around a little, working my leg.

Nothing broken, It seemed I had escaped with mostly just scrapes and scratches, and a bruise marring the skin of my leg, a few welts on my arms and chest where trees had slapped me as I tumbled down.

Okay, forget this. I am done, I thought as I went for my shorts.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, realizing I had lost the shorts somewhere in the tumble. I looked up the hill, and did not see them anywhere. I tried climbing up it on hands and feet, but slid back down. No way I could check up the hill. I worked my way to the top, slowly and painfully, as the blood stopped. I looked down, and did not see the shorts anywhere.

"Shit shit shit fuck!" I yelled.

My mind scrambled for how to deal with this. I could try to make it home, without being seen, but could already feel my leg stiffening up from the scrapes. If I tried to find anyone to help, well, it would be pretty obvious that I was completely bottomless.

I started crying, not sure what to do. I knew I could not even really make it home with my leg all cut up, with it being so stiff and hurting each time I moved it.

I racked my brain, then came up with a brilliant idea.

I went to the park station near the bottom of the main trail. On my way, I ran across a few people. A couple at first seemed like they were going to offer help, but after noticing that I wore nothing below my waist, they changed their mind.

One offered me looks of sympathy, and waived at my exposed public hair with a "Well, if you weren't dressed like that, I would be willing to help".

The other sniffed loudly, and talked to her boyfriend in a loud voice. "What a fucking slut! Why would she go out like that. So disgusting!"

I started crying again. That triggered one of the other passerby's to help.

"What happened?" The woman asked in a concerned voice, noticing the blood and bruises. She then took a second to yell at the other woman, with her boyfriend, "You are a bitch! Can't you see she is hurt? Did you even ask what happened?"

The other woman turned bright red, first in anger, then, looking at my cuts and bruises, in embarrassment.

Now her and her boyfriend both stared at me, and I could feel my own face heat up.

"I...was riding along and all the sudden I fell down the hill," I told the lady. "When I got to the bottom, I...well, it took a few minutes, but I noticed my shorts...I don't know what happened to them..." I said between sniffles, and realized I was crying again.

The boyfriend shot a glare at his girlfriend, then took off his shirt.

"Here," he said, handing it to me. He didn't look too bad shirtless. "Sorry about my girlfriend," he said, shooting her another glare. "She gets a bit jealous."

The girlfriend looked at the ground, mumbled something that sounded like an apology.

I took the shirt, wrapped it around my leg.

"Dear," the older lady said. "That is..." She stopped, then pulled the shirt off and wrapped it around my waist. "You must be in shock."

I did feel a bit...something.

"We need to get you to the hospital," she told me.

"But, I am going to the park...whatever that building is, with all the park employees."

"No dear, we just need to get you to a hospital, to get those wounds looked at."

The man spoke up. "I can take her." His girlfriend nodded, then said, "I am really sorry, for thinking...something like that..."

Soon, the couple and the older lady were almost arguing over who would take me. Finally, the young couple took me, probably because the girl was feeling guilty. We went to the hospital, where the doctor gave me a shot to help with the pain, and a couple stitches. The girlfriend came back with a pair of shorts and handed them to me. "Sorry again..." she said. I took them, slipped them on, and left. The couple gave me a ride back to my place. I went in, settled down on the couch, and tried not to move my leg as I watched some tv. Not the best way to expose myself, not when I get hurt to get away with it, was thrilling, to get away with it.

Maybe it was better to have "accidents".

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