Drop a chandelier on top of them
From Create Your Own Story
Revision as of 19:19, 31 May 2010 by Awesomedude (Talk | contribs)
You use a plasma knife to cut the chandelier cord, and it falls on them, and kills them all. The other kittehs return. "What happened, Super-Kitteh?" said Bat-Kitteh.
Do you:
"Some robbers broke in, and I killed them with the chandelier."
[["These are my friends, we were playing a board game called, "What's the craziest thing you could do?", you have to think of what the craziest thing you would do to get something is, and then, you have to act it out. I said,"What's the craziest thing you would do to get my awesome kitteh stuff?", and they said," Rob your place.", then, I thought they were real robbers and dropped this chandelier on them."]]