Option One w/ everybody.

From Create Your Own Story

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"Fuck yeah, option one it is!" you'll practically blurt out, "Holy shit dude, did she just put down she wants to get gangbanged?" the boys will giggle out of sheer nerves before Reggie will answer back a bit dumbfounded. "You're jerking our chain, right?"

You'll be a bit more self-conscious, but you'll stick to your guns. "Hell yeah, you're all fucking chads and I'm wet as fuck... Are you gonna leave me hanging?" A unanimous sound of negative grumbling with roll from their lips. And they hop up and follow Reggie who will toss you his vest and lead them into the woods.

You'll spend most of the walk, checking out each of the boys. The scraggly-haired blonde with the small bull ring and the nice butt will stay in front of her, and the chubby one that smells funny in all black will stay behind her.

"Yo Perk, how are we gonna figure out who goes first?" Reggie will call out as they hit an immaculate clearing. A short-haired guy with full sleeve tattoos and a backwards ballcap, to your right, will answer "Fuck if I know man, I'm still trying to figure out why this fucking thot is coming out here to get poled by four dudes she just met."

Reggie will shut down the disrespect with a firm knowing look, that will have him very apologetic. "I wasn't trying to call you anything..."

"It's fine." you'll say as you wander off to find a spot free of branches and pebbles. "I can't honestly be anything other than a thot after this. So let me know if you want my number so we can hook-up on the reg after."

You'll turn back when you find a suitable spot you like and kick off your shoes, and slide them into your backpack with the rest of her clothes. "But it is what it is," you'll slide down your shorts and your underwear over her hips and they will reveal your unshaven muff. You'll run your hand over your moist hole before rubbing your clit and making sure any stray hairs aren't sticking to anything.

The boys will watch as you turn back to them now completely naked. "I'm doing this because.."

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Skateboard, Backpack, chalk, sweaty top, stained bra.

Status Nervous, Horny, Thirsty, Half-Naked
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
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