"go back with me."

From Create Your Own Story

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(Created page with '"...go back with me. Let's go." Dax went over to the transporter while Smiley prepared the controls. "Watch your back Smiley," Julian said as the pair beamed away into the other…')
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*[[Yes she waits for Smiley|Yes]]
*[[Yes she waits for Smiley|Yes]]
*[[No she doesn't wait for Smiley|No]]
*[[No she doesn't wait for Smiley|No]]
{{Jadzia_Status|Equipment=''Uniform, Tricorder''}}
{{Jadzia_Status|Equipment=''Uniform, Tricorder''|Location=''Outside the holosuite''}}
[[Category: Star Trek: Jadzia's Adventure]]
[[Category: Star Trek: Jadzia's Adventure]]

Current revision as of 15:28, 8 October 2012

"...go back with me. Let's go." Dax went over to the transporter while Smiley prepared the controls.

"Watch your back Smiley," Julian said as the pair beamed away into the other universe.

When they arrived in ops, there was no one there except for a couple obviously fucking down in the engineering access.

Jadzia went over to the science station to scan the station for William Stockton while Miles kept guard.

"I'm scanning for a residual transdimensional transporter signature like our own. It looks like there is one signature in the holosuite."

"Good, before we go, I'm going to change into a more fitting uniform," Smiley said. He replicated a uniform identical to the one Chief O' Brien wore, he then changed in the corner.

"How do I look?"

"Fantastic - as long as we don't run into the Chief on the way."

"I'll keep that in mind," he said sarcastically.

They rode the turbolift to the Promenade level but not at the Promenade in fear of running into the Chief. Dax walked in front while Miles followed behind. Dax had just turned a corner when she saw the Chief coming towards her down the hallway! She quickly gave a gesture towards Smiley who immediately took off in order not to be seen.

"Lieutenant! Julian was looking for you earlier, where have you been?"

"Oh, me? I was investigating the phenomenon."

"Yes, but where?"

"Oh, ops and elsewhere."

"Must have missed ya. I was working on the broken lights in the access but I left that to two of my staff."

"Well, good luck!"

"You as well, oh and be sure to find Julian!"

Finally, the awkward conversation ended and the Chief walked away. Dax waited until he was gone and looked around for Smiley but he was nowhere to be found. She walked to the holosuite, past all the sex and drinking taking place in Quark's, but Smiley wasn't there either.

Does she wait for Smiley?

Equipment Uniform, Tricorder
Location Outside the holosuite
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