No, insist on going to class

From Create Your Own Story

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You shook your head, a firm 'no'. You'd missed so many of Johnsons classes you had no idea how you were still passing his class. Thank god for your freaky magic abilities. Alex's pout grew in intensity until he threw an arm around your shoulder, twisting his face into an exaugurated agony.

"How dare you force me to make good life choices. How. Very. Dare you." He chuckles as you push him away, clearly no hard feelings. Very clearly as he enters the hall and winks towards professor Johnsons direction. God the guy is one horny bastard. The hall is massive in size, it being the main duelling and casting hall in the castle, it really had to be. The raised seats were reasonably comfy, and allowed for an excellent amount of leg room. A college students wet dream. You could probably fit a whole person under the desks if you really wanted to. You and Alex took your customary seats at the back of the class, far enough away for Johnson not to be such a distraction for Alex. Puling out your wand, you set it down on you desk as you waited for the class to start.

Johnson grabbed everyone's attention with a loud bark from the front. He was an older man, maybe 50, with wispy grey hair and moustache to match. The students always said he looked like Dumbledore if he was grumpy and on steroids. He spoke with authority, and followed through with any punishment he threatened on his students.

"Now! We're going to go over the bare essentials for thasing through objects-", a loud groan sounded from every student brave enough to dare. Like you said. Same class every week. Alex set up shop next to you, dreamily eyeing up Johnson and sparking a cigarette with a fluid click of his fingers. Smoking was prohibited - completely. If you were reported more than twice it was immediate expulsion. You shrugged, boredly focusing in on the lecture until you did a double take, eyes widening. Freaking out maybe a little, you tried to grab for the offending item, but were easily parried by Alex as he stretched his arm away from you, not even looking in your direction. Following his line of sight as he let a small trail of smoke emerge from his mouth, he was staring directly at Johnson, who stared back. It was as though they were having their own conversation.

After a second, it was over. Johnson continued on with his repetitive spiel, and Alex smirked, stubbing out the barley touched cigarette against the desk and giving you a shit eating grin. Cat who got the cream came to mind when you looked at how pleased with himself he was. Johnson continued: "To know how to phase, you must first know how to opaque an object..." "You're such an idiot." You couldn't help dashing him with the insult. The man had a death wish...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

By the time the lecture was over, you were ready to go for dinner like everyone else. You grabbed Alex and tried pulling him quickly out of the door as if that would stop him being reprimanded somehow. As you were half way out the door, a rough grip tightened around your shoulder.

"And where are you off in such a hurry?" Johnsons beady eyes stared down, glaring almost.

"Just wanted to skip the lines for food, sir" Alex chipped in, drawing the professors attention onto him.

"Not you Alex, you stay here - your friend can go on without you" He snarled, shoving you out of the door unceremoniously, and closing the door behind. You were left on your own in the hall, with nothing much to do.

Reluctantly wait outside for Alex

Leave and go see one of the other siblings

Go and grab some food from the cafeteria

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