Get dressed and go to the airport!

From Create Your Own Story

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You run into your bathroom, pull on a thong and bra, then comb your hair. You pull up a pair of jeans, a tank top, and a coat. You throw all of your clothes, and various soaps and hair supplies, into a big bag. You look on your bed, chuckle, and toss the condoms in too. You step into your favorite flip flops, then get onto an airport-bound bus.

You check your bag, then throw your carry-on through the security check. You put your shoes in too, then step through the metal detector. It flashes red.

"Ma'am, could you please take your coat off?" says the lady on the other side. You nod, and walk back through the metal detector. You see the man behind you. He has dark brown hair and dark eyes. He smiles at you, and you blush, depositing your jacket into a tray. You step into the metal detector again, and it once more flashes red. "Your shirt, Mam". You look around. The man behind you is blushing and looking away. He takes a peek, and you give him a thumbs up. He gives a nervous laugh, and you turn away from him to lift off your top. The chilly air touches your belly, and you hurry through the detector. The lady hands you your stuff, and you yank your top on.

You have time to kill.


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