Naked- Look out over the landscape

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:55, 15 February 2010 by JoeBloggs (Talk | contribs)
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You stride out across the wreckage and stand atop the pinnacle of the mountain to look at this new world you find yourself in, hair streaming out behind you gloriously, naked as the day you were born.

Out to your left, in what is probably the West, there's an ocean, with a river trailing down to it from the mountain you find yourself on. To your right is some kind of chasm, a big dark crack in the land. Right in the centre of both of them is a vast city, sprawling across the green, hilly landscape.

And, last but not least, right down at the bottom of the mountain is some kind of shepherd, pointing up at your naked body and laughing fit to kill himself.

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