From Charizards Info
Welcome to the pokedex. Where we have all your informatin on each pokemon individually. From #1 - #493.
Charmader #4
Charmeleon #5
Charizard #6
Squirtle #7
Wartortle #8
Blastoise #9
Caterpie #10
Metapod #11
Butterfree #12
Weedle #13
Kakuna #14
Beedrill #15
Pidgey #16
Podgeotto #17
Pidgeot #18
Raticate #20
Spearow #21
Fearow #22
Ekans #23
Arbok #24
Pikachu #25
Raichu #26
Sandshrew #27
Sandslash #28
Nidoran-F #29
Nidorina #30
Nidoqueen #31
Nidoran-M #32
Nidorino #33
Nidoking #34
Clefairy #35
Clefable #36
Vulpix #37
Ninetails #38
Jigglypuff #39
Wigglytuff #40
Zubat #41
Golbat #42
Oddish #43
Gloom #44
Vileplume #45
Paras #46
Parasect #47
Venonat #48
Venomoth #49
Diglett #50
Dugtrio #51
Meowth #52
Persian #53
Psyduck #54
Golduck #55
Mankey #56
Primeape #57
Growlithe #58
Arcanine #59
Poliwag #60
Poliwhirl #61
Poliwrath #62
Abra #63
Kadabra #64
Alakazam #65
Machop #66
Machoke #67
Machamp #68
Bellsprout #69
Weepinbell #70
Victreebel #71
Tentacool #72
Tentacruel #73
Geodude #74
Graveler #75
Golem #76
Ponyta #77
Rapidash #78
Slwpoke #79
Slowbro #80
Magnemite #81
Magneton #82
Farfetch'd #83
Doduo #84
Dodrio #85
Seel #86
Dewgong #87
Grimer #88
Muk #89
Shellder #90
Cloyster #91
Gastly #92
Haunter #93
Gengar #94
Onix #95
Drowzee #96
Hypno #97
Krabby #98
Kingler #99
Voltorb #100
Electrode #101
Exeggcute #102
Exeggutor #103
Cubone #104