See if you can hitch a lift

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:24, 21 November 2010 by Biocraze (Talk | contribs)
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You quickly decide that the best course of action is to probably hitch a lift from somebody else... Question is who? Several choices fill your head as you think it through carefully. I mean first of all you could try and ask your dad's friend Al for a lift, he only lives down the road after all... Then again theres also your old boss Pattchett from the small clothing store downtown, chances are he hasnt left yet to go there, after all, he usually overslept.

You could also try hitching a lift randomly by thumbing it, not the most safe of ideas but its still there. Finally theres calling up the family phone for a lift but who knows what sort of trouble you could get into by calling them...

Who to go for?

Or do you want to try a different idea?

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