Ram your cock up this horse's ass

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Strangely, although you've never had a hard on for bestiality, you damn sure wanna fuck this stud.

You grab a nearby log and put it behind the horse. Stepping up on it, you take off your pants, and force your rock hard cock up the horse's ass.

The immediate sensation is AMAZING. The horse, however, doesn't seem to agree, and clamps down on your cock, trapping it in its ass.

You pull and tug, but to no avail. You're stuck. You call to the girl for help, but she completely ignores you.

Scared, you grab the horse by the balls and give a little squeeze. It lets up. You start to pull out, but as you do it tightens again. You push in a little and the horse's ass quivers around your cock. The initial ram must have scared him because this horse definatly wants it!

You start to bang its ass, thrusting and pulling and yanking its tail. He contracts his ass with every motion, its legs giving with every movement. This erotic sexual experience has you banging harder than ever before. Slamming in and out of its ass at record speed, you can feel both you and him coming to orgasm. You explode with every drop of cum you have, firing deep within the horse's ass, as it spits strings of hot cum all over the ground. Collapsing on the horse, you pull your cock out.

Looking up, you see the girl standing striaght up with her hands together staring at you smiling. The horse turns around and says, "MY TURN!"

It kicks you over the log and mounts you.

Do you:


Health Horny Location:

Forest Outside Town

MP 0
Level 1
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