Start at 'American Princess'; customers easily some of the dumbest people in the mall.

From Create Your Own Story

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Grimicing you take a deep breath and step into 'American Princess'. The hot pink everywhere burns your eyes like staring into a sequin covered sun, everything sparkles with glitter and cheap plastic. You scan the horrible store quickly, you've got to find someone to take out your rage and disgust on. Thankfully the store is busy and a few targets jump out immediately.

In one aisle you see a teenage girl with her boyfriend, chattering mindlessly as he looks homocidally bored. He squirms and fidgets restlessly, obviously agitated and repressing some serious anger, only held here by the girls skanky hotness. She's got long curly blonde hair and skintight top and shorts with the words 'DRAMA KWEEN' written on the ass. This boys just ready to pop and could be useful in taking down this dolled up bitch.

By the changing room you see a mother and daughter, the girl in her mid teens. The mother, a tacky suburbanite with bleached hair and fake boobs giggles and cheers as her little slut in training poses in a variety of skanky teen clothes with TART and LITTLE TEASE in glitter. The two make you wretch and probably should be taken out on principle alone.

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