Rock back onto your dick even harder

From Create Your Own Story

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No one really knows this but you and Michelle are neighbors and at one point even friends,you admit that was way back when you were in elementary school and even if the two of you don't really spend time anymore you always considered her to be a friend. Even when you know that you don't rate high up on her priority list you like to think that she does have a soft spot for you or at leas you hope so.

What possessed you to do what you just did you have no idea but you are not letting this chance pass you as you pull Michelle to your chest an action that made her groan as you began massassing her breasts and occasionally tugging and pinching them. As much as both of you love the position that you are in now,you realize that neither one of you are going to get off so you put your hands under her legs and lift them as Michelle screams out loud as you go deeper within her and you quietly tell her "Don't make so much noise otherwise people are going to come looking",as Michelle whips her head around so fast that you thought you were going to ger whiplashed and she startlingly said "Ryan?" You didn't say anything as you turned her to face you,however,the brief moment of lost contact didn't go so well with Michelle and she sighed with relief once you were back inside of her and she nuzzled her face in the crook of your neck as the two of you somehow managed to get up against the small wall and she grabbed the loose brick and held onto it hard as you lifted her up and began pounding into her like a starving man about to die,when you replied "Yeah,it's me so what about it?" as you hit a particularly spot and Michelle bited down her lip that she broke skin and you leaned over and kissed it away as you gave a final shove that sent both of you over the edge and you dropped into Michelle's arms. You said "I figured that at least once that l could pretend that l was the kind of guy that you liked,l mean l know that l don't have a snowball's chance in hell but at least for little whlie we could pretend that we were the same kids who used to play in your backyard" as you button up your pants and turned to walk away when Michelle's tone stopped you in your tracks when she said "I hated the fact that l couldn't come to you anymore l mean you are my best friend but once we hit middle school everything." "Yeah,instead of simply being yourself,you gave it all up to be this ditzy,flaky girl who was concerned more about boys and the latest fashion to even see..",no you swore that you never tell her how much it hurt to see your friendship crumble and you closed your eyes trying to stem the flow of tears burning to be let out when you felt an hand on your cheek to see Michelle in front of you wiping your teary eyes,"To see what,Ryan",when a voice that you hated more than anything was heard "Looky what we have here,boys,Cryin' Ryan" and you cast your eyes at the intruder to see it was Cam Mitchell and his flock of sheep. "Cam,please,we are having a dicussion here",Michelle said sharply. "Well then",Cam said,"we won't be going then as l want to talk to Ryan here too" and the only word you could think of was "Fuck".

Status Health - 115 Gender - Male Social Group - Nerd Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Equipment Backpack,calculator,schoolbooks and notebooks

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