Go to the fifth Level.
From Create Your Own Story
You step for the first time on the floor of Level five. Despite yourself you feel a rush of overpowering fear, inherit in this walls, made of obsidian stone. This is the last of the floors with chambers, Level six being the forbidden Catacombs. As you look at the doors, you know what lies behind them; demons. Here, deepest in the Earth, is where Hell itself is granted leave, where only the bravest strongest, foulest Satanists dare venture. You hope you are so bold.
To your left is the Chamber of Birth. In the olden days, Satanists impregnated virgins with Demon seed to bring about the Anti-Christ. Now scientests use the Chamber to create Hybrid demons, a group of hunters locate humans that show remarkable stregth, then inseminate them with mixed Demon cum, and then observe the results. You hear most of the results of this are abominations that quickly die, but you've also heard rumors about powerful hybrids that one day might lead armies of your people in the Apocolypse. You've never seen the results yourself...
To your right is the Chamber of Pleasure. You've only met one person who came back from the room. and she was never the same again. Apparently a Demon sex organ crossed over into our world, and has been in the mansion for decades. Any contact with it begins a nearly endless orgy of penetration and unbelievalbe sexual pleasure, so great most are destroyed or forever damaged by the onslaught. You're not sure if you can handle it...
In front of you is the Chamber of Her. Her is the Queen, Vladimir's dark wife. Nobody has ever seen the Wife of the Master of the Cult, nobody knows if she is human or not. Entering this domain would probably mean instant death...or worse.
The door to the Catacombs is sealed magically.