PN/Ask them to record you with their phones

From Create Your Own Story

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The two 7th graders silently watch you stroke your pussy. There is no way you're not the first girl they've ever seen naked in person, you wonder if they'll tell their friends? You imagine the next time Drew has a sleepover at your house. Will all his friends be imagining you doing this? Will they ask for another performance? If they did, would you? How would it feel to strip in front of your brother and all of his friends? You feel your pussy getting wetter at the thought.

Sadly, you decide they're unlikely to even believe Drew or Mike, the whole story sounds too crazy to be real. You're experiencing it right now and it still feels like its just a dream. You wish there was some way to make sure this fantasy remains a reality. A buzzing sound breaks your daydream as you look over at Mike, who pulls his phone from his pocket. He quickly types a message and puts it back in his pocket. You get an idea!

"Hey wait, can you get your phone back out. Drew, you too please." You say, momentarily stopping your idle rubbing. You sit up straight and close your legs to talk to them.

Mike gets his out right away, but Drew asks the obvious question, "Why?"

You pause for a second, before blurting out, "Because I want you to record me to show to your friends!" Your face blushes red at the confession. The boys eyes get wide, but Drew proceeds to get out his phone.

Before they do anything else, Drew asks, "Are you sure sis? You want all of my friends to see you like this?"

Again you hesitate. This could ruin your reputation if the videos and pictures get spread. Everyone will know you're an exhibitionist slut. Is this really a good idea?

You could change your mind and say no. This is going too far. You could confirm your answer and say yes. You want this exposure to last forever.

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