Approach the man and offer him help

From Create Your Own Story

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Against your better judgement, you approach the man and call out to him.

"Do you need any help sir?"

He groans and turns; you are only feet away from him. In the half-second before he moves, you know something is horribly wrong: his head rests on his shoulder and his chest has several gaping holes in it. His mouth is caked with dry blood. With a surprising agility, he launches himself at you, his mouth emitting a low moan. Surprising yourself, you fall back a step. Raising your hand, you wait until his face- mouth opened wide in a silent scream- is inches from your own before you slam your palm into his nose, shoving the cartiledge into his brain. The man collapses, clearly dead. At this point, it becomes quite obvious to you, even with your temporarily reduced mental capacity, that something is wrong. Turning back, you head for the stairwell, praising your luck and hoping you will not have another such encounter.

Approach the stairwell

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