Spy on the locker rooms while waiting

From Create Your Own Story

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With the benefit of all of Jared's juicy information you decide to have a little fun. You find the utility closet Jared uses to access the attic. The closet has cleaning supplies and connects to both locker rooms but has huge deadbolts on both doors, but Jared knew that the catch for the lock on the boys' side was loose so it could be jimmied open. You go in, close the door behind you and climb the ladder to the attic. From here you can look through the vents in the wall and see several sections of both locker rooms. A number of vents have noticeable crusty white deposits on the wall under them, obviously where Jared or perhaps some other boy had unloaded. The bigger dried cum messes are the ones that look into the showers, both boys' and girls', but the biggest mess was at the vent facing Katy and Shannon's lockers.

A scan of George's memory tells you it's common- too common- for the young girls to make googly eyes at him and try to flirt. Because the swim team has no other coaches, and no female coaches, he was accepted in the girls' locker room under certain conditions. He had to go in only when necessary, warn when coming in and keep his eyes as high as possible, or risk a complaint and nasty inquiry by the school board; he avoided going in as much as possible. But when George did go in, there would always be a girl or two that would try to come make flirty small talk, usually in a bra or less and often topless or occasionally naked, and it took all the willpower he had to keep his eyes up and his mind clean, lest the front of his pants betray him. From here, though, he could feast his eyes with reckless abandon, even leaving some spunk that he could blame on Jared if he ever had to. You make a mental note to leave Coach Hanks up here when you leave his body so he learns about it for himself.

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